Digital Public Relations: Create a Facebook Page

I personally think that this page could be successful and win a support from all the female and male students that enjoy playing soccer at Michigan State University as well as a lot of other student’s support when the awareness of intramural soccer field’s grass condition goes up. Students who care about school facility and students who understand how dangerous bad fields could be for students playing soccer and other sports will be a part of this campaign.

Here is my response plan. For positive comments, I will try to personally approach the supports with positive comments. I want them to feel like they are a crucial part of this campaign and I would be responding to the comments like I would talk to my friend online. This will lead them to feel more comfortable and a part of the campaign that will lead into a higher engagement of the supporters.

For negative comments, the game plan is same. Even though they are people that are opposing my opinion, I will approach in a personal matter and warm attitude and try my best every time to win their support or persuade them to know that it is serious. I will anticipate every single comment from either supporters or people that oppose.

When a media or any people want to follow-up offline and support, I will give my full personal contact for any necessary meetings or activities we could do to support this issue going on the campus. What I really want to express for anyone that are interested in this issue (both negative and positive) is how badly I think this issue should be solved.

I am the captain of International soccer club of Michigan State University. We have about 55 active members that are participating in practices and games versus other university. The only problem we have as a club soccer team of MSU is the fields. Even on practices, people get hurt a lot because of uneven and bumpy soccer fields, rough surface and puddles. We would feel embarrassed if we invited other university’s international club to play at our fields. So we practice and host games at other fields that we pay out side of school. I have seen so many students that agree with me that plays intramural league for soccer and even flag football.

But the point of this issue is, as a student of Michigan State University and a member of International Soccer Club that is part of MSU’s official club, we have right to play in a field with out any threats of injuries. MSU have a good reputation in landscaping major and our soccer fields are not so much up to that reputation.  I believe if the school cares a little more about this soccer field issue, tons of students could play soccer in unthreatening environment.

If this issue is being approached in a right way, I believe I can win a lot of support from MSU student. 

Facebook Page Link:

Embeded Image: Soccer field

Embeded Video: