Advertising Strategy for Vogue e-book edition, new paradigm


Vogue is one of the best fashion magazines in the world, has long history and shows newest fantasy world to women in the world by every month. From the world publishing market has been met changing, magazine companies should prepare this revolution for existence. So, this plan includes how to Vogue should deal with E-Book market, which will be a new paradigm, and new marketing strategy in online advertising related to e-book.


Target Audience.

Main target audience of this strategy is 20-30 young female who has interesting in fashion, style, and trend. Or, the target group is career women who have enough purchasing power to buy products from the magazine. This is tradition target audience group and the new strategy wants them to have compatibility with electronic and mobile devices. More than a half of cell phone users in US own smart phone in 2012 and some of them have other mobile devices such as iPad, Kindle, and any other tablet. These devices provide User Interface that is easy to use; so most target audience group will deal with it easily.


KPI. (Key Performance Indicators)

The most important indicator of this strategy is download/view counts of e-book by smartphone, tablet device. E-book is main product of this strategy and main revenue source to earn profit. Also, number of regular subscription is important. Or brand awareness is another good indicator to judge performance. These indicators are for product profits.

Advertising performance indicators are click per cost. Vogue Advertisings will be appeared on famous fashion blogs, e-book seller shops, and marketing on social media services. So, it is able to calculate how many visitors on those sites have visited Vogue homepage and


Big Idea.

Main profit resource of magazine is product advertisings in magazine. So, subscription number is important indicator to decide advertising cost. In e-book, it is able to provide more purchasing information through link service. It can be direct link of product, review, or recommendation by professional fashion advisor. So, purpose of this new online advertising strategy is to expand services, communication with readers and position as connector between fashion industry and buyers. For this, it needs online advertising through SNS, certain credible book market and blogger.


Tools & Tactics 

Apple owns App Stores. Google owns Google Play. Amazon owns Amazon bookstore. Also, they provide diverse e-book reader apps. E-book reading environment has been created and just needs more development from it. Al Gore’s e-book ‘Our Choice’ by Push Pop Press is good example of e-book*. It contains high quality of photos and videos that paper book can’t provide. Link to product included will increase advertising profit of Vogue.

For increasing subscription, new strategy suggests two kinds of advertising methods. First one is Word of Mouth advertising on social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. This advertising promotes number of shares information about Vogue and Vogue e-book. So, it brings out increasing awareness of Vogue e-book. Or, it provides some commodities such as e-book devices or free monthly access to Vogue e-book.

Other advertising methods are direct advertising on famous blog, Google AD, and advertising on e-book sellers. We know some famous fashion blogger and they have a big influence on online fashion people society. Also, the blogger will like it, if Vogue advertises on their blog. From Google AD, it is available to connect Internet users who are interested in fashion, but not on fashion blog. In the last, e-book readers should go through e-book seller sites. So, if Vogue has advertising on those sites, readers will notice information about Vogue e-book edition.



 Estimated budget for 6 months $60,000. $40,000 will be used for direct advertising on blog, Google AD, and e-book sellers. Especially, advertising on e-book sites will be cost most of it. Since, advertising appears on main page. $20,000 is estimated for SNS advertising. It includes cost of employees, commodities such as mobile devices and cost for SNS providers such as promotion on Facebook.

 Half of budget will be planned to consume in first 2 months to increase awareness and promotion efficiency.




Publishing industry is on a decade of changing. E-book edition of magazine will be used more than now in the future and most people will follow this phenomenon. It is also available to provide more information than tradition book, which means availability to increase advertising profit on magazine.

So, this strategy includes methods to increase e-book edition awareness on online and how to measure efficiency of this advertising. The results of this strategy will be a background of Vogue’s leading in e-book industry. 



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