Blogs: Tapping Millions of Evangelists to Tell Your Story
A blog is just a website, but is created and maintained by a person who is passionate about a subject and tell the world about his/her area of expertise
- Group blogs, corporate blogs produced by a department or company, most popular is individual blog
- A blog uses software to place recent updated or postings at the top of the site
- Comments from readers offer different viewpoints and can add creditability to your viewpoint
- The Web is a city where the bloggers, as individual citizens, can voice their opinion
Four uses of blogs for marketing and public relations
- 1. Easily monitor what millions are saying about you, the market you sell into, your organization, and its products
- 2. To participate in those conversations by commenting on other people's blogs
- 3. To work with with bloggers who write about your industry, company, or products
- 4. To begin the shape those conversations by creating and writing your own blog
Monitor your blog
- Organizations use blogs to measure what is going on with their stakeholders and to understand corporate reputation
- Text mining technologies can allow for the measurement of trends
- Run a query on your blog
- Become an expert in what is being said about your organization on blogs
Comment on blogs to get your viewpoint out there
- Leaving comments on someone's blog is one of the best ways to participate in a conversation
- Focus on what the blog says and comment
- People find out who you are when you comment
- If you don't have a blog, leave a LinkedIn or Facebook profile URL or homepage
The power of blogs
- Blog your way to dream jobs
- Use it to communicate it with clients, prospects, and partners
- It is a valuable way to get your name out there
I feel the fact of even starting a blog is important. Today's world and technology is changing due to the social media. Why not jump on the bandwagon and make a name out there for yourself. It can lead to jobs, networking, and connections. Blogging is the new way of generating and spreading ideas.