Hashtags and Tracking Social Media

Derek Mehraban's picture
Public Relations, Twitter

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HashTags are a great way to see what is up in the social media world. Do you know where the #hashtag came from?

"On August 23, 2007, the Twitter hashtag was born. Invented by Chris Messina (then with the consulting firm Citizen Agency, now an open web advocate for Google), the first tweet with a hashtag read as follows: “how do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?”" from Gigacom.

A lot has happened since that day. Sites have popped up related to HashTags. There have been thousands of tags that allow people to communicate.

Here are some top Hashtags from Twitter in 2010:

  1. #rememberwhen
  2. #slapyourself
  3. #confessiontime
  4. #thingsimiss
  5. #ohjustlikeme
  6. #wheniwaslittle
  7. #haveuever
  8. #icantlivewithout
  9. #thankful
  10. #2010disappointments

Do you have a favorite Hashtag? What are your thoughts on this form of communication. Share your #BigIdeas in a comment on this blog post. #Happy #Hashtagging oh and #GoGreen

Comments & Feedback


Hashtag is like the icing on the cake it just sums up or adds on to what your trying to say. #yoked is always a great one


God bless Chris Messina and the invention of the #Hashtag 



I think hashtags are the coolest. I don't love them enough to name my kid hashtag (see Yahoo), but they are really great in organizing alot of people at once. The coolest hashtag that I've seen was this past Black Friday for the Disney Store. The hashtag was #fairygodmother. When people used this hashtag after a question about a product, someone from the Disney Store team would answer it. Cool to use brand assocations like the Fairy Godmother.


In my opinion hashtags can be pretty cool as long as they are used in the right context.  Twitter for example is a totally acceptable place to use hashtags.  Unfortunatly, there is a whole bunch of people who seem to think using hashtags on facebook posts and comments is a good idea.  It really bothers me when people use hashtags on Facebook, because it doesn't do anything on Facebook.  You can't look up the hashtags like you can on Twitter, so why are people using hashtags on Facebook?  This is a question that may never be answered, and I am sure that people will continue to use hashtags incorrectly.


Hashtags have kind of become twitter. You see them on other social network sites, websites and I even find them in text messages. However, there is always at least one person who comments, "this isn't twitter" which ultimately brings it back to them. It's crazy how much hashtags have evolved and become such an influential part of one of the most popular social networks. The most intriguing part of the hashtag is how it groups everything together and has a way of uniting subgroups. I have participated in several Michigan State related hashtags. Not only are they funny because you can relate to the subgroup, but you also gain followers and start following current MSU students and alumni who you have the potential to build longstanding relationships with.




I think hashtagging is a wonderful idea that has added the extra element to Twitter that made it so popular amongst all ages.  Companies can also use this to their advantage for their marketing departments, customer service or a specific product.  By creating a stream of infomation that all relates to the same keyword is such a brilliant idea!  My favorite way to use hashtags is when I want to add an emotion behind my text.  For example, I would say, "Such a long day #drained".  I think it gives twitter a fun element but also a way of universal communication linked to key words!  #GOGREEN!


hashtags have evolved from twitter to touch all aspects of social media. I see people using hashtags on facebook, instagram, and even linkedin posts on occasion. It is amazing to see how big of an impact such a little symbol can and has had. Some of my favorite hashtags revolve around days of the week, so #tbt for throw back thursday and #selfiesunday, which relate a lot to instagram but on twitter I enjoy #thingsguyssay and #GoGreen of course. The power of the # is astounding and I like how you can put almost anything following a # and make it relevant.


I really enjoy humorous hastags. Such as "#replacebandnameswith" or "#upgradedrapnames". It allows me to use twitter as a platform for my jokes, lame or not. Twitter has reached such high popularity, that there is an option to integrate your tweets with your Facebook profile. I try to keep the two separate, but I do have my twitter name on my Facebook profile.

