Top Super Bowl Commercials 2015

Derek Mehraban's picture
Ingenex, Social Media

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This Sunday is the Super Bowl. Get your snacks ready and your game on for a fun time watching football and some amazing commercials. As you know, Super Bowl spots cost $4 Million and you have to wonder if they are effective and worth the money.

So this week let's talk about the best super bowl commercials. So you're assignment, should you choose to take it. Watch the Super Bowl. Tweet out commercials you like the best using the #NMDL tag.

And put links to your favs here in the comments as part of your participation this week. Enjoy. Don't eat too much or party too hard. Enjoy the commercials. And may the best team win!

Here's a video I like that shows Russell Wilson and the Phish intro that is played at Seattle Seahawks stadium. Wiiiiillllllsssssoooonnnnn!!!! #Phish #GoHawks

Russell Wilson & Phish Super Bowl

Comments & Feedback


Although I did not watch much of the superbowl, I did catch a couple commercials and the one i liked the best was this esurance one with Walter White as a substitue pharmacist. I think they chose a good character to represent this commercial. 


Since I am not a huge sports fan, the Super Bowl is probably the only time you will catch me watching football. I usually watch just for the ads and half time show. I am even guilty of switching the channel during the actual game only to come back and watch the commercials. This year, my favorite ad was the SNICKERS "The Brady Bunch". This commercial was really funny and light. As soon as you saw Danny Trejo portraying Marsha, you knew it was a Snickers ad. Adding Steve Buscemi to the mix only added to the comedy of this commercial.


For the first time in my life I watched the entire Super Bowl. This may not seem like an accomplishment to anyone else, but I am NOT a football fan at all so this was big for me. I must admit that I did not really pay attention to the game part of the Super Bowl until the last 5 minutes or so. I was really tuning in for the commericals, in typical ADV major style.  I watched the game with a friend who is also an ADV major, we followed AdWeek's live tweeting review of the commercials. We both really enjoyed the Coke commercial and were shocked that Adweek and many other people on Twitter were not pleased with the commercial. Overall, my favorites of the night were the BMW "Newfangled Idea" and Esurance "Sorta Mom" commercials, both were funny and made sense. I love that the celebrities let us laugh at them a little. It was nice to see some funny commercials, as it seemed that the night was full of many depressing ones. 


From the football game, half time show, junk food, commericals, and good company, Super Bowl Sunday is one of my favorites.  This year the dads seemed to be the focus of majority of the commericals.  One of my favorites is the Dove Men+Care.  Mothers are always portrayed with their children, it is nice to see fathers are too.  I also liked how they connected their product name "Men+Care" with the slogan "Care makes men stronger."  


I usually dont care much about watching the actual superbowl game but I do love watching halftime and the commercials. This year I would have to say my two favorites were the "like a girl" commercial and the Chevy Commerical. The Chevy commercial made people believe their tv went out right before the game started. Everyone at the party I was shocked and then it was funny once we realized it was part of the commercial. 

The link below includes the clip:



Like a girl


Honestly, I am that person that has been following the super bowl ads for the last couple weeks.  I loved watching the spots early as well as seeing the new ones last night.  The super bowl is pretty much the time to put everything you got into your ad.  If it is a good ad it will be talked about and if it is a bad ad it will be talked about. 

I had such a mixed range of emotions through all the commercials.  During the game I was following adweek’s reactions and it was so amazing to see such mixed review on a lot of the ads.  I think that the following ads deserved some recognition.  I know that many people may not agree, but these were my top 5 favorite ads from the Super Bowl.


5.  Fiats spot

4.  Coke’s make it happy ad

3.  Snickers Brady Bunch

2.  Budweiser’s lost puppy

1.  Dove like a girl 



One of the girls in my sorority had a father that passed away and last super bowl Budweiser did a commerical where one of the horse's was named in memory of her father. So, this year I was looking out specifically for the next Budweiser commercial. The "Lost Dog" Budweiser commercial was my favorite that I saw during the 2015 Super Bowl. It was heart warming, super cute and I may have teared up a bit. ENJOY!


 I know there was much controversy over the Nationwide commercial about the boy that talks about how he won’t learn to do all sorts of things because he died, but I found it to be one of my favorites. I completely agree with the criticism saying the Super Bowl was not the right time to air such a heavy ad because it’s supposed to be a happy time. That said, I still see the message they are trying to get across and I like how they made it so you can’t not watch it. The commercial wasn’t necessarily about selling insurance, but more about the consequences of what happens when you don’t make smart decisions… definitely a sad and moving commercial.


The commerical link is below.




Honestly, I am pretty out of touch with both sports and advertising culture. I barely even remembered today was the SuperBowl - only noticed because my RA emailed about a viewing party. Anyway, I skimmed through the other students' posts and then Googled a bit, until I found the Clash of Clans ad. I do not play the game, but I found the ad humorous since it reminds me of several friends who do gaming, whether casually or seriously. 


