Achieving Successful PR Through Social Media

Save The Red Cedar DucksDuck flying

My page acts to preserve the Red Cedar River's health, by explaining the damages that result from feeding the wild Ducks living along the river's banks. The Red Cedar river Ducks are suffering, because of passing students' tendancy to feed them year round. Save the Red Cedar Ducks works to improve this situation by providing the MSU community with information that describes the harm that results from feeding wild animals. 

Positive Comments from Supporters

Thank you for your support. The Red Cedar River is a vital asset to Michigan State’s campus, wildlife and history. With your assistance we can work to make the river a safe and hospitable place for ducks to live. 

Negative comments from opponents

I am sorry for the confusion. This page’s only aim is to preserve the Red Cedar River’s native duck population by spreading facts, and gathering support. I hope you find this site to be more useful in the future. Thank you for your concern. I can also anticipate negative comments by tracking issues carefully. In his useful guide for monitoring your brand, Dave Linabury suggests tracking alerts on multiple networks using Social Mention.

Media Questions

To keep any intersted media outlets updated on this important loacl issue, I would compose an online newsroom. In the newsroom I would supply contact information for possible questions or interviews. Part of the newsroom would also have my page's history to provide further background information. Any fact sheets that I posted on the my Facebook page would be included in the newsroom too.

How Would you Pitch a Blogger?

I would initially pursue a Blogger's help by searching the web for a Blog that was associated with nature or wildlife conservation, and subscribe to it. Next, I would contact the Blog's author and discuss my Blogs goals, history and the idea of him exclusively pitching my blog. My Facebook page is the only one didicated to saving the Red Cedar's Ducks. Adam Singer provides 20 ways to pitch a blogger, and his advice is well worth heeding. To increase their liklihood of the Blogger's acceptance, I'd also ensure to mention the traffic that my page offers his blog. Its goals will attract loads of attention from current MSU students, alumns, residents of East Lansing, and all who share a love for wildlife. 

Next Time You're On Facebook...

Try visiting Save the Red Cedar River Ducks, connect with the cause, and learn how simple it is to help our feathery friends. Like us (if you like us) too!