Perry Marshall is Google Adwords Great

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Google, Internet Marketing

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Now that we are on Google Adwords, it's important to mention someone who taught me a lot. His name is Perry Marshall. Take a look at his Google Adwords web site. See what you can learn. He offer some free tutorials, and his book is stellar. Perry also wrote a new book with my friend Tom Meloche on Facebook Advertising. Here is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and really do a deep dive. I suggest getting one or both of these books if you really want to learn how to be successful in Google or Facebook advertising.

Google Adwords Book

As a social media agency, Ingenex does a lot of Google and now Facebook advertising. We have helped our clients dramatically grow their business as a result. And I still feel that learning how to master Google Adwords and Facebook Ads can make a big impact in your future.

As a student you can use your skills for summer jobs. Many companies don't know how to set up these campaigns, and you can charge them to do it. You will also have an advantage on the job hunt if you are Google certified. In fact past MSU New Media Drivers License students have become Google certified. This week of class could really impact your future and your paycheck.

So dig deep. See what you can learn about Google Adwords in this week's assignment. Take a look at Perry Marshall's page and see what he says about Google Advertising and Facebook advertising. See what you can learn. Make an interesting comment on this post about something you learned. Thanks!

Derek Mehraban

Comments & Feedback


I spent the entire summer working with Google Adwords. With no formal training or prior knowledge as to what Google Adwords were, I was assigned the daunting task to figure out not only what they were but how to use it as a tool for a small business. I began to read up on everything there is to know about them. By the end of the summer, I had worked with 3 other small businesses on how to use Google Adwords effectively. The specific store I worked at, went from 300 and lower in traffic to over thousands in two weeks and online sales increased 3 fold. It blew their minds as well as mine. I am curious as to what the results would have been if I had known about this book before.


I never knew before reading this article what Google Adwords were and defiently didnt know  how important it could be to drawing taffic to a business. I feel like having Google Adwords is great for every business to have and a helpful tool to help draw business to it. Google Adwords is something that is easy and simple to do even though it may cost it will pay off in the end. Its a way to get customers fast and easy to your business and still be beneficial at the same time. Google Adwords is efficient and worth having for every business.


Looking inside this book, I found this information to be some of the most useful insight to internet marketing.  Google AdWords is simply one of the most effective ways to reach your audience with about the abundance of contemporary advertising flying in your face.  Businesses skyrocket with google adwords and I feel like a lot of businesses don't believe it’s as effective as it sounds, because it just seems to simple.  The funny aspect of that is, it is that simple, and it's more effective than businesses that aren't engaged in the strategy think.  I am utilizing a google adwords account for my ADV 456 class.  We're setting up a google adwords campaign for The Hen House in Charlotte.  We have been reaching some great success.  We alter our ad groups when certain phrases aren't as efficient and we increase the value of our clicks when clicks are skyrocketing.  We, and you, have complete control of the google adwords campaign.  There is no obligation to use the tool for x months or years, what you put in, you'll get out.  Google handles the rest by placing the ads relevant to peoples’ searches.



One of the most beneficial business-related insights I found on Perry Marshall’s website pertained to determining the role of Facebook advertising and marketing in an organization’s media mix. Marshall believes that Facebook offers the opportunity for certain businesses to attract major traffic and also establish a great sense of the psychographic make up of potential customers. Marshall provides a link to a short survey that (from a very broad sense) gauges how useful Facebook will be in an organization’s marketing efforts.


I enjoyed reading a snippet from Perry Marshall's book. When doing the Google Adwords assignment, I found it very helpful. After learning about how beneficial it is to have a Google Adwords Campaign, it's surprising to me that not all companies are on this. It shows that taking the extra steps to set one up and by choosing the right keywords and phrases, can benefit a company tremendously. And when Perry Marshall discusses about Google and Facebook, I agree with him. Google is such a big money maker but, in my opinion, isn't making it as big as the social media network Facebook is. The two should just stick to what they do. But it's true, Google has nothing to fear because already it is taking over so much, and I see this continued success in the future.


As I was doing this assignment, I've indeed come to realize how important it is to have numrous possible keywords

that are relevant to one's business. Surprisingly, many of successful local businesses still do not have Google AdWords Campaign set up.

I have not purchased this book yet but it certainly does seem helpful to expand one's potential of business to even greater areas. 


I really enjoyed reading through Perry Marshall's site on Google Adwords as well as his section on Facebook Ads. However, the most interesting thing I found on his site related to a topic that is being dicussed very frequently in today's cyberspace: Google vs Facebook. Marshall contends that although many believe that Facebook will soon be headed toward search dominance, Google has nothing to fear. He says this because, he believes, "the reasons why people use Facebook vs. Google couldn't be more different. There is no need for Google to try to become a "social media" company. Facebook will never be the money making machine that google is. Google has nothing to fear." 


I am currently working with Google Adwords in another class and this book is a helpful resource. AdWords is sometimes a bit confusing to me with all the analytics and making sure that your budget and cost per click are compatible.  Perry Marshall's page is interesting and helpful in suggesting phrases that will make websites more relevant and searchable for others. I will be referring to the book for more help.


This week's assignment allowed me to learn a ton about Google Adwords that I previously had no idea about. In this case, I mostly learned by doing, which I feel is the most effective method for such an assignment. I also checked out some of Perry Marshall's stuff, as well as the tips given on the assignment page, all which helped me grip exactly what this assignment entailed and helped me to come away with what I think is a pretty good start to my final project and a detailed start. I had already messed around with the keyword tool quite a bit, but I still find it fascinating and extremely helpful in conducting a campaign. One new tool that I got into is the contextual targeting tool. Obviously I couldn't  do as much with that as I would like without paying, but it was still awesome for coming up with keyword ideas that I likely wouldn't have thought of on my own. I also liked the traffic estimator, which helped give me an idea of what will be successful for my client, the Detroit Pistons.


This week i've learned that it's really not all that hard to use Adwords. i had assumed that it was quite complicated but it seems that Google has made it easy to understand and use. My favorite part is that you can set your own budget and get the results your looking for. This is an amazing tool and I'm so glad that I've been introduced to it. I will definitely read this book and use these tools in my future jobs.


This week we really emphasized on Google Ad Words. The thing I found really interesting was how simple keywords can have such a great impact on the success of your ad. After this course, I think I will definitely look into getting Google certified to increase my knowledge further.


Great resource in order to learn and receive some unthinkable insight. There is no limit to what people can comprehend and expand upon. I wish I knew half as much as these guys do about the social media and the internet. There is no limit to the amount of interconnectivity that can be achieved on the web. The bottom line is, reaching people on the internet can spread information exponentially, if you know what you are doing.


Having worked with Google Adwords before, this post was a fun way to get back into the unique advertising tool. I enjoy the analytics of searching certain keywords and seeing what types of phrases will make a website more relevant than others. Perry Marshall's page and his book are very interesting, especially for someone like me who wants to learn even more about Adwords. You can tell he is very passionate about the subject and can provide a lot of insight on how to use the tool to its full potential. I definitely will purchase at least one book so I can become even more knowledgeable on the topic!


This week we were given the task of creating a Google AdWords campaign for a designated company.  It gave me a valuable chance to learn how to study viable keywords using the keyword tool.  From there I leanred how to split my campaign into perspective Ad groups that would be most benificial in an online marketing campaign.  Learning how to navigate around the Adwords site to use various tools really gave me a better understanding of why this type of campaign gives such great ROI.  To be able to constantly measure the metrics in so many different forms is overwhelming at first, but with a little bit of practice I was able to effectively achieve my goals.