I feel as if this years super bowl commercials were good but I feel as if most were already leaked a few days ago. Most were pretty funny though. One commercial that I truly enjoyed and had yet to see up until the super bowl was the Snickers commercial. I feel it had a funny twist on the original idea and tied in past references into current pop culture. It seemed to catch me off guard and made me think about the slogan that Snickers is rolling with.


After watching this year's Super Bowl commercials, I felt that they all had a very similar tone. They were serious, they pulled at the heart strings, and they made you think about life in a deeper way than most people would expect you to during a football game. With that being said, I felt that some of the ads were very effective in this manner, but also some fell short. Ironically, my favorite ad would have to be the very first one for the Chevy Colorado because I think that it had a great element of surprise. Everyone tuning in to watch the Super Bowl were on the edge of their seats with excitement for the game to start, and Chevy came out of the gate strong to start off the ads (also giving everyone watching a minor panic attack). 



This year I felt as if the commercials lacked a little something. I'm not sure if it's just because my expectations get built up every year and I wait for the best or if companies faultered in pleasing me with their creativity. As a huge football fan my favorite commercial was the Avocados From Mexico "First Draft Ever". Simply because it related to me most.


I think I'm going to have to agree with Craig Peters... I wasn't that impressed with the commercials this year either.  I look forward to every year's superbowl commercials more than the game typically (I'm a huge Lions fan, and we know seeing them in the superbowl is a lost cause) so I don't really care for the teams that do make it year in and year out.  I would have to say the Coca-Cola Commercial was interesting though.  I liked how they implemented the connection with their cola and turning people’s days around.


Though I am not very into football, I did tune in to the game this year to check it out. One of my favorites was the Doritos "Middle Seat". Not only do I love Doritos, but I can also relate to the issue of flying and being stuck between a couple crazies in the middle seat!


My favorite commercial this year was the Coca Cola commercial that promoted the message, "The world is what we make it. #MakeItHappy." Not only is it an uplifting message, but it applies to every single person. This commercial is a reminder that we all express hurtful messages at times, but if we could turn that negativity around, the world would be such a happier place. Think of the high presence of bullying in schools these days. If parents, siblings, and other role models could eliminate their hostility towards others, we could start a ripple effect. This message of #MakeItHappy applies to all of us.


I really liked the commercials from McDonalds and Fiat. I'm confused about the Jeep commercial, though. Seems like they're just copying this ad from The North Face (October 2014). Is that allowed? 


My favorite commercial was the Chevy commercial that aired prior to kickoff which pretended the TV cut out. I liked how it got everyone's attention and caused a stir. I was watching in a room full of people and some guys actually jumped out of their seats and started yelling. When everyone realized it was a commercial, they laughed and watched for the company who had this idea. You can watch it below:


Other than this, I was not very impressed by the commercials this super bowl. 


My favorite commercials are usually the busweiser ones since I love animals. This year was no different. This commercial really got to me this year because over the weekend before the superbowl my family got a new puppy and it reminded me of her. 


Wow! Not only has this been a great game but a great year for the superbowl commericals! 


A few of my favorites were the Jeep Commercial, Coca Cola Commercial, BestBuds Commercial and the Chevy Commercial! The Jeep commercial was absolutely amazing, I have read many bad tweets about "This land is our land" but I do not agree with any of them. Jeep was not implying anything other than that the Renegade is a world traveling car. The Coca Cola Commercial and BestBuds really hit both just really home with me, "Life is what you make it" and "BestBuds" are both great messages. Seeing the puppy fight for his friend and also the message about seeing everything in better light is just amazing. On the other side of the spectrum, the Chevy commercial at the very start of the game, I think anyone that watched the beginning of the game got a nice laugh out of that commercial!


Congrats Brady! 


I haven't been impressed with this year's Super Bowl commercials. One thing I noticed was that some advertisers (Dove Men's Care) ran promoted tweets to coincide with their commercials airing on TV.


I love how they started off the Super Bowl with the Chevy commercial that made everyone think their tv went out. It was a great way to get peoples attention and make them want to continue watching the ad. 


I agree Sydney! I thought that was a great ad and it definitely grabbed everyones attention! 


Every year, I look forward to the Doritos Super Bowl Commercials. Partially because they are my favorite chips and the commercials are usually funny. I also think that it's amazing how the commercials are ideas from average people that enter the Doritos' Super Bowl Ad Competition. 


I am not a sports fan, but the commercials for the super bowel are always interested me. My favorite commercial this year is the Budweiser: Lost Dog. It's a warm story about a losting dog, and in the end horses save the dog from a wolf and take the dog back home. That is a really simple ad without many logos, or slogans. I think it's really unique. I also like the music in the ad.



Commercials during the Super Bowl are usually better than the game.  I love how everyone gets so into watching them. As a lot of people do, I am watching the Puppy Bowl as well. This Commercial came on during the Puppy Bowl and as much as I don't like the brand, this commerical I thought was very cute and well put together. Everyone loves dogs!!


