Social media is more like a life style

Today, social media becomes to a necessity throughout people’s lives. When I read the resource in the book called “10 Reasons to Delete Your Facebook Account”(Dan Yoder, NMDL Page100), in the end of the resource, it mentioned another article named: “10 Reasons You'll Never Quit Facebook”(Nicholas Carlson,NMDL Page100). I couldn’t help click in this link and read about this article.

In this article, the writer, Nicholas Carlson, lists 10 reasons that people will never quit facebook. Most of the 10 reasons relevant to how people live their lives. For example, one of the reasons is, people won’t remember friends’ birthday if they don’t use facebook. Facebook helps people generate the information of their friends and sets up reminders for their birthdays, so whenever you are on facebook, you don’t need to worry about missing anyone’s birthday. Facebook gives people shortcuts to do things that usually take a long time to do when people have to do it themselves. So, in this way, facebook makes complicate things easier and simple. It gives people convenience. From my perspective, this could be the biggest reason that why people could never quit facebook. When things could easier to be done, why would anyone say no to this?

Even though facebook faced some privacy problems, I still don’t think people will abandon it since facebook is more like a pattern that people do every day. People are used to checking out facebook when they are free, as people keep doing the same thing every day. People will feel awkward to stop checking their facebook. That’s what we called regular habit. Of course, all those people we mentioned here are the facebook users.

So as the other social media, the same pattern could be happened to the people using other social media, facebook is just one of them. In nowadays, social media is no longer only one way to communicate, it becomes to a life style.

Here are the websites and social media profile websits:!/profile.php?id=1481495279