I'm amazed at how having one concise ad, and utilizing the right key words in Google Adwords can save a company money, and increase traffic to their sites. I had never heard of anything Google beyond the search engine, and Google+, and this whole Google Adword realm is a whole other level of understanding internet marketing. I am going to sign up for Marshal's email list so I can get the cheat sheet, which I think will be very helpful in the up coming assignments, and potential jobs.

I also found that the website very interesting. This is another useful tool for small businesses that are thinking of joining FB, and it gives a sense of how important FB could be for them.


This was some great insight that I definitely want to dig into more! Everyone is familiar with Google and Facebook, but using these playforms to launch successful business campaigns is pretty cutting edge. I look forward to really creating a skillset for myself with social networks I already use and using that to my benefit and hopefully creating some profitable work for myself one day.


My brother in law is just beginning to market his new remodeling company through facebook, and it's amazing how everyone seems to make the same initial mistakes.

I've been able to give him a few specific tips to how to help create an effective ad, not bother his actual friends on facebook and still create new business. I'm going to TRY to make a new website for him from scratch, and I'm excited to give something new a try. I'm a journalism masters student, but this could be a new career direction for me.


The most interesting fact I found about Google Adwords and Facebook advertising was the low cost.  In today's growing society of technological advancing and the access of knowledge at our fingertips, it seems appropriate that such advertising should also be easily available and at a low cost.  In most markets, high cost accompanies novelty.  More customers are searching for products and services online for free, and advertisors should have the ability of marketing their business to those customers at a low cost.


I have been learning about the Google Adwords campaign in my other class this semester. It was rewarding to download Perry Marshall's cheat sheet as it simplified all of the things that I have learnt thus far. As easy as an ad looks on the side bar, the amount of research and decision making that goes into creating these ads takes so much longer. The terminologies helped me to understand and analyze my keywords 2 times faster.


The power of google adwords is endless. As more and more businesses become more reliant on their online presence, these adwords to increase clicks onto pages is, and will only be, increasingly more necessary. These types of things are going to be some of the better and more effective ways to make sure these types of websites get attention. Perry Marshall does a great job of deciphering the intricate parts of google AdWords that would have taken alot more time in order figure out some aspects of Adwords.


Thanks for the recommendation! This book sounds like a great tool to getting more acquainted with GoogleAdwords to better harness its potential. I downloaded the AdWords cheatsheet and am arleady learning a lot. I think its just really important that advertisers understand the platforms on which their ads are displayed. Google AdWords is both powerful and overwhelming complex, but this is something I think every marketer should have a strong knowledge of.


 I guess the only way to be involved with Google adwords is to actually be involved.  I believe that Google adwords do work but you have to really be engaed.  Some people want to see results over night. They want to see a paycheck in the mail the next day, but nothing really works like that.  I guess it would be more helpful if you had a business to save.  I looked at Perry Marshall's page and it seem very interesting, but more like a gimick.  But I did download the cheat sheat and it's pretty awesome.  It was very informational, and detailed. I will definitely use this as a reference to the project.


I gotta admit, I barely knew anything about Google Adwords before being exposed to this.  Understanding how crucial internet and new media marketing is, I should have read up on this a long time ago.  I really enjoyed being reminded of how crucial having a firm grasp on understanding Google and its tools  can be beneficial to my future.  It is really eye opening to realized this important fact.  There is an abundance in competition and it takes a lot to make you stand out from the rest.  Being able to master these tools is a damn good way to make sure you are ahead of the game and be the first one to be picked.  I plan on using the knowledge gained from this class to help me get where I need to go in the future.  


      Since I have been trying to get more into social media marketing lately, I went into Perry's section about Facebook advertising.  I loved the fact that he had a link to a quiz to see how your business was doing and could rate it there from 1 to 10.  Although most of this section was devoted to one of his books and ways to order it, the sections talking about it made it seem like it would be really helpful.

       Clicking through other sections of his website I learned that a white paper was your company’s statement about how a problem should be solved.  I also learned that there are even more tools with Google AdWords than I realized, and I intend to keep looking into his site to see what else I can learn.



