Building My Online Profile
Here I am, a 42-year-old graphic designer, enrolled in a college course with students half my age, learning how to build my online profile. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google Profiles, Slideshare, Flickr and Buzz! My initial reaction was, "Wait, slow down, so I can catch up!" But social media does not stop or slow down. That would go against its very nature and purpose. I just had to jump right in.
Facebook was easy since I already had a profile. I communicate with friends and post photos to Facebook regularly. My goal is to learn how to effectively use it for business.
Linkedin is fairly straight-forward: you create your professional profile and make initial connections though your list of email contacts. I have written one recommendation (pending acceptance) and requested one in return. Also, I have received one unsolicited recommendation that I have asked to be revised, and I reciprocated by writing a requested recommendation which has not yet been accepted. Linkedin is an invaluable networking tool and proves what a small world we live in. With as few as a dozen direct connections, you are linked to literally tens of thousands of other professionals. How cool is that?
Setting up my Google Profile was simple. It's a good place to post your bio and make yourself findable. Now I just need to figure out Google Buzz.
I'm still unsure about Twitter and the whole idea of tweeting and following others. Quite honestly, other than an occasional retweet, I don't feel like I have much to say that is worth tweeting about. Also, I feel buried by countless tweets from the people I'm following. Most of those tweets are not relevant to me. The challenge is to quickly sift through and find the ones that are. Another thing I have learned about Twitter is the moment I signed on, I was bombarded by spammers who wanted to follow me. The solution to that problem is to visit the spam account's profile and click the “report as spam” link. Twitter will then block the user from following you or from replying to you. I've already had to block one-third of my "followers." Ugghh!
So, now I am officially "present" online. How will I juggle updating my Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google Profiles and all the rest? The only way I know how -- by paying attention, asking questions and staying organized. I will probably have a few more gray hairs by the end of the semester, but as long as I gain confidence and skill in using all these social media outlets, it will be worth it.