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Facebook, Social Media

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Today, news broke of a new product being tested by Facebook called "Facebook@Work."

Here's what it would do:

The company is testing a new product designed specifically for use in the workplace, according to three people familiar with the matter, who spoke under condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about the project. The product, which is called Facebook@Work, will allow users to collaborate on projects through group chats and document collaboration with co-workers, these people said.

What do you think of "Facebook@Work"? Is this something you'd be interested in using? Why or why not? 

Comments & Feedback


Even though matching Facebook with work is a really brilliant idea, I personally don’t think it is feasible. Undoubtedly, Facebook is one of the most popular social network currently. Most people use Facebook as a leisure social network. People share opinions, stay in touch with friends and share fun stuff to others via Facebook. There are so many attracting stuff on Facebook that people would be distracted from. People spend a lot of time on Facebook which does no good to their work. As a result, Facebook@Work is not practical enough to me. 


I think this is a great idea.  People use Facebook for group projects as well as to have groups for their clubs, fraternities, etc.  Why not use it for work projects as well.  I would definitely be interested in using this at my future job because I am already so familiar with Facebook as is.  


I think that this is a really good idea and will be very successful because so many users are on Facebook, and many of those people are using Facebook while they're at work or checking it throughout the day on a break. This could be a great way for people at the workplace to connect on a different level and create a new way to share information and communicate with one another. Since there are so many active users, I am sure it wouldnt be a problem for anyone to access it either. 


I read an article about this new app earlier today. I think it is an interesting idea. It reminds me of some of the Google products, like Google Docs. One of the reasons I am on Facebook is to communicate with my fellow students on group projects. I have five classes, and four of them require to work in a group. It is necessary to have one to keep in touch. That being said, I would definitely be interested in Facebook@Work, it seems like it would be very useful in the workplace, and very functional. Facebook is no longer competing with just social media sites, but search engines as well. Google and Youtube are its main competitors. 


"Facebook@work" sounds like a pretty unneeded feature that would only accomplish what other sites already do more efficiently. This just seems like a market share grab that i dont think will catch on. Face book is always unrolling new features and not many people are really responding to them. The idea that face book even wants to become a business oriented platform for work is outright laughable.


This new "Facebook@Work" product sounds like an unnecessary item to have in the workplace. There are already group chats and document collaboration products provided by Google— which is more APPROPRIATE for the workplace. Facebook is a personal socialite item, and it should stay on the personal side of things. I feel like if Facebook were utilized in the workplace it would initiate personal drama between co-workers, which should be entirely avoided! In addition, because Facebook is such a social item, it would encourage media distractions in the workplace, which would then require business to generate disciplinary actions for abusing the rights to Facebook in the workplace. 


I think it would be a great tool to utilize in the workplace. However, according to the description, it bears a similar description to Google Docs. The thing I would be most concerned about is, how would this differentiate from Google Docs and people using Facebook to make groups to do projects, such as how college students do.


I believe that Facebook@Work is pretty good idea but it seems be similar with Google Document. Thus, people might not think that Facebook@Work is not that neccessary for their business due to using Google Doc. This project is not fresh and creative. Furthermore, it is not intersting in using to me since I am using google doc very helpfully. Facebook@Work does not have any new things from Google doc so it will be not influential among many businesses.

i think this new project will be successful. Many people use facebook during their work hours. If they are able to collaborate on projects through group chats and documents collaboration with co-workers, It would be lot easier and lot faster to work

I think it's interesting, but not at all necessary. Groups can already collaborate through Google Drive, so it seems reduntant. They would need something that sets them apart from Google Drive. I feel like FaceBook has gotten a poor reputation because of employees spending too much time on social media during working hours and this is there attempt at remedying that in some way. I would not use it, because I prefer to work face-to-face whenever possible.


I actually touched on the same points in the comment I made above. I really think that utilizing Facebook in work environments would encourage social media distractions. And then workplaces will have a vast amount of employees abusing their right and usage of Facebook in their work. And then? Then this would requires businesses and organizations to need to implement disciplinary actions or training on how to properly utilize the desired media to ONLY collaborate on projects and work ideas. 


In my opinion Facebook@Work is something that I would not be interested in. Currently, when I am trying to get work done Facebook is the number one thing that distracts me. I am always cursing the site to kill time and often time catch myself being unproductive on the site for many hours. I am a firm believer that business and pleasure should not mix and I think that Facebook@Work would not be benefitical to the work environment. 


This is also a good point to bring up. This would cause many, many distractions to arise in front of users trying to work. It may cause slower/less productivity among users.