Perry Marshall has a great set up with instructions on google adwords. He doesn't just tell you how to do it and be done with it, but he shows what the main problems are and what kind of challenges people face and shows them how to correct it. Through Perry's work, figuring out and operating in google adwords makes it an easy as can be.


Perry Marshalls Google Adwords website is very useful! The cheat sheet that he provides is something that everyone should take full advantage of for future purposes to help them in google adword situations. I think this is extremely important for companies to use google adwords because the ammount of consumer optimization will be tremendous. Since were living in a technologically savvy world, its time that we focus on google adwords and the fact that people can search things at the tip of their fingers and companies must make sure they are smart about what comes up in their search.  




I checked out the sites and found the one on Google Adwords to be informative. I signed up and downloaded the cheat sheet, which I gaurantee will help me out on terminology I would usually be confused about. I found it interesting that he said to even add keywords that would be commonly mispelled in case the person searching messes up. I didn't find the facebook ads site to give much information. It's definitely a big advatage to be knowledgable in these aspects and I look forward to learning more about these tools.


This is easily the hardest assignment to date in this class, but may be the most important lesson we can take out of this course. Learning how to direct people to the pages you want them to see by strategically picking words that will optimize their searching experience and benefit your company/firm is more than half the battle. If I could get people to be directed to my website the, "Ambitious Gentleman", simply by typing in google, Ambitious Gentleman or ABG4L (Ambitious Gentleman 4 Life), I would get more exposure for my site, and thats where Google Adwards comes in. Looking over Perry's site I learned from his cheat sheet a bunch of terms used in Google Adwords and also the basic setup like how to choose your language, location, how to write your ad copy and coordinate that with your key words for SEO.

Perry Marshall - Adwords Expert


It's vital in this day and age to stay up to date in everythig in new media technologies. Understanding google adwords will definitely be an advantage when we're job hunting in the near future. I heard of google adwords before this week but wasn't exactly familiar with how it works. After downloading Perry Marshall's tutorial on adwords I felt a lot clearer with them. It is very cheap to use and most importantly it helps you reach millions of people. I'm not sure why everyone doesn't use it. Google seems to be on top of everything in new technologies and they seem to be right on for advertising as well. I realized also after reading his cheat sheet that using what you already know and being innovative is the best way to advertise.


This weeks assignment taught me a lot about AdWords. I have been a bit intimidated to learn about it mostly because I had no where to begin, but I learned the ropes of starting a campaign and the proper way to measure it and find out the most effective keywords to properly invest in throught the conversion tracker. I am excited to learn more about Google AdWords and put it to use in a real-world scenario soon.


Perry Marshall's website is a great reference to have. Until completing this assignment I had never used or even really heard of Google AdWords. I am finding it to be a little tricky to use and fully understand, so I can see why Perry Marshall says AdWords punishes uneducated-marketers. However once you learn to master it, it can be an excellent resource and skill to have. When you learn the tricks of the trade any company big or small is able to use this advertising strategy to reach success. I must say what interests me the most is using this skill to further job opportunites in the future. Being able to market yourself by offering these skills to companies could be a huge advantage! Next step on the agenda is becoming Google certified.


Perry Marshall has taken Google AdWords, which is very confusing and takes time to figure out, and made it much easier to understand.  The different suggestions he gives for AdWords helps me understand how to find better keywords.  I also know how to maximize my finds when using the AdWords Keyword Tool.  I definitely think that learning about AdWords and using it in this class will give me an advantage when looking for a new media job.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Google Adwords to be confusing. There's countless people around the world who are confused about Google Adwords so Perry Marshall decided to help those who aren't Google savvy. He has books dedicated to Adwords and Facebook marketing/advertising. Marshall even offers a free, easy to use pdf page that defines and sums up Adwords. Many company presidents and business owners are contributing their success to Marshall's tips and tricks for advertising. The president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. is paying one dollar day to drive huge sales compared to spending three hundred dollars a day just to get the same number of sales. Marshall guarantees that you will get more clicks and traffic to your website while paying less and less as the weeks go by. I'd say this is a must read for beginner Google Adwords users and advanced users might have something new to learn too.