Lastly, one thing I have noticed about celebrities on Twitter is they tend to have patterns to their tweets, usually depending on the time of the day. If you're trying to get a mention or a re-tweet, focus on their tweeting habits for a few days, and notice what times they send out tweets.


While I have no favorite hashtags, it's crazy to me how twitter has grown, from being a place for businesses to connect with customers to friends connecting with each other. Still, a lot of the trends on Twitter have to do with TV shows or major events -usually sponsorships- that are taking place. It's a great way to better a company's relations with the public. Today, I saw #MNF and #8Sacks for football, great publicity for the NFL and network television. 



I think my favorite hashtag has to be #mymomhatesitwhen because the creativity of what some people post after that is usually very humorous. This is essentially how #shitmydadsays got started. Yes it was a Twitter but eventually other Tweeters adopted it and took it to the next level with their own funny accounts. It's awlays strange to see people posting responses to #mymomhatesitwhen because you realize how similiar to you really are to other people. 


I think using hashtags is a great way to link people in the twitter world together.  Whether people share the same feelings or they go to the same school, hashtags can take two different people and connect them in some sort of way.  When I was taking my CAS 110 class, my professor had a twitter handle and a hashtag for the class.  We live tweeted during class and he read them out loud.  Not only did this make the class extemely fun and interactive, but it also helped me get to know the people in my class, which made it easier for when we had to split off into groups.  I still keep in touch with some of the people in that class and I owe it all to the hashtag.


It's really interesting to learn how the first hashtag came to be and what it's original purpose was. I don't think many people realize that it was created for tracking purposes. From my personal experience with Twitter I have come to find that people exhaust the use of hashtags. I don't think it's necessary to include one in every single tweet- only when you know it could be a trending word/phrase. From a business perspective hashtags are really an effective way to monitor trends and learn ways to connect with your target audience. In addition, I find it annoying that people use hashtags when using Facebook- the hashtag is completely unnecessary and ineffective. When I have to compose Facebook status' and tweets for my internship on Hootsuite, I make sure not to use a hashtag if I am making my tweet the same as my Facebook status. From a business side of it, you have to know how to appropriately use each medium. It's really interesting to learn how the first hashtag came to be and what it's original purpose was. I don't think many people realize that it was created for tracking purposes. From my personal experience with Twitter I have come to find that people exhaust the use of hashtags. I don't think it's necessary to include one in every single tweet- only when you know it could be a trending word/phrase. From a business perspective hashtags are really an effective way to monitor trends and learn ways to connect with your target audience. In addition, I find it annoying that people use hashtags when using Facebook- the hashtag is completely unnecessary and ineffective. When I have to compose Facebook status' and tweets for my internship on Hootsuite, I make sure not to use a hashtag if I am making my tweet the same as my Facebook status. From a business side of it, you have to know how to appropriately use each medium. 



I found this article particularly interesting to me because I have always wondered why the hashtag is used in Twitter and how it came about. It is so crazy to me that one person started this huge phenomenon. I really didn’t quite understand the proper use of the Twitter hashtag until I became an avid Twitter user over the summer. Now I understand the trends and I think it is such a great form of communication. You are able to see who else has posted the similar tweets as you, able to see fun trends and can even see who all is tuning into the same show as you (#KimKWedding).

Even though I really appreciate the whole hashtag “phenomenon” I do have some pet peeves when it comes to them. Hashtags should be used sparingly; it drives me crazy when people are using hashtags in every other tweet. I also hate when hashtags are used on Facebook. Twitter and Facebook are two different social media sites and Facebook statuses are not meant to updated constantly like Twitter. Twitter abbreviations, acronyms and initialisms that are obnoxious and ridiculous are also very annoying. Nobody knows what SYAD or AFAIK means, so please don’t tweet it thinking we all know what you are talking about. I actually found a funny site that shows the most annoying hashtag abbreviations.