I think that this would be a great new product for Facebook and Facebook users to get into. It would be very helpful in the workplace for people to work on platforms and to do work projects that need to be taken care of in an organized manner. Not only would it be good for the workplace, but it would also be good for college students too. I cannot tell you how many group projects I have this semester and a majority of them have involved my group connecting through Facebook to get our work done. Having a product or place to be able to keep our work organized and to collaborate in a faster and more reliable way would be wonderful.


This could be a great new tool and a new way for coworkers to be able to send messages, make projects finalized and send documentations all through one platform. I think this is a good thing to use in the workplace, I would definitely be interested in trying it out to see if it is beneficial. 


I think this is a pretty good idea however it sounds very similar to Google docs. I think facebook might be able to successfully implement this new feature because we all know adults are always on Facebook at work. I think this would give people oportunities to get a lot of work done even with out memebers of an entire work team being present. I doubt I would personally use it because I am already so accustomed to using it but I dotn think Facebook would have a problem finiding professionals to take advantage of the new program.


While Facebook@Work seems to me to be a good idea, I believe Facebook is late to the game as this sounds like something that Google has already implemented. Google Docs offers such a great platform for online workplace type collaborations, I see it hard for Facebook to tape into this market. On the other hand, Facebook has become something of a dominate player in the world of online, perhaps if any company were to take up such a challenge, Faecbook would be the right one to do so. Still, even if this does become successful for Facebook, I forsee that this would drastically alter the way many users approach Facebook. What was once a platform for college students to network turned into a social media site for everyones friends and family - I find it hard to imagine this current trend shifting in such a way that oriented Facebook around a business context.  


I don't think it will work since we already have Google docs for group project and chats. Facebook's brand image is more like personal, social, with no works at all. What people prefer to do with Facebook is to share their daily life, funny videos, and cute pictures. No one want to talk about business during their leisure time except those advertisers. If the "Work" is for Linkedin or other professional platforms, I would be willing to try it. But for facebook, probably not. It's time to get rid of work! 


It's hard to say how I feel about facebook@work, because there is still little information about the new development. I think it is something that I would potentially utilize. I currently use facebook to collaborate with groups and work on group projects. However, there are a lot of other useful tooks for working with groups. I personally like googledocs, I've also heard good things about gotomeeting. I think every form of digital communication has its place, I'm not sure if facebook would be great for work projects. It is more of a social, outside of work medium. Facebook in the workplace is usually frowned upon. 


I don't see a match with facebook and work actually. FB is more perceived as a leisure social network, chatting with friends, checking comments and "like" for posts. I think there will be people like me who separate professional life and personal life. I actually feel not very comfortable to work through Facebook. And many companies restrict using FB during work time just like what the article points out. I will be okay to try it but I feel the managers will think twice before really using FB@work since many things on FB are distracting for employees. 


This is awesome! There are already people using Facebook groups to collaborate for projects in Universities so the aspect to use it at work would be great.  It would make working outside the office or in different departments can communicate so much easier and more efficiently with this.  I love the idea and truly hope they imlement it in the future because this could really help Facebook grow and make working on project a whole lot easier.


Yes Yes Yes. I have long awaited a service like this from Facebook. I always feel guilty having to open up Facebook in either class or at work just to chat with teammates about projects. So many times have I avoided even opening it up because I don't want that unmistakable, blue newsfeed coming up on my screen. Today, I think most people associate Facebook with downtime, distracting, or mindless entertainment and an inhibitor to productivity. If this service will work for non-business and for things like class projects, I strongly believe many college students will utilize it.


I don't think it's necessary. Using Facebook at work is an ineffective use of time, and having a site that is "specifically for the workplace" will only cause people to waste more of their time on social media. Although I understand that group chats and document collaboration would be an effective use, there are already other applications that allow this type of collaboration. There are messaging systems, google documents and the ability to save content on company servers that can be accessed from every computer. All of these are just as, if not more, effective than Facebook would be and don't allow the worker access to social media content that can distract them.


I think this would be very beneficial to people in the workplace. Using this profuct, people can work together to brainstrom and come up with ideas other individuals would not be able to come up with on their own. 


I think the idea is really cool and unique. The reason why I think it is helpful to use is everyone can get connect through internet, so we don't have to really meet every single time and that save a lot of time. Since workers can contact each other through internet, then international bussiness can start really easy and quick, and people can still work together even they are not in the same country.


I think this is just the same thing as Googledocs with a different name. Googledocs is essentially the same thing. You make a document, add the people you want to the document and then everyone can work on it whenever they want to. Facebook@Work would be something I would be interested in because it makes group projects very easy to commuicate. One of the hardest things in group projects is getting everyone to commuincate with eachother. Having a product that makes all the communication and work in one document would take away the factor of no communiction; making it easier to work with people in group projects together. 