Thus far, I have only gotten a small chance to look at just a few of Perry Marshall's information about Google Adwords, but I can still say that he is doing a lot to help small businesses. As a student - in a social media and internet marketing centered course - I was having trouble understanding how to navigate Adwords, I can only imagine how a small business owner who needs this service would feel. By telling people how to understand the purpose of Adwords, Marshall has lightened the load for many business owners. I think that this service is great for small businesses and I appreciate knowing that Marshall's page is available as a resource to me.


Prior to this class I had no experience with Google Adwords, nor had I ever heard of it to be honest.  However, having access to Perry Marshall’s page provided an excellent first introduction to the resource.  Another important point that I learned upon reading through Perry’s website is that it is pretty easy to not be cost-effective in your advertising campaigns, in terms of online advertising.  I always find it intriguing to learn about how fellow Internet users increase traffic to their website.  Although it was mentioned in our first mandatory meeting, I was never really aware about how big of an accomplishment it was to be Google certified and I think it is an extremely beneficial investment of my time.




Prior to this class I had no experience with Google Adwords, nor had I ever heard of it to be honest.  However, having access to Perry Marshall’s page provided an excellent first introduction to the resource.  Another important point that I learned upon reading through Perry’s website is that it is pretty easy to not be cost-effective in your advertising campaigns, in terms of online advertising.  I always find it intriguing to learn about how fellow Internet users increase traffic to their website.  Although it was mentioned in our first mandatory meeting, I was never really aware about how big of an accomplishment it was to be Google certified and I think it is an extremely beneficial investment of my time.




I found Perry Marshall’s Google Adwords cheat sheet to be very helpful when trying to understand Google Adwords. Prior to this class I had never heard of Google Adwords, but now, not only do I know what it is, I can also use it to my advantage. I think this is a valuable skill to possess because Adwords allows you to advertise to diverse audience at a relatively low cost!  


I learned quite a lot about marketing and Adwords through Perry Marshall's website. The internet has changed marketing and advertising so drastically that it truly benefits people who spend time learning how to use online marketing tools creatively and effectively. Marshall uses me idea that we have learned throughout this semester, we need to build relationships with our customers to make them believe in our products and services.


After taking a look at Perry Marshall's website it seemed as thought he was almost bashing Google Adwords in some way. He talked about how advertisers and marketers would be disappointed--thinking they are able to quickly advertise through Adwords but this is not the case. He says that Adwords are disabled, having to pay $1+ per click is disappointing and annoying, and also it is much harder than it seems to be to advertise through Adwords. He even states that "Google is treacherous". But he does go on to say how people would be able to pay less for the Google traffic and he also even offers a Google Adwords "cheat sheet". It was interesting to learn that AdWords, according to Perry Marshall, were directed to the smart marketers in attempts to reward them (over the un-educated marketers). I am assuming he believes this because of how "treacherous" Google can be to the people who believe that Google Adwords is a quick and easy way to advertise.


 Took a look at his site and it looks like the guy knows what he is talking about. I would love to have the knowledge he has about Google Analytics. You’re right, what a great way to make money and start a career. Something all companies need, and something that most companies don’t have. I am really going to look into getting Google certified and taking the steps to get there.


Google Adwords are something I have yet to grasp entirely. This week's assignment pushed me into the world of Adwords, and I found out quite a bit more than I previously knew. Writing ad copy is something I actually enjoy doing, and it makes me wonder why I pursused PR as opposed to advertising! I found the part of the assignment about negative keywords to be interesting, especially the part about including common mispellings of words. Although "shoes" is not a phrase commonly mispelled (my company is a shoe website), if I worked for, say, a ring company, I would consider using the spelling "carrot" as a keyword. This just goes to show you have to look at all sides of a campaign, and get creative!