Hash tags can be annoying but if you join twitter or even more commonly on facebook now you are consistanley running into this occurence. Many people chooose not to use or participate on these sights if they arent a fan of the trending. Hashtags can also play a role on business due to huge reach of the tag. Trends can vary from hourly to daily and it is quite fun to see the contents of how they are used.


This past weekend, I was able to witness the power of the hashtag first hand while attending the PRSSA National Conference in Orlando. @PRSSANational created its own hashtag, #PRSSANC, specifically for the conference. Using this hashtag, students could share not only their own thoughts on the various conference sessions but also post quotes and tips from session speakers to share with those who could not attend the conference. 

In my personal use of the #PRSSANC hashtag, I was able to find other conference attendees on Twitter as well as have my own tweets retweeted by universities around the nation. Hashtags are a great way to connect individuals all over the world based on similar interests, much as a Facebook “like” page does. However, the hashtag does an even better job of displaying conversation about conferences, products, companies and services when a standard hashtag is used.

Upon returning to MSU from the conference this past Tuesday, I was surprised to hear how many of my friends had seen my tweets using the #PRSSANC hashtag and searched the hashtag to see other attendees’ tweets. 

For any students interested in public relations, I encourage you to check out the hashtag and learn a little more about the conference. Also, if you would be interested in attending next year, please let me know!



I do not have a favorite hashtag because I don't go on Twitter enough to have one. I do however recognize that the hashtag is so commonly used nowadays. The most popular one that I have heard of is #winning (is it from Charlie Sheen?). Anyways, I think it is a cool and easy way to separate and manage content. It makes it easy for others to find certain information, and also easy for you to be seen by others. But as mentioned in other comments here, it seems like it is being slightly overused nowadays. They are so common that they are even used on Facebook, text messages, etc. even when the actual functionality of the hashtag isn't there. Eventhough they are overused, it doesn't bother me like it does other people.

Overall, hashtags are a really smart way to have something expressed to everyone and at the same time grouped into its own category. It's relevance when you need it (well, sometimes) and being able to easily find that information that you are looking for.


I feel that having a hashtag in your tweet is becoming the norm. Every single tweet that I see has a hashtag attached to it. I feel that they are being over used. Even the small couple of word tweets have a hashtag attached to it. For example I saw a tweet "Studying. #notcool" it was almost as if that person wrote the tweet just to use a hashtag. I feel that there is a time and a place for a hashtag. I that the use of hashtags should only be allowed if the tweet is insightful and about that topic.

One of the best things about twitter is having a trending conversations using the hashtag. But as mentioned there is a time and a place for that. From the top 10 list "#confesiontime" is the one that I have seen the most. Reading through those tweets they are very funny that everybody can releate to. I have been known to use two hashtags in the same tweet and sometimes even three. I would agree that at times it can be a little much but they relate to each of the trending coversations. Hashtagging has changed twitter for ever and will not be going anywhere anytime soon. I feel that hashtagging will only increase from here.


I have recently came across a new reason to love hashtags.  I have become the marketing & PR intern for The McKinney Foundation, and have a lot of work to do.  This foundation is not currently actively engaging the public through social media.  It is my first task to analyze and make recommendations for improvement in the social media aspect of the foundation, then to put it to action. 

To begin my analysis, I have done some research.  The McKinney foundation is dedicated to giving underserved Detroit and surrounding area residents knowledge and access to resources that will help them to make healthier lifestyle decisions.  Aside from assessing their presence on Google, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter, because of the hashtag, I can see if people are talking about them, and what they are saying!  It is going to take a key part in my analysis, recommendations, and final implementation of the digital marketing strategy.

An interesting fact that I have found in my research, #Detroit is hardly used!  Lions are actually getting broadcasted and winning, Tigers had a phenomenal season, Pistons are battling to be able to play...not to mention the attention that Detroit is getting about being the new creative hub city!


