Web video ads: what do you think?

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With more and more people "cutting the cord" and dumping cable/satellite TV for Internet video (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV or Roku), it's no surprise that online video advertising is booming.

According to a recent report from FreeWheel, a company that manages web video ad placement, video ad views are growing even faster than online video plays:

Total video views

Lots of people pay attention to TV ads - especially during major events like the Super Bowl when new ads come out. I've found myself paying attention to online video ads more and more - especially on sites like YouTube that let me skip past ads that aren't interesting or relevant to me.

Do you pay close attention to web video ads? What are your favorite ones? What don't you like? 

Comments & Feedback


I definitely skip video ads. Especially while getting ready to watch a YouTube video, having an ad before a song is SO annoying!!!! However, when I am watching something on Xfinity, I usually pay attention to the ads because I am already watching and have the volume up. Some ads are not relevant to me, but when it says "Was This Ad Relevant to You?" I usually participate in that opportunity to let them know that isn't something I want to hear during the next commercial. I think it is really hard to not pay attention to the ads when they are before a show because you are already captivated by the attention of the show. My favorite ads are the State Farm or Mayhem ads. I think they are hysterical. The ATT web ad with the kids is pretty funny too. It's nice to get some humor out of a quick 30 second spot before I get to watch Revenge!!


Online ads are a necesary evil. There is obviously a lot of money to be made with them, and advertisers are aware of the general trends going on with increase internet tv use. However it is very annoying when one wants to watch a youtube video, or catch up on their latest tv shows and must watch an advertisment. this is especially bad when they watch more than one and the ad repeats itself several times over. on the other hand, the websites are making lots of money off the ads which in turn keeps the website free, in most cases. As long as there is the "skip advertisement" button option, i don't mind them. 


 Online video advertising is booming with the frequent use of internet.Especially the SNS booming and population of online TV websites facilitate the booming of online video advertising.But it some times annoys the viewers with spam and interruption.Also it's hard for advetisers to evaluate actual traffics.

 Future video advertising will improve with more smart design to avoid annoyance, and  easier accsess for nich-market audience.



I tend to ignore web video ads pretty well. On sites like youtube, nobody wants to watch ads before they enjoy their videos, and offering a "skip ad" button seems to have traiend me to put my cursor in the lower right corner in anticipation of clicking ASAP. However, one example of web ads I do not mind is how Hulu does theirs. When I start watching a show, many times they offer up to 3 choices of what types of ads I want to watch, and sometimes even let me watch one long ad in the beginning in exchange for uninterrupted viewing throughout the rest of the video. These are much better becasue it gives the viewer choices, and lets them pick ads that are more relevant. This is better for the viewer and for the advertiser. More recently, Netflix tried to make me watch an ad, and everyone in the room was upset pretty quickly. Simply put, if someone pays for a prgram, they don't want ads. If a prgram is offered for free, then maybe it's more acceptable. The key is giving the audience choices to get them engaged.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of online video ads, for several reasons. One, having to watch an ad or two almost every time I watxh a YouTube video gets very annoying, very quickly. Many of the automators for those ads are also broken, because I often find myself watching the same ad three times in a row on commercial breaks for The Daily Show. And lastly, they just seem to take away from the overall experience of watching the movies/shows online - especially when the ads are "interactive", like a recent Verizon one. I often end up paying less attention the more I see these ads and sometimes feel like I would rather boycott their products just because I have to watch their ads over and over again...

However, I do understand why it's a lucrative new medium for advertizing. With the internet growing as quickly as it has, there's more traffic for the ads to be seen. And when ads on television are normally seen every 8-10 minutes of a traditonal program, they can be seen more often when people are cruising around for short movies on YouTube or Hulu.




