Use digital marketing. Develop content for blogs. Write digital public relations (PR). Master social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube. Build community with your customers. Practice search engine optimization and search engine marketing. Understand how Google and Yahoo! search rankings impact your business bottom line.

The New Media Drivers License course is provided by The Michigan State University Advertising, Public Relations & Retailing Department.

Class Overview

Learn in the classroom & online. Two full day classes and the rest of your work can be done from home!

Learn by doing. Optimize and promote your own blog and social media accounts.

Be prepared for the future. After the class is over you keep all your work, ready to use!


From the Blog

Ross Johnson's picture
Ross Johnson

Ask Us Anything

12/4/2018 posted in New Media

We're reaching the end of the semester and you've been exposed to lots of new media marketing strategizes and techniques. While the curriculum covers a vast amount of information in reality we've only scratched the surface. Any given lesson could be an entire course. Additionally, there's lots of topics we didn't cover at all.

We often do a Q&A as part of the last class. Here is your opportunity to ask us questions about anything. It could be related to a lesson we covered, a lesson we didn't cover, work, getting a job or life in general.


Ask Us Anything

12/4/2018 posted in New Media
Authored by Instructor

Getting Political

11/7/2018 posted in New Media
Authored by Instructor

Attract - Engage - Delight

10/29/2018 posted in Ingenex, Internet Marketing
Authored by Instructor

Links Make the Web Go Around

10/15/2018 posted in SEO, Web Design
Authored by Instructor

Comment no resources

10/2/2018 posted in Google, PPC
Authored by Instructor

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