Hash taggings is a growing phenomenon. And people taking a little bit too much advantage of it. I have various twitter friends that I have deemed as #hashtaghappy. Quite frankly, I don't think many twitter users know how to properly use the hashtag feature. Personally, I do not think that the practice of hashtagging is particularly difficult or even necessary. At first, I though that the hashtag phenomenon was a way to segment tweets of related nature, in order for twitter users to search for other users of common interest and/or opinions. But the search application on twitter can return results of common tweets without the presence of a hastag. Hash tagging as become an epidemic among twitter users, with tweets of the weekend reading " going to the #bar for meet some #friends and #icantwait! #letsgetdrunk." When I come across a tag happy twitter followers, the first thing I do, if not unfollow them right away, is consider their bragging idiocy over twitter. There is no need to hastag one word, let alone an insignifcant word in a group of other insignifcant words. I completely understand the idea behind tagging #GoGreen, or tagging a classroom dicussion with #NMDL or #newmedia, but the hashtag has become so popular that it runs the risk of being ruined and rendered pointless. Let's keep the hashtagging to ideas that are significant, and leave the #hash #tagging #about #everything #that #isn't #to #the #people #who #don'tknowhow #to #use #twitter.


You make a great point in people abusing the hashtag feature of Twitter.  I love having the feature to assist me in creating a digital marketing strategy...but if it really becomes so over used, will it remain reliable? 

I found it interesting when I was looking at #Detroit...some professionals and companies used it to get the word out about events around the city.  Others used it just to shout-out.  For example, "If you're from #Detroit retweet".  I found myself slightly annoyed, and asking if this little tweet was really necessary.  Just an idea, though - as silly as it seems for people in Detroit to shout-out using the hashtag...those people actually put themselves out there, on Twitter, connecting themselves with the city, and I have quick and easy access to their profile.  Perhaps they have something that can help me with my organizations goals?  Or perhaps I can help them by offering the services that my organization specializes in?  I see an opportunity to turn this annoyance into engagement and profitability!


I am not very knowledgeable of hashtags. Earlier today when I was reading the this blog post, I googled what they were exactly. I found that it is a way to create a sort of buzz for the social people of the internet. Hash tags can become links to other websites information or other social network users. I always see them on facebook and twitter, but still am unsure as to how to use them. I did read from this website that it is annoying to enter more than one hashtag in one post. I can see how this would be beneficial to business to try to interact with consumers, but I personally don't see a reason to use them, unless it's on game day, I'd like to see everyones rants about whats goin' on with the game.


Cool to see where it came from!


I do not have a favorite Hashtag. Personally, I find hashtags somewhat annoying at this point. I feel this way because the use of hashtags have crossed over into casual conversations verbally and via text message. I understand the purpose of using it for business purposes and what not, but using it in everyday text message conversations and things of that nature are childish in my opinion. I would rather just have a normal conversation with someone without them using #______. However, sometimes they are entertaining to read on twitter, and they are useful to track things on twitter. When used correctly I am ok with it. I just feel like the hashtags should stay on twitter and out of my personal text message conversations and I will be a happy guy.


As a relatively new user of Twitter, I've come to enjoy using hashtags. I think it's a cool and clever way to end a Tweet. It gives the "Tweeter" the opportunity to close their Tweet with a quick, final message. It also offers you the chance to emphasize a point. That in itself is the nature of a hashtag. I've come to be so used to hashtagging that I find myself doing it on Facebook, where it really has no relevance, other than people recognizing it as the symbol from Twitter. All in all, I find hashtagging to be fun, impactful, and addicting!


When I first learned how to use twitter, I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that people would put a pound sign and then generally an emotion or some other random word behind it.

Well, I asked around about it, and I remember this one girl saying, "Oh I love twitter! I always am like ugh this homework is taking forever! hashtag #annoyed!" And from then, I started to use hashtags. It was awkward at first, but eventually I figured out that's how people could search for topics on twitter as well, and then hashtags really started to make sense. I still like to make up random hashtags, but sometimes I will tag something that a bunch of other people are tweeting about.