I love the combination of what the superbowl has become: hilarious ads, great game and great performances at half time. Its the best way to accomodate everyone; especially those who aren't a big fan of football. I've only seen one ad so far but it was brilliant; the Avocados from Mexico "First Draft Ever" ad. It was irreverent, silly and made me wanna go and grab some guac. I feel like if it can be all those things, its done its job. 

Below is the link for almost all the super bowl commercials. I only watched the first one cause I don't wanna have them all ruined when I watch the game tonight! #GoHawks


As a foreign student, I am not really interested in football but I am more interested in watching the commercials during the Super Bowl season. As a matter of fact, the paying of the commercials during Super Bowl is so high and also the company thinks it will help them to attract more customers. One of the commercials I like is the T-Mobile’s. The idea is that t hey ask Kim Kardashian to remind the people to save more data , which I think is funny.


I am not a football fan and neither the Super Bowl's, but I do enjoy watched the commercials that come with the Super Bowl. People ar trying so hard to stands out from the bunches of the advertisings which leads to some advertising will really amazed people. The one I like the most is the Audi A3. This commercial is full of lovely dog which will grab people's attention to want to know about what is actually this commercial is advertise about. I think it was really success!


I am not a big fan of football but I am a big fan of Super Bowls Commercials during this time. I often find there are so many interesting commercials coming out and they somehow make the Super Bowl more interesting.  One of my favorites is the Mercedes. There is a racing between a bunny and a turtle that I think the idea is so funny compare to those cars commercial.


I'm not much of a football person but I will tune into the game after I get home from work.  I'll be pulling for the Seahawks to win since I was just there this past summer.

My favorite commercials are always the Budweiser ones, but especially their "9/11 Tribute" spot from 2002 that ran only once, so they wouldn't profit from the spot.  This year's spot, while adorable, just doesn't come close to the meaning of the 2002 spot.  I can't wait to see the rest of the spots, as well!


I'm definitely excited for the Super Bowl! Should be a good game. Excited for all the commercials too, and also the half time show. Bruno Mars was an amazing performer last year and the controversy with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers being forced to lip sync was very interesting too. Hopefully Katy Perry does well on Sunday! 


One of my favorite commercials in recent memory would have to be the Bridgestone commercial with the astronauts. It was lighthearted, fun, and really funny too. 


Although I don’t watch much professional football during the regular season, the Super Bowl is something I do look forward to viewing. I plan to watch it this Sunday and am more excited than usual for one reason, Marshawn Lynch.  

Lately he has been the spotlight in the media for his famous responses to reporters. His only responses such as, “thanks for asking” and “I’m just here so I don’t get fined” have frustrated the NFL. Seeing him in beast mode this Sunday will be fun and make the game more enjoyable to watch.

As far as commercials go, I do enjoy the super bowl for the hilarity that many commercials bring. As Professor Mehraban said, commercials for the Super Bowl cost $4 Million.

I think one company that has made an effective and money worthy move is Purina with their Friskies, Dear Kitten commercial. This commercial made me laugh, mostly due to how the cat simply explains things. I am looking forward to this game and seeing many other commercials.


I am extrememly excited to watch the super glue brand Loctite present their first Superbowl commercial this Sunday. They have spent nearly their entire advertising budget for the year on this one spot so hopefully it pays off for them! 

I hope this commercial can live up to all the expectations and media attention it has been recieving. However, I am doubtful if Loctite will actually be able to create a brand preference for their product just through one commercial, regardless of the additional media attentiont hey have been receiving. 


I couldn't possible care less about football, but everyone loves puppies. Therefore, Budweiser takes the award for cutest ad for the year. I mean, seriously, it's an adorable puppy on a long journey home saved by a bunch of horses. 


While I'm not a fan of football or Bud Light, I was highly amused at the ingenuity behind their ad for this year. I would definitely want to try my luck at a giant Pac Man game. Like most beer commercials, the ad had nothing to do with the actual beer and everything to do with the lifestyle around their brand. They push the #UpForWhatever hashtag, which I feel is a really prevalent mindset of young adults. It's common to hear: "What do you want to do?", "I don't know, I'm up for whatever." These key words are definitely used by their target audience and was a smart strategy on their part.



When it comes to the Super Bowl I do watch the game, but the half-time show and the commercials is what I pay attention to the most. One of my favorite commercials this year is the one with Brett Farve and Rex Lee from Entourage just because I am a huge Entourage fan. The commercial that I thought was a good strategy, but made me mad was the Budweiser commercial. "Macro Brewed", such a clever phrase. I am such a huge fan of micro breweries, so it did make me a little mad. It was such a clever commercial and funny because people do fuss over micro breweries all the time. It made it's point and was so relevant because of how much attention micro breweries are getting lately, expecially in Michigan. Overall though, I thought the was a pretty good one along with the Mcdonald's #paywithlovin'. I thought that one was very cute.



By far the best Super Bowl commercial yet! Such a tear jerker.

Go Patriots!

Derek Mehraban's picture
Ingenex, Social Media