Michigan Needs More Bike Lanes Facebook Page
I initially struggled with a cause of issue that was not only original but worth promoting through my personal Facebook page. Brainstorming seemed to get me nowhere until I realized a recent issue that I had come across. My fiance and I recently purchased bikes in hopes of not only having a more active alternative to walking but also to travel more throughout my Lansing neighborhood. In some areas we have encountered it is less then safe to say the least. This is primarily due to a lack of bike lanes in some areas. We have noticed this on other main, paved roads in Michigan.
This brought me to my idea of Michigan Needs More Bike Lanes. More bike lanes throughout Michigan not only would promote more physical activity but also keep bike riders and (motor vehicle) drivers safer, allowing for more space and distinct areas for each operator. Another benefit is the reduction of fuel consumption, thus maintaining our natural resources for longer and limiting air pollution.
As the voice for this page, I would thank everyone who shared their feedback (not just positive) as this is a good practice to remain un-partial. Positive comments will receive a response that thanks them as well as asks for additional thoughts or information that they can provide that relates to their own experiences with Michigan roadways and bicyclists. Negative comments will again receive a thank you for their feedback but will also include questions as to what made them form that opinion and how they think bike riders and motorists can co-exist without limiting one another's access to an adequate driving surface. I would expect individuals who don't ride bikes and have had experiences where they have been delayed by a bicyclist to be most upset about this cause. I think it is important to approach them with an open mind and the ability to remain calm and write neutrally.
If the media were to contact me about the page I would explain to them the origin of how I came to create the page (taking notice to a lack of safe, paved bike lanes throughout Michigan). Making clear that it is based primarily from personal opinion, I would also share any sources of information I have as far as content for the page. Being cooperative and honest while further promoting my cause would be my highest priority.
When pitching a blogger to cover this cause/Facebook page I would first make sure that the blogger has an interest in bicycling and bike safety. It would probably be best to first focus on Michigan-based bloggers since it would be a local concern. I would then ask them to compile something as a guest to the page that could be featured. It would not only be promoting them and their blog but also help to expand my following to theirs.
Prior to this assignment I hadn't had much experience with creating a Facebook page, but realized it can not only be easy but also informative and fulfilling to band together individuals with a common interest through content.
* Note: Since initially writing this, I have expanded my page to over 70 users, many of which I have no connection to. I was able to find other pages on Facebook that had a bike affiliation and simply shared my link with them. I find this to be effective.