Pure Michigan Construction

Too much construction in Michigan!!

    While creating a facebook page for a specific cause, I thought about issues that I deal with daily.  Summer is a time of relaxing and fun for some but others have work and summer classes.  On my way to most of my activities throughout the summer, I find myself sitting in or near construction.  I thought it would be the perfect issue to go over for michiganders.  I believe that this issue effects most citizens traveling to and from work and their other activites. Construction is all around us wheter it's road or building development.  It effects so many people that sometimes it becomes frustrating to travel some places.  I know most Michigan citizens would have to agree that there is too much construction going on in all parts of Michigan.  Not only is there too much construction going on but at all inconvienant times for most people.  Citizens understand construction needs to be completed mainly in the summer due to the weather, but it seems that companies are cramming in a lot of construction work in a short period of time which leaves people agitated.

   Since my family is in the construction business I am always around construction and hear many peoples opinions about it.  The thing is, they need the work done but always find it inconveinant to wait for the work do be finished or to get around the work to deal with their everyday activities.  In creating this facebook page we should find solutions to where people can avoid getting impatient but also find ways to lessen the cramming of construction and find ways around it all.  I would recieve more positive comments than bad since most people will agree with this issue. Citizens will thank me for speaking out.  If anyone was to oppose my page it would be the construction companies themselves or the city. I can anticipate all sorts of negative comments because I am willing to listen and agree with those to dont agree but will find a commonplace to how there is too much construction going on.  If the media had any questions I could answer all questions truthfully.  If I was to pitch my issue to a blogger, I would let them know that this issue is a serious concern because it effects many peoples time.  Time is very important these days especially with work involved.  Check out my Facebook page for this issue here!! 

  Here is a major website that gives a specified list of all the locations of construction in Michigan.  This should help give you ideas of where and when construction is occuring to help you avoid it.