I really don't pay any attention to online video ads. Most of them are blocked by add-ons like AdBlock. I find them annoying and distracting. When I really want to watch a new music video on Youtube and then ads come up I find it really interrupting. This is also because of the fact that the ads are not related to the video I would like to watch or to my personal interest. Maybe Youtube should also implement the option of choosing the ads (Hulu). Still I think that the online advertisement sector is booming and will even increase in the near future, especially for online streaming sites.



Personally I never pay much attention to online video ads at all. In fact I find them even more annoying then commercials to be quite honest. I was a member of Hulu for awhile but the ads convinced me to switch to Netflix. I have no favorites. I thought that one of the advantages of new technology would be that it would make it a lot harder for advertisers to reach you which is obviously not the case. They have used the tools to be just as invasive as they can be private. I sort of just accept that commercials are part of TV but online video ads really just seem so bothersome to me. The new Google tool that lets you skip YouTube ads is the greatest invention if you ask me. I just hate having to watch an ad before every single online video even if it is 10 seconds long. I don’t owe a company jack let alone my valuable time just to watch highlights on NHL.com.   


I don't pay much attention to web video ads mainly because I find them annoying and inconvenient. I listen to Pandora almost every day and I really don't like when my music is interrupted by ads. Most of them are irrelevant and I don't really care what the ads have to say. Most of the time I mute the ads and wait until they are over. I think all sites that play web video ads should have the "Skip Ad" option like YouTube does for those ads that I don't want to watch.


I’m a big fan of Hulu and Netflix, because they are more convenience and have more choice.

So it's definitely no surprise for me that the online video advertising is booming.

I like that when using Hulu it sometimes will have three ads and will let you choose which one you want to watch. In that way, I can at least choose something I’m more interested at if I have to watch the ads.


I usually don't watch whole advertising on online video streaming sites. I watch tv shows, music or interesting clips from Youtube, and I have to meet some advertisments. I think most of advertisings from Youtube are not interesting and annoying. So I skip it. However, I think the advertisings are money source to run streaming sites, so I try to watch advertising or just play it. I like Google advertising on Youtube, because it seems fancy and funny. 


Personally, I "cut the cord" on cable and satellite TV a couple years ago. Hulu and Netflix are much more convienent for my schedule. I've noticed that there are a lot less ads, or they're shorter. Which is good for me, but bad for advertising. Hulu shows 1-3 commercials, while Netflix shows none. On hulu they tend to show the same ones over and over, so while I am exposed to less ads I'm retaining them more just by the shear number of times I hear the same ones. As for YouTube ads, they are more annoying then anything. I spend most of the time, watching the countdown till I can skip the ads. 

The T-Mobile ad on Hulu is always stuck in my head " One, Two, Kalamazoo. Three, Four, Jersey Shore....."


As being an advertising major, I am pretty interested in watching television ads. When I am sitting on a couch watching television, I also sit still and watch the commercials that are on before and after the show starts and ends. After watching the ads, I think about them and sometimes critique by myself. Also, if certain ad was memorable and interesting, I look up on internet once more. On the other hand, web video ads doesn't catch my attention as much as television ads do. When I am on Facebook or Youtube, I am only concentrated in what I am trying to at that moment. Commenting on others' status, watching videos, and so on. When ad pops up online, it rather bothers than catching my eyes on them. When the video ads comes up on Youtube, I always click on 'Skip' button. If online ads come up with better marketing and appearance towards the people, they won't have negative view on online ads as much as it is right now.


I cannot stand web video ads. If I am on YouTube trying to watch a video of a dog doing something, etc I do not want to have to sit through a Swiffer Wet Jet commercial. I can tolerate ads for music videos and television shows, but when it comes to simplistic videos I can't stand them. Very rarely do I watch the ads. I either turn my sound off, go to a different site and wait for the ad to be over, or the best case scenario for the company advertising to me is that I wait the 4 seconds to "Skip Ad." However in those circumstances of waiting, maybe two times out of ten I could tell you what that ad was about. I understand why we advertise on the web and how beneficial it is, but it doesn't mean I like it. We are constantly surrounded by advertisements, let me watch my videos in peace.