I absolutely think Facebook@Work is an wonderful idea. I already use Facebook for so many of my school projects and groups. Facebook chat is easier to follow than a string of emails and sharing documents and files is as simple as uploading them once instead of putting them on a external drive. Where I work now, a creative agency in Lansing, we use a program called Mavenlink, which is simillar to what Facebook@Work seems to be. We can create projects and comment and share files. But, it would be easier to just have everything on Facebook since we are all already logged into Facebook at work already.


I think this would be a useful feature.  As of right now, to collaborate on Facebook you have to join a group.  However, this proves to be limited in it's functional capabilities.  This Facebook@Work would be competing with tools such as GoogleDocs so it would need to find a niche that the previous products are not currently fulfilling.    


Personally, I would not be interested in using Facebook@Work. The company I currently work for uses Lync as an instant messaging service, and is exclusive for our employers that displays useful, but minimal information, including job title, phone number and extension, office (branch) location, and their status, whether it is available, away, off work, or in a meeting. I think this IM service and email is all that is needed to collaborate with coworkers in sharing documents and etc. Facebook is a completely separate thing that I think should be used for personal time, and seems like it would display more information about someone than is needed as well.


I feel the same way. My work often uses Microsoft Outlook as well as Google Drive for sharing documents. I don't think I would feel comfortable connecting with co-workers with my Facebook in order to work. I would prefer to keep my personal profiles, well, personal. 


I heard about Facebook@Work today on the radio and I automatically thought of the other Sites similar to this for example LinkedIn. But, soon after they said how you will be able to share your files and other information and I was sold on it. I already use facebook groups for all of my advertising group projects and I can not imagine it any other way. I am looking forward to having a Site specifically for work and even school projects. The best part is that it will keep my work and school life separate from my social one.


While I think Facebook@Work is an interesting idea, I think the platform is too casual for it to become the main way for inter-office business to be conducted. I think this venture could be something that small busniess may use, if they upgrade how documents are viewed. Otherwise there's no reason for people to not be using Google Drive to share and edit documents in real time. I can see why they are moving Facebook in this way because it's now flooded with more users who are middle aged, but they're going to have to change the public's opinion of them. 


This feature is not new, the GoogleDoc and WeChat all have the similar functions, which I am quite familiar with. It allows people are not friends with all the group members but they can be in a work group to share articles and send messages. Maybe it is how FB develop this feature to keep pace with its competitors. To me, it would definately work with the new feature, cuz I am constantly using it.


When I wrote my response, I didn't think of the GoogleDoc's approach for the new feature. I think that although there are other programs it would provide a better experience because you wouldn't have to find others emails in order to begin or start up. 


I think I will be interested in the Facebook@work. At the present, almost every person uses the Facebook or at least owns a Facebook account. Compare with the similar product, Google Doc, I did have trouble to access it with one of my email address. Although I got into it eventually, it still left a bad image to me. If I can use a similar product through Facebook, I think it will be easier for me to access. 


This idea seems a lot like what having a Google account already provides, for example being able to share documents with Googledocs. I'm not sure if I would be interested in using anything releveant to Facebook while trying to get work done at the ofice because I feel like I would end up procrastinating and go on my regular Facebook account. It already seems like people have a hard time getting work done in the office with social media. However, since this project is still underway and we have yet to hear more, I cannot give my definite opinion on the matter and would like to learn more. It also seems like it will be a lot of work to get businesses to even use it, so will it even be worth it?


This concept for Facebook@Work seems sort of like overkill to me. There are already so many mediums available to companies with the sole purpose of communicating and collaborating. But as it is a brand new product, maybe it will have some features that others don't necessarily offer. One question I have about Facebook@Work though it will users/employees have to login to their facebook to use it? I know this question came up in the article, with whether you will be able to access it directly or need to download a new software to use it. I think with this, it is important to consider a sort of 'firewall' some companies put in place. I know that my dad had Facebook.com blocked from all computers in the office, in order to monitor, or more not have to monitor, employees usage during work hours, thus to increase efficiency and getting actual work done. I think those are a couple of things that need to considered before the official launch of this product in order for it to reach its full potential. 


I think that Facebook@Work could help people inside the workplace a lot. From the sounds of it, it allows them to communicate and work together through it to work toward their goals. As long as the employees were not abusing Facebook at the workplace and using it for personal use or letting it put their workload on the back burner, then I think this would be beneficial. Being able to collaborate on documents or project via Facebook@Work would be really sweet and would be convenient for employees. 

Graham Davis's picture
Facebook, Social Media