AdWords, Google, FilmFestival

Poster for E.L. film Festival

For: East Lansing Film Festival

Key benefits of Online Advertising, search and ad on

  •    Optimizes search for people who are searching for the particular event.
  •   Able to have Ads appear on the side so it catches peoples attention where they would like to see it.
  •   When particular words are used in the search engine that are similar to that of the ELFF it will appear on the top 3 search pages.

Specific Key words that we recommend are,

  1. EastLansing Film Festival: The Global Month searches = 320
  2. Film Festival: The Global Month searches = 1,500,000
  3. Student Films: The Global Month searches = 5,400
  4. Films: The Global Month searches= 16,600,000

Sample Ad Copy:

EastLansing Film Festival

Promotes students Films

Encourage Promtoing Michigan Filming



Film Festival

East Lansing Students

Indie plus films

Michigan Film promotions



Targeting Options:

  • Cordinate with so they can optimize a way to promote not just the festival but interact with the school and students.
  • When searching for the ELFF having their twitter and facebook pages come up help as well on the page to optimize the search and research for people for more information.
  • Having a side banner Ad on google so others can click on it to go directly to the page.
  • Target towards locals so coordinate with old town lansing to help promote the event.

Ways to measure campaign effectiveness:

Optimize the target and make it mroe direct to local and students.

Promote event at local high schools and the greater area to help bring more people towards the school and Festival.

Conversion tracking to see hwo it works

Customize by tracking multiple types of conversions