Being an Advertising major, television ads are always of interest to me. Whether they are good or bad, sad or funny, I always find myself watching them or critiquing them. Online ads, however, do not catch my attention in the same way. Last night, for example, I was catching up on a few of my shows on Hulu. Every time an ad came on I minimized that screen and went back to my social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Though the volume was still on, they were much less effective. Another example of how my friends avoid Internet ads is on Youtube. While hanging out with my friends, we use Youtube to play songs that we don't have purchased on ITunes. If an Ad pops up and lets you skip in 5 seconds, we skip it. If an ad pops up that does not let you skip, we choose a different video. Internet advertisements are ineffective to myself and my group of friends. 



I don't take in a lot of media with ads besides YouTube.  I have a TV and it's used to watch Jeopardy and live sports.  That's all.  I don't have time at school to jump into TV shows really.  If I do, I'm doing it on Netflix.  The statistics on this are pretty interesting though.  The fact that we're stuck watching more ads online means that advertisers are realizing that a lot more media is taken in via the Internet.  That'll be a solid trend that'll continue to grow, so expect more ads.


Most of the web video ads that I encounter are pretty boring and seem irrelavant. I am not saying that every ad that pops up is horrible but most of them are. I listen to pandora every day and have heard the world of warcraft ad for months now and it's just become a nuisance. Some ad before youtube videos are actually pretty entertaining. One of my personal favorites; which I saw for the first time on TV last night, is the Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew video. I was watching a preview of ARGO on youtube and this video was the intro. Uncle Drew Just for those of you who don't know who Kyrie Irving is, he's a basketball player who dressed up as an old man and tricked a whole bunch of kids, I think its hilarious.


The fact that online video advertising is booming is so exciting for those of us in the digital marketing world. Also, being able to notice the differences between TV ads, and web video ads is so important and not all that hard to do. I love realizing why a certain ad was made specifically for the web and was not aired on TV. Also, noticing that web ads often use interactive components to draw in watchers is important and can be as simple as highlighting a facebook or twitter link. I typically pay close attention to web ads, but usually because they are pretty short and I don't feel like I have enough time to go and do something before they end, as I would be able to do with a TV commercial break. But all in all I do like and appreciate web ads and the way they are molded to fit watchers based on what they're watching online. I also love the fact that Hulu often lets you choose which ad you want to view. I always pick ones that I would be most interested in, and therefore pay more attention to it when it's shown. 


This may just be because I am an ad geek, but I actually do pay attention to web ads. They feel much shorter than TV ads sometimes, and seem a little more relevant too. Sometimes I’ll get an ad I’ve seen on TV but it has a different element on the web; maybe something that didn’t make it on the air. I like to quiz myself sometimes and see if I can remember the brand that the ad is promoting or what happens in it. For some reason I am seeing State Farm ads everywhere on the web. Most recently I saw the one with Chris Paul on YouTube. All State has some on YouTube as well. I might start to get annoyed of all the car insurance ads if they keep popping up that often. What I dislike about web ads sometimes is the poor content and how easy it is for a bad web ad to go viral.   


Online ads can't be a pain but I  have found myself watching ads on Youtube even when I could skip over them. I listen to Pandora almost every single day and I pretty much have every ad on there memorized which I guess is the point but I have never actually purchased something because of them. I have noticed that the ads that catch my eye when I am on Youtube are usually the ones that have catchy tunes, I am a huge fan of music and it seems that a lot of musical artists have recently made break throughs becuase their songs are featured in ads. The one ad that came out a while ago but caught my attention was the Bing commerical that featured Alex Clare's song Too Close. I would just watch the ad because I enjoyed the song.


I pay close attention to web video ads since I, personally, believe that the advertising platform (or vehicle) is gradually shifting from TV ads to web video ads. I think that one of the primary reasons people like web video ads more than TV ads today is because they can skip through ads. However, this is one of the limitations of web video ads at the same time because it would be very difficult for web video ads to draw full attentions from viewers as TV ads do. Therefore, I think that the success of web video ads highly depends on how to fully draw viewers’ attentions.   