Overall, I think it is a really cool way to keep track of similiar topics and see what people from all over are talking about!


Having never used Twitter before this class, I am still getting the hang of hashtags and when its alright to use them (#twitternoob). From what I've noticed so far, hashtags are great for grouping Tweets together and its kinda interesting to see what other people say using that same hashtag. Sometimes I have a hard time choosing a hashtag... maybe a suggestion list would be cool? But I think the creativity of thinking of your own hashtag to use is also fun. Favorite hashtag is #peoplearestrange.


I think hashtags are a great way to gather related information and to measure Twitter performance. There have been several instances where I have personally gone through the popular hashtags or even interesting hashtags to see what other people are saying. It also allows people to have fun with it and get creative. Another aspect is that it allows companys to track their Twitter presence and response rates. Companies have used customized hashtags to spread their Twitter presence and it allows them then to go in to that hashtag and see what other people are saying about their products, company, etc. I really think this is one of the greatest things about Twitter and if it werent for the hashtag I think Twitter wouldn't be as popular as it is now. The reason is because it would be the same as the Facebook status update.


Hashtags are great because they can be used in so many different ways.  One way is to hashtag some current event, such as #golions.  It is fun sometimes to click on a hashtag like that and see what everyone all over twitter is saying about that topic.  Other interesting ones are hashtags such as #wheniwas13.  Those are fun to read if you have some time to kill because a lot of people can come up with interesting things to say there.  I think the best way to use them though is if it is not a common hashtag at all, but just a way to add a punchline to the tweet.  A good use of these I saw today was "This guy at work is using a portable cd player #StoneAgeSwag".  Anything that adds a little extra to the tweet.


Hashtags in and of themselves can be very useful tools. The real problem lies when people misunderstand or misuse hashtags. And sadly, it's many people claiming to be PR or social media professionals that misuse them the worst. Posting a link to a story with a broad hashtag is fine for a news outlet hoping to garner new readers, but for a personal account to share information in that way comes acrossed as generic and unfeeling. The hope in doing so is that it will attract people searching for those terms, but too often (probably 999 times out of 1,000) it attracts spammy accounts with 10's of thousands in the "Following" column and only a few thousand "Followers". These accounts are noise. They contribute nothing new, and exist only in hope that you'll follow them back and they can inundate you with their own misguided hashtags. There's not much value in gaining their "follow", and even less in following them back. Hashtags can be fun ways of organizing trends, but when they're used simply as a means of obnoxious self-promotion; they lose their worth, and lose it quickly.


I think hash tags are a great way to group things together.  My favorite hash tags are related to sporting events.  I love being able to search a hash tag about the game I am watching and see what people are currently saying about it.  I think that hash tags could be an industry standard for a long time to come.




Agree with you on searching sporting event hashtags. I enjoyed checking out what people were talking about the #Lions head coach Jim Schwartz after the altercation with the 49ers head coach. 


Although I have never used hashtags until taking this class, I think the idea is awesome.  It allows thoughts to be grouped together by category, obviously making search organization much more efficient.  It brings people together via like-minded thoughts who wouldn't have been connected prior to hashtags.  Although I have very little experience with them, #slapyourself is very entertaining.  I was disappointed that I could not find a good hashtag specific for producers in a program called Ableton Live that I use.  It would be helpful if more people trying to improve their skills in the program would start using a hashtag to give tips and thoughts rather than just general comments such as "This is hard".


Hashtags are cool but sometimes people use them too much. Not every tweet has to have a hashtag at the end. This post is interesting because I never knew how or why hashtags started. I don't think hashtags should be thought of as their own form of communication. Hashtags should be thought of as a part of a form of communication.


I think the use of the Hashtag is great for our industry. In terms of promoting a product or service, businesses can leverage themselves and effectively build their brand image by the use of Hashtags. Business should keep their Hashtags relevent and specific to their product or service. For example, Goodyear tires may have a new type of tire they are promoting with a tweet and use the Hashtag #goodyeartires. If this business simply uses #goodyear or #tires people will have a more difficult time connecting the Hashtag with the brand. The Hashtag brings a whole new dynamic to brand awareness via social media sites.


I personally love hash tags and have first handenly seen the effect of them while interning at the Metro Times this past summer. The Metro Times focuses on promoting events within metro Detroit and the greater Detroit area and was able to succeed this summer by utilizing Twitter. Twitter is a perfect outlet for hash tags because you are only allowed so many characters and a hash tag summarizes what you need to say in a few words. Hash tags can be very clever and witty as well, making it a very fun communication method to use. 


I personally love hash tags and have first handenly seen the effect of them while interning at the Metro Times this past summer. The Metro Times focuses on promoting events within metro Detroit and the greater Detroit area and was able to succeed this summer by utilizing Twitter. Twitter is a perfect outlet for hash tags because you are only allowed so many characters and a hash tag summarizes what you need to say in a few words. Hash tags can be very clever and witty as well, making it a very fun communication method to use. 


I think hashtags are a great, new form of communication. It makes it so easy for us to group similar bits of information and posts together and thus easier to find things in a search. I think its great when used on a fun level and great for business purposes as well. Personally, my favorite hashtag is #winning - because, well, who doesn't love winning?


I absolutely love Hashtags and their functionality. Not only can they serve as the witty one liner after a long tweet, but they can make it so much easier to monitor trending topics, and unite all twitter users. This is great news for up and coming businesses or products, and especially for aspiring PR specialists like myself. Searching for Hashtags allow me to see what's getting attention, and whether that attention is positive or negative. Hashtags are the reason why Twitter remains to be my favorite social media network. Unlike facebook, a twitter user can use Hashtags to get their tweets recognized by other twitter users that they may not follow or be followed by. 


It's interesting to me how Hashtags can often make or break a tweet. The the creation of the Hashtag is almost revolutionary in that a Hashtag can completely change the meaning behind a single post. Perhaps the best thing about Hashtags, in my opinion, is that they offer an easy and conveniet way to create niche yet informal communities. They also effectively create conversation that would otherwise not exist, as can be seen with trending topics. Hashtags such as #LoveLansing and #GoGreen a great for interacting with students and others in the Lansing area.


Hashtags have reinvented the way one uses twitter and social media.  It is a great way to link together conversations and ideas.  It can be used for a class to communicate just as we have in our New Media Drivers License class (#NMDL).  It also allows one to easily track an idea or an event that is going on without having to create a new username for every change.  I am curious to see what the next minute change will be that has such a predominant effect.  This has just become another way for individuals and/or companies to stay or get in touch with one another.


Hashtags to me are just another way to communicate and integrate all of our thoughts together in a unique way. They drive unique ways to express ourselves and our personalities, just as much as status updates on Facebook do. My favorite hashtags are those that actually make me click the links in order to see the amount of people that used that hashtag. They can be funny, serious, sad, or just those I have no idea about but seem interesting. This form of communication is a great way to start an idea or gain exposure in the social media world, and I believe that some marketing genius will figure out a way to integrate hashtags to manipulate us into buying a product, which has probably already happened 


HashTags are awesome. They've become integrated into the way we talk and communicate both on and offline. I get texts with HashTags in them. It's an amazing idea to have everyone who is thinking about something all put in the same place. I'm pretty sure my favorite HashTags are always something that are sarcastic. I always get a great kick out of what people make HashTags out of. My biggest HashTag pet peeve is when people type in very specific and long HashTags that no one else will have written. Example: #worstdayeverimsotiredandicantwaittogotosleepafteralltheseexams

I know that seems ridiculous, but I know people who do it, it drives me nuts! 


