New Media Studies at Alma College

Since this class is based around "New Media" -- this article was super interesting. Alma College (less than 45 minutes away) is offering a new program, you can actually major in New Media studies. Useful? Smart? A look towards the future? I think so. 

Jasmine Winton's picture
Submitted by: Student

100+ Upcoming Social Media & Tech Events

Here are 100 social media and technology events that will unviel the future of new media.

Seems like these things happen everyday.

Can you say 'value loss' ?!

Roque Ybarra's picture
Submitted by: Roque Ybarra

Motorola Mobility Wants Your Attention

Motorola is fighting for your attention in the technology world. What do you think about all these new technologie? Is one any better than the other or is it all preference?

Roque Ybarra's picture
Submitted by: Student

SEO Tactics for the Travel Industry

I love to travel so I thought it would be interesting to look at it from this point of view.  Here is a slideshare presentation about how to use SEO to help a travel industry.

Kelsey Colt's picture
Submitted by: Kelsey Colt

Powerpoint Widgets

Fun and interesting widgets waiting to be placed on your site, blog, social network, and more.

Kirsten Rose Trelenberg's picture
Submitted by: Kirsten Trelenberg

Games to Train?

Many large companies are now using simulated "games" to train their employees and improve how they design and market products

Kimberly Roman's picture
Submitted by: Student

Live Shopping

The future of shopping has arrived!

Elizabeth Kranz's picture
Submitted by: Student

The Sweet Spot

Are there certain points in a particular TV show that people pay more attention to commercials?

Danielle Blackman's picture
Submitted by: Danielle B

Blogging for your business sucess

How having a business blog can propel your business forward

Megan Hawthorne's picture
Submitted by: Student
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