Personally, I hate web video ads. Every Tuesday night I have class until 8:30 P.M. making me miss Pretty Little Liars by the time I get home. The next day I watch with excitement but get bombarded with video ads. The same video ads, every 10 minutes into the show. It gets really annoying when they don't change them up and I'm forced to suffer through 2 minutes worth of the same ad at every commercial break.


When I am watching shows online there are alwasy online ads. Most of which I can not skip through which can be a pain. I do not mind ads just becuase you know that they are always going to be there but there are times when you really just cant stand them because they take so long. The super bowl is one of those times that people really look forward to advertisements. I do not really have any favorites when it comes to online ads. I just wish like on youtube after the first five seconds of the advertisement you were able to skip past it.


Yes, I pay really close attention to web video ads. 
I watch web video when I am waiting something or someone ready. For that reason, I do not have to skip ads. 
The ad that I cannot forget is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FExEqpS3mFk
Using songs is really a good way to catch attention from viewers. Even if I do not smoke, this impressed me so much. 

On the other hand, I do not like ads that no music and no narration.
"Video" contains image and sound. Therefore, I believe that ads on web video also should contain both elements.  
When I see some ads on web video without any sound, I just close it and do not remember.  


I am a huge fan of Netflix.  I agree that ads re becoming more and more popular for these types of things.  I usually ignore ads completely.  I understand that companies like Netflix try to promote themselves through adds but I still think that Netflix is way ahead of its competition.  What do you think about these adds? I just don't like when adds are very cheesy and try to get you to buy their product because people on the adds say it's great. How much did you get paid to say you love thier product ya loser?!


I am guilty of not having a televesion. I watch tv shows and movies on my computer (usually netflix). I get annoyed with ads on Youtube. I generally skip past the ads when given the option (after the five seconds or whatever). However, when I'm listening to Pandora, I am unable to skip the ads. The ads are generally the same over and over again and although I don't watch the video, I listen to the words. Netflix is nice, because it doesn't have ads. However, this is not good news for advertisers and companies. I don't like the video ads that automatically play when you visit a page.


I pay more attention to web video ads than I realize, and I've noticed them becoming more and more sophisticated. On Hulu, where most of my waking hours are spent, the video ads vary depending on how long and what program I've been watching. There's also a lot of repetition, so products and slogans sink in without my realizing.

The concept of "tailoring" ads to an individual is interesting. Allowing an online viewer to skip or select ads provides a sense of control. I feel less annoyed about watching a web ad when I'm able to tell my computer that, no, this ad is not relevant to me.

I wonder what web video ads will evolve to next. If the trend toward internet television continues, surely there will be further changes to the methods advertisers use to reach audiences. 


I don’t pay really any attention to web video ads. Anytime I am watching a Youtube video I automatically hit the skip ad button. When I go online to watch a show I do it to get away from the commercials. If an ad comes on the screen I usually mute it and pull up another tab until the ad is over. I don’t use Hulu or other websites to watch shows. I always record my shows on DVR so I can fast forward the commercials. Ads are annoying. If I want to learn about something I will search it online. 



I don't really pay attention to web video ads unless it pertains to my interest which is often rare when watching shows on Hulu. My favorite ones are ones that acknowledge the fact that they are ads because those are usually funny. I don't like ads that are not appealing to the eye and that have been used to promote a product for numerous years. 


I actually pay close attention to web vido ads, especially the ones that take place on Hulu and Netflix. This is true for me because there is no way around from skipping the ad. They are really interesting and funny to say to least. My favorite type of web video ad are the comical insurance commercials. They always keep me entertained and keep me laughing. I think that they are rememerable and are a great marketing tool. What I don't like is that on some videos on YouTube, you cannot exit from the video, and sometimes they can be quite lengthy. Other than that, they are not that much of a pain.