I never wanted anything to do with Twitter until I was forced into getting one for a class I took last Fall. We were not allowed to raise our hand in class or email our professor with any questions, instead we had to Tweet to the class hashtag to get our answers. It made it easy for other classmates to help answer questions and ease up on repitition. I also write for an online publication for Grand Ledge and hashtags help to find out what is going on in the community without making the drive multiple times a week.


I think that hashtags are a great idea. What I really like about hashtags and find them useful for is searching for news topics on twitter. If I am interested in finding a news article or other peoples thoughts on a topic I can just search the term on twitter and have thousands of results. I like that when using a hashtag it instantly categorizes my tweet with other similar tweets. Personally I do not have a favorite hashtag. I like browsing through popular hashtags to see what being said about a certain topic. It would be interesting to have more sites such as Facebook, Google News, Google Plus, and various blogs to start using hashtags and to be able to search across all of the sites for certain hashtags instead of just twitter.


I've always wondered where the #hashtag came from.  Before I had a twitter account, and when I was first exploring twitter, I had no idea what a hashtag was.  I would see people using the pound sign but I was too embarrassed to ask why they put a pound sign in front of a certain word or phrase.  Now that I am more into twitter, I love hashtags.  I think they are a great tool to connect people that are talking about the same thing.  Sometimes it is just fun to read what people are saying about the trending topics.  One reason I love hashtags is that I can learn about news I may not have heard about otherwise.  If something happened, enough people will talk about it.  We live in a world where the news of Osama Bin Laden's death broke on twitter minutes before any other news source.  People still underestimate the power of twitter and hashtags but they are very powerful.  

My only pet peeve about hashtags #iswhenpeopledontknowhowtousethemlikethisandhashtagtheirwholepost or #when #people #hashtag #every #word #because #it #defeats #the #purpose #of #a #hashtag.


Hashtags are like mini directories within the tweet world. Yet since it is community driven, it is difficult to filter obsolete information from valuable ones. As Twitter keeps its development, I think there will be more complete systems, even mini search engines to help sorting tweets in different subjects. 


Now I know the history of Twitter hashtags. Since I seldom use Twitter, I didn’t often use hashtags. It’s really interesting to use hashtags to find someone share opinions on the same topic. However, when I typed a hashtags, there always was thousands of information! Therefore, sometimes I’m really tired of read those tweets. For me, hashtags are good if they don’t be used too much!


I actually like hashtags. Althought I know the idea of it came from twitter, I use it on facebook too. Hashtags really helps when it comes to searching a tweet,  topic or brand, just as we had to do for the assignment due tonight. My favorite hashtags is #gogreengowhite & might I add I used it a whole lot this Saturday! Hashtagging makes it also easier to engage in a conversation. Hash tagging is an ideal way to quickly find informationversus googling it. Although I have just recently gotten a twitter acount, Im already in love with hashtagging. I think ithis is a great form of communication and should have been brought to the world wide web years ago.


I actually like hashtags. Althought I know the idea of it came from twitter, I use it on facebook too. Hashtags really helps when it comes to searching a tweet,  topic or brand, just as we had to do for the assignment due tonight. My favorite hashtags is #gogreengowhite & might I add I used it a whole lot this Saturday! Hashtagging makes it also easier to engage in a conversation. Hash tagging is an ideal way to quickly find informationversus googling it. Although I have just recently gotten a twitter acount, Im already in love with hashtagging. I think ithis is a great form of communication and should have been brought to the world wide web years ago.


I love hashtag. It's too bad sites such as Facebook and myspace dont get on board with thhem because comedy wise they are highly entertaining. I know Jimmy Fallon will do segments on his show where he sets up a hashtag such as #mydadisnuts and then he will read some of the funniest responses on the show. It's definitely great for inside jokes with your friends too. Besides comedy purposes it is also great for doing research on current events. I know during the last tigers series i would just hashtag detroit tigers and it was a lot of fun to read everyones thoughts in real time about the game. It's really been a great innovation in the obnline information searching game.

Derek Mehraban's picture
Public Relations, Twitter