Google Adwords is a great choice especially for small business. It's flexible in prices according to your budget, and there's no minimum buy. It's an almost immediate creation, and you only need to pay by clicks. It's also very flexible in time that you can stop or pause anytime you want to edit the keywords and ads. You can also bid for your per click based on your keyword popularity. In sum, Google Adwords is very cost-efficiency if you have a well-developed campaign with good strategies on budget and keywords designing.


As soon as you started mentioning Google AdWords I was very confused, but the website is so user-friendly and very easy to catch onto. The tips and videos on Perry Marshall's site was a large help, too. I now know a deeper meaning to all of those advertisements and links to the right of the Google search page! The AdWords are incredibly important to internet marketing, and this assignment has given me an insight to that importance


An online advertising is one of the most important maketing tool these days. I had never heard about Google Adwords before taking this class. I thought Google was only for search engine. Even though I am still not familiar with Google Adwords, I feel that it is a really interesting and convenient tool as I get to learn. I think Google Adwords is quite easy to follow and well-organized for people who are not good at using computer programs. I definitely can tell that Google Adwords is the one that helps to have enormous effect of advertising online. 


Before taking this class I didn't know anything about Google Adwords, and I especially didn't know that by being more experienced at it you could actually save more and have greater benefits than others. Perry Marshall's page explained deeply how by becoming experienced in the craft of Google Adwords you can pay as low as a $1.00 a day and still have millions of hits. He explains how this can always drive more traffic to your website. Being Google certified I think would also help me become a better asset to companies and possibly land me the job over somebody else.


I've created and ran several Facebook advertisements for the MSU Alumni Association, but have never gotten into using Google Adwords. They are very similar obviously but I feel like the Facebook advertisements have been and will continue to be a lot more effective for the Alumni Association than Adwords because of the different MSU-related groups that alumni and students may belong to on Facebook.

Obviously, Google Adwords has its merits as well, and I'm sure the adwords assignment will be really beneficial, but in my opinion Facebook advertising is where it's at right now.


Perry Marshalls page is an awesome source of great information! I never knew what Google Adwords were until this class and never had experience with them until starting this assignment. Perry's cheat sheet was a very cool resource to have and he makes the point that Google Adwords can be very beneficial and cost-effective for all businesses if you know what you are doing. It is very important to be knowledgeable in this field to save your business or company money on advertising! I think that it would be very cool to get Google certified and I know that it would look great on a resume for future jobs as well as a great asset to have for just about anything!


I took a look at Perry Marshall's Google AdWords Cheat Sheet  and became a little more familiar with the AdWords process. One interesting thing that I learned is that Google actually benefits those who are MORE EXPERIENCED. Therefore, the more I learn as a marketer about AdWords, the better (and the less expensive). Although some of the lingo (CTR, Cost Per Conversion, Impressions, etc.) were a little confusing, I feel like this sheet gave me a better understanding about how to successfully optimize a particular search! 


For business, no matter it is online or offline, Google Adword gives the business a wider range of audience and greater opportunities. For Google users, the Adwords gives people more choices. It is a win-win. Normally most of the users are not annoyed by these ads, therefore, it is important for advertisers to take the advantage of this opportunity and promote their business. Perry Marshall's guide is really handy for advertisers to reach their customers.


I am brand new to using Google as more than a search engine.  I had no idea that Google could do the things that I have been learning in this class.  Google AdWords seems to be very easy to use from what I have been experimenting with so far.  AdWords makes it so that anybody can advertise anything.  You don't have to be an advertising guru in order to work AdWords effectivly.  This is what sets AdWords apart from every other for marketing or advertising.  I am still learning about AdWords as I play with it more and more.  I must say that I am amazed by the fact that advertising online has been made this easy.

Derek Mehraban's picture
Google, Internet Marketing