It doesn’t surprise me that more and more people are viewing video ads because ads in general are getting better and better. For example the Super Bowl this year had some awesome commercials and they now play before Youtube videos. I noticed that I stopped myself from “skipping” the ad to resume to the video I wanted to see because I wanted to see the commercial again. I’m subscribed to beauty bloggers so I also noticed that I stop to watch commercials that are about beauty topics. I don’t like the ads that are not interesting or pushy ads that want you to sign up or buy something.


Honestly, I don't pay attention to web video ads very often. With my busy schedule I don't have much time to sit and watch TV, so I catch up on my shows on Hulu. I realize those web video ads are a necesaary evil so I can watch my shows for free, so really I can put up with a 1-2 minute break every ten minutes or so during my shows. Most of the time I find myself doing homework or other things while I watch TV, so during the ads I just focus more on whichever other tasks I'm working on. I'm also the person that hits "skip ad" as soon as I can on YouTube.

I do have to say, my favorite web video ad I've seen lately has been the Hallmark one that is constantly playing during my Hulu shows. I'm someone who strongly believes getting snail mail makes someone's day, so I send cards quite often, and the commercial makes me happy.


To be honest, web video ads infuriate me. I much rather be forced to watch TV ads than on Youtube or other video sites. When I'm surfing on the Internet and want to watch some news or trending videos, it makes me so angry to have to sit through an ad that I don't care about. Normally, I find myself exiting out of the video because it's not worth it to me to waste my time on the Video ads. With that said, I think it's safe to say I definietly don't pay close attention to web video ads. I don't mind the ones that let you "skip" after 5 seconds, but they almost make it worse because I get so angry towards the ads that won't let you skip! I wish that companies would stick to television ads and stop wasting my time online!


I very rarely pay attention to web video ads. They're so irritating! Typically when I'm watching anything on my computer, I'll have another window open. If I'm watching a show on Hulu, I automatically start looking at something else online until I hear that the ad is over. When it comes to YouTube ads, I do the same thing if I don't have the option to skip the ad. If I do have the option to skip a YouTube ad, I typically due. The only thing that will keep my attention with online ads is either a catchy song playing in the ad, or something visually enticing. I know I'm not alone in not paying any attention to them, and I feel that if a company is going to show ads online where there a million distractions for viewers, they should really put the extra effort into making the ads creative and attention-grabbing.


Honestly, I still prefer TV ads to web ads. I can't remember the last time that I didn't skip a YouTube ad or turn the volume down during the Hulu commercial breaks. I don't really pay close attention to web video ads, and I can't say I have a favorite one. They are intrusive and they take away from your online video watching experiences.  That being said-- I don't really like TV ads that much either. However, sometimes I do find them interesting. Sometimes, I don't skip channels during commercials when watching TV, and I stop my conversation to pay attention to the ads. 



I try to aviod web video ads whenever I can. Whether I'm watching youtube or a tv shows online, I immediately skip any and all advertisements that comes my way. I think the reason why I always try to ignore online advertisements is because they are becoming more invasive. Spam is disguising itself as legitimate ads and is confusing viewers. Aside from the web, I like watching ads on television. I like it because I know its a legitimate business thats trying to reach me and I have some control of how many ads I'm exposed to e.g. changing the channel, turning off the tv, or DVR. 


It's true, TV ads are kind of numbing to watch now. It's very rarely that a TV catches my full attention and prevents me from fast-forwarding the DVR. Oddly enough though, I feel like online ads have truly stepped up their game from the TV industry. With YouTube's ability to skip ads after ten seconds, it becomes more of a challenge for advertisers to grab the attention of the consumer. Surprisingly, I have noticed that I do not always choose to skip the ad once the timer has ended. I actually become emerged in the content of the ad. They're ability to target my interests is both amazing and frightening. Either way, I give props to the big ad agencies, they're evolving quite nicely with our generation.


