Old Spice just recently became a "once-again" top-competitor for men's fragrance, body wash, deodorant, and antiperspirant. When Axe debuted in the U.S. in 2002 -- their following and target audience were men 18-34 -- and this is exactly where Old Spice had been failing. Old Spice used to be known as an "old man product," but with the help of innovative and fresh, young marketers; the company rose back to life. Old Spice began to target directly with their "the man your man could smell like" campaign -- using Isaiah Mustafa who helped to connect to a younger generation. The commercials/videos were humorous and connected to a younger crowd. The campaign spiked sales for Old Spice once the video went viral and they were an instant hit -- and with the help of social media and YouTube, the video of the campaign generated 35+ million views in seven days. 

Old Spice      old spice


Goal: Continue targeting 18-34 year old men

 Target men, in general, 18-60

Increase sales by 30% with all fragrance lines through social media

Cost: creating a new, .30 and .60 second commercial/viral video containing Isaiah Mustafa continuing "the man your man could smell like campaign"

Competition: Axe has been Old Spices' biggest competitor since they debuted in the US in 2002 -- Old Spice must continue to focus on the younger generation to keep up with sales. Old Spice has the ability to compete by growing their blog, Twitter, Facbook, and YouTube pages by connecting with their younger audience.

Also, by connecting directly with consumers that have already used their product, Old Spice can continue to enhance their social media efforts. Old Spice is already an amazing and dominating product, now it is just time to get the word out.

Keywords & top sites to place advertisements:

Men's Fragrance(s)

Men's Deodrant

Smell Good

Men's Antiperspriant

Old Spice


After Shave


Shower/Bathing Products

Sites: ESPN, Esquire, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Nascar, Barstoolsports, Maxim, CNN, Wall Street Journal, AOL, Fantasy Sports

Average CPC: .30% 

MAX CPM for ads: $12.00

Using Google Adwords:

Old Spice 

The men's fragrance/ deodorant 

Special Package Deal



Old Spice

The Man your Man could Smell Like

Smell like a REAL man!



Flighting and targeting:

Focus on a 12-month campaign with sponsorships on specific flights and heaviest flighting during the holiday months (Nov-Dec)

-special package deals with fragrances, body wash, after shave, deodorant, and antiperspirant

-announce the holiday packages on all major social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and begin sales on Groupon)

-start a Holiday contest for buyers to participate in with the website + YouTube -- increase the consumer engagement

-continue flighting ads on major sites with video and rich-media ads

-continue to maintain the site and pump-up with the latest and great-est content and provide buyer with easy point of purchase

Total Cost: $6,000,000 (06/30/2011-06/30/2012)

Measuring Success: Google AdWords allows campaign monitoring with their placement performance report: see where your ads appear and their respective clicks, as well as how many conversion each earned and its costs. 

old spice





Old Spice just recently became a "once-again" top-competitor for men's fragrance, body wash, deodorant, and antiperspirant. When Axe debuted in the U.S. in 2002 -- their following and target audience were men 18-34 -- and this is exactly where Old Spice had been failing. Old Spice used to be known as an "old man product," but with the help of innovative and fresh, young marketers; the company rose back to life.