Now that I think about it, I never really pay attention to the ads on websites such as Youtube.  I almost always find that the ads do not apply to me and tend to bug me way more than a regular TV ads.  I think marketers need to find a better way to correlate the ads with the type of video that is being played. 


I think it depends what the ad is (just like on tradtional advertising medias). If the ad applies to me I pay more attention but if the ad seems irrelevent to me like 401k commercials or retirement ads I tend to zone out or start doing other things. I'ld have to say my favorite wed ad would be the lowes commercial when they came out with paint id memory thing. It was interactive which made it memorable/ Things I don't like about web ads is when catching up with a show online they play the same ad every "commercial break" and it drives me nuts! Another thing is when I'm trolling YouTube videos I don't want to have to watch an ad before every single video so I tend to stop watching sooner then usual.


Personally, I do not pay close attention to web video ads, and wherever possible, I skip over them as fast as I can. The only ones I can stand are for music, mostly because I do not have to pay attention to the content if I do not want to, but can still walk away knowing the main message of the ad: the song that was playing. However, I usually do not discover anything new this way, but moreso am reminded of music I have yet to download, and probably never will, in all honesty. And as an ad major, I actually find it incredibly upsetting when I am forced to watch a 15 second ad when I am trying to load a video of a commercial to watch for class or personal research. To watch a commercial to watch a commercial seems rather silly to me.


I am watching an episode of my favorite show when alas, a web video advertisement appears. About 70% of the time if given the option to skip the ad I do ( I think my percentage is lower than most because I am an advertising major and enjoy watching ads). Hulu has now gotten into the practice of letting me choose what advertisement I want to watch. If given a choice I will be more likely to watch the advertisement. I like the advertisements that are either interesting or funny. If you are interupting my streaming show you better have something good to say. 

1) I hate when my video has trouble loading but the advertisements run perfectly

2) I don't like when the same ad plays multiple times during my show (be original)

3) When the advertisement has no relevence to me it is a waste of my time and a waste of someone's advertising budget

4) When the information in the advertisment is redundant

I have come upon a few good in ad videos and appreciate the creativity. I understand the ads need to exsist so I can view my shows for free but please for the love of advertising go back to the drawing board and be a little more original

Vodafone- because everyone loves love and pugs  


Even though I am online for most classes and for recreational use I never really finding myself looking at web videos/ads. I do try to ignore them as much as I can because you never really know if they are videos or spam. The web makes it so much easier for us to ignore ads, we can usually skip ads within 5 seconds of them playing, which makes it easier for me to avoid them. Also advertising is becoming less on TV, we have channels like HBO or DVR that allow us to skip through advertisements or don’t show any at all. I think advertising needs to make new and exciting ways to catch the eyes of their viewers and make it harder for people to just overlook them. I think the reason I dislike ads is because they don’t apply to me, I find it hard to find interest in them. 


I like online video ad more than TV commercials, for we usually can choose to skip it after 5 seconds. This 5 seconds acts like a trailer, if the ads can attract me in the first 5 seconds, I would like to keep watch the rest of it. For me, the online video ad with plot may act better, but different people may have different preference. So how to attract the audience in the first key 5 seconds may become the main task for the advertisers. Also, if the online video ad can act like Pandora, which means the skipped video ads will not be broadcast again while the ads broadcasted in the future will be similar as the liked video ads, the online video ad will become more personalized and can make the online ads reach the target audiences better. 


I honestly try to ignore web video ads, if I can skip them I usually try to. I believe that advertisers have turned so many people like me off to their ad's and I feel as if we should not have watch them on the web if we can avoid it. I think when I look at web video I do not have the expectation of an Ad, whch also is a reason I try to avoid them. On the Web you can get most content quick and easy with out having to wait for Ad's to be displayed. I wonder how that will change moving forward becasue if consumers are slowly reduing watch time on TV and Web, advertisers will still find a way to get in front of us.


Web video ads are about as effect as TV commercials, in my eyes. They're the time i get up and run to the bathroom or take a minute to check my email. If I'm not 100% committed or interested in whatever is being advertised I honestly have little interest in watching it. I have recently gotten rid of cable in my apartment and now only watch Hulu+ and Netflix. If i can watch something on Netflix I prefer to because there aren't commercials. Hulu+ is uaully pretty good about matching the interests of me as a viewer to what I'm viewing. For example I haven't seen diaper ads on Hulu+ because thats more of a niche market for women who watch cable programming. I guess my answer is it's not really something that bothers me, it's like a commercial, I don't hate them, but I prefer to avoid them. 



I am an ad major so I guess I always find myself paying attention to ads, however I think online ads for hulu and etc are way more in your face. When you watch tv it can be to just see whats on or flip through. You don't have that option when you watch online to pass them. You purposely are on hulu to watch your show so you are gonna deal with the ads because you went out of your way to watch it and you can't flip through them. So I feel like i do pay attention. I like tv commericals better over online ads, but I think having short ones online is nicer. 


I do watch most of my TV via the web so have gotten extremely familiar with the ads posted on sites like Hulu and network sites.  With that being said, I rarely finish a commercial as I am either waiting for the “skip ad” button to appear, or opening a new tab to do something else while waiting for my show to continue.  
Something that I have enjoyed is the fact that Hulu has been asking its users which ad experience they would prefer.  They generally give 3 choices and allow you to chose which you would like to hear about during the program.  With choices like these, I am able to personalize my ads and there for more interested in what the ad has to tell.  I have also found that it will sometimes ask if I want to watch a 2-3 minute video ad and skip the remaining ads for the show.   I have really enjoyed when sites give you the opportunity to personalize your ad experience and have found that I pay more attention to them when this is offered as well.  




The "skip this ad" button on Youtube cannot come up fast enough for me. I'm not one to watch the full ad through, but that doesnt mean im not watching it. Even if i dont realize it, i am absorbing the information while i am waiting for the "skip" button to pop up. When i am forced to watch the ad (no skip button) i watch it, or use that time to go to the bathroom, ha! I hate when im watching a show online (say on CBS) and i get the same advertisement every break. At that point, i've seen it, absorbed it, and now im just annoyed. I understand that these are the people who pay and sponsor, but the variety is lacking. I think internet advertising could be done better, but then again the numbers dont lie.


I sometimes pay attention to online video ads. If I cannot skip them then I will pay attention because I have no other option, well kind of but I figure: why not watch? Especially on the History Channel website they will places ads in their full episodes. I think it is worth it because they post new episodes of shows 24 hours after they air and I do not feel bad watching them like I do sometimes when I stream shows. The one that always catches my attention is an AT&T commercial for the 4G iPhone. I think it is really well done. I do not like pop up ads at all, I feel they are very annoying and hard to click off sometimes. Even with a pop up blocker turned on some of them will still slip through. 



I don't typically pay attention to ads online. I don't have a DVR for my TV which might be why I pay attention to cable commericals more than online. When Youtube allows me to skip the ad I almost always do it. If a company wants me to watch their ad they have to grab my attention in those first 5 seconds otherwise I will skip the ad. For example if it is a trailer being shown in those first 5 seconds I am more likely to continue watching the ad. But if it is a car commerical or soemthing that I have seen and am forced to see constantly on TV I will skip that ad all the time.


Usually, I do not pay much attention to video ads unless it is a company that I already buy from or like their products. But the more I use the internet and see an ad repeatedly, even if I don't pay attention to it, I've realized that I start to absorb the message and/or recognize what company the ad is for. This happened to me with the Chase commercials using the Footloose jingle. It's so awful and gets in your mind so quickly even if you aren't watching the ad, just waiting for your YouTube video to be availble. All in all, I think that advertising through videos on the Internet is a very effective strategy.

Graham Davis's picture