Hit it and quit it.

Derek Mehraban's picture
Facebook, Social Media

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Social Media sites are all the rage today. But who has time for all of them? There are so many new social media tools and social media web sites that you could go on for days trying them all out. But the real question is which ones will you stick with?

Hit it and quit it is an idea I had related to becoming a social media professional. In this class I want you to understand all the different places you can interact with customers, build links to your site, share video, add comments and dialog, publish content and more. To that end, I would like you to try many different social media sites out. You don't have to convert for life. So I would suggest you hit and quit the ones you don't like. And keep using the ones you do.Quit It

Flickr image by fuzzcat

Some sites that I really enjoy obviously are Twitter and Facebook. Addthis and Sharethis are useful and helpful. Linkedin is a staple that I don't see giving up any time soon. And YouTube is simply too much fun to not visit at least once a week if not more.

But sites like Xing, Twellow, Brightkite, Digg or Myspace may have less value to me in the long run. But it's still good to try them. You can gain a lot of knowledge by trying the sites and taking what you like, and leaving the rest. Learn from the user interface of the site. Learn how they gain subscibers. Understand the value of the site. See who uses it. Play around a bit. Publish some content. Customize your profile. Experience the social media site. Figure out their business and revenue model.

Then if you aren't fully intrigued. If your buddies are not on the site. If you don't see the real value in the site. Then I encourage you to Hit it and Quit it. Then I want you to share some of your experiences here of social media sites you really like or hate. I guess I'm more interested in the ones you droppped like a bad habit. Do tell...

Comments & Feedback


Social Media sites like Twitter are hard for me to understand I still don't use Twiter to often. I just get don't get why some peole tweet personal information. I get why business , class and groups use Twitter. I do use Facebook but I don't post to much personal information on it. I must admit I do like to pay the online games of Facebook. MySpace is aslo a site I set up a page on but did not go back on the site again. The site was not what I thought it would be.


I feel like Facebook has replaced Myspace and that is probably why you haven't used it as much. I too no longer use Myspace for that reason, but also because Myspace became overwhelmed with virus's. It got really annoying when my whole wall was full of spam that other users had posted because their computers had virus's on them.


There are many social medai sites I have tried and either stuck with or rejected. I currently use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube them most. I have tried Foursquare, but becasue I do not have a smart phone, I feel it is too difficult to interact with. I also decided that I don't really care if people know where I am and a lot of the time I don't want them to know. In hihg school, I had MySpace and used it all the time. When I was able to get a Facebook once I got in to college, Facebook seemed close to useless. I stopped using it as often and only kept it in order to check out new music. Eventually though, I was able to find all the music I wanted on other sights and even if I was directed to a band's MySpace page, I could still view it without signing in. By the time I was a sophomore in college I decided to completely delete my MySpace page. I am very happy with the decision.


The "Hit It and Quit It" approach serves as encouragement for people who are beginning to experiment with the latest social media advances. It never hurts to try something new, because at least one is attempting to gain familiarity with changing communication channel trends. Facebook is definitely the most meaningful to me, because it has become another life connection to my constituents. LinkedIn is also a genius innovation, because it helps drive the economy by means of job opportunities. Networking is imperative to one's future career success, and this helps people gain exposure. The Squidoo Blog is the least of my interests at this point because I don't feel like I am acquiring any information that is desirable.


Testing out a site is good. Thoug I must admit If a site is not eye appealing or has little content I will not vistit it again.


I have become absolutely obsessed with Foursquare.  Although the concept of it is quite creepy and I have been a little more careful on who I allow to see my check ins.  I will always love Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in along with YouTube and Wordpress.  I recently acquired a Vodpod account which I do actually like but wish more of my friends had.  I do not like my squidoo to be honest and or plickny or whatever my wordpress account suggested me to have.  A friend of mine recently opened a social networking site called Music Lunge.com  It allows you to create events, post videos and pictures from concerts you may have been to or of artists you may love.  You can also video chat and chat somewhat like the one on Facebook.  I'm hoping others will start using it more often to help it gain more momentum.



I like the idea of being able to test out social media sites, but I think it takes more than just "hit it and quit it". I feel like you're not going to know the value in the site unless you try it for a significant amount of time. For those that never believed that Twitter had any value would never have discovered its greatness if they just hit it and quit it. It takes time, and it doesn't hurt to get your name out there through other means of social media.


This "hit it and quit it" approach is actually a good way to look at how much overload of social media we are bombarded with everyday. For me, it began with Myspace, then Facebook and now it's Facebook and Twitter, concurrently. A lot of the other new social media websites look interesting and could be beneficial, however, websites like Twitter have the "monopoly" in the social media world so it seems to me that other websites are going to die out if they don't pick up as many followers.


Myspace was my first venture into the world of social media. I was convinced by my friends to finally get one but I never really got the hang of it. I didn't like the "top" friends at all picking favorites was not my thing! Once facebook came out it ws completley different! I immediatly got the hang of it and really enjoyed using it. Now being in college it is an excellent tool to keep in touch! Now that I am getting close to the end of my college days I am staring to use it to brnad myself and am sure t be extremly careful as to what I put on my page. (I am pretty sure my Myspace is stil out there with a picture from junior year in high scool, I can not for the life of me remeber the email address and password combination I used! )

Twitter is another media I really like. Although when I first started I was not sure if i would stick with it. I am so glad I did. Now that I am getting the hang of it I am realixzignhow much information is readily avilible on twitter it is truely amazing. Blogging sites are my newest thing and I really think i ma going to stick with it. It is a great way to showcase your interests and thoughts. I am also discovring the great information taht other blogs can offer!

As for other social media I m slowly getting my feet wet, but haven't decided a verdict on amny. Right now I don't see myself getting to invlved in these. I am happy with the amount of social media I use. I think it is great it is becoming so popular and is a great tool but I don't want to be all social media all the time. Face to Face contact is still great in my book!


I really like that this idea of "hit it and quit it" has been brought to the table, so do say.  I really get overwhelmed with the idea of checking all these sources and making sure to include things in all of them etc.  I find that facebook, twitter, and my blog are about all I can keep up with.  But with that being said I do like that this class has opened my eyes to all these other avenues on the internet.  I will be able to try them all out and choose the ones that work best with what I am trying to do for my blog.  In the future though when I have other things I want to get exposure on the internet, I will have this knowledge and know all the best ways to use them.


I'm really big into Facebook and Youtube, I use those both everyday. Depending on the week or my mood, I hit and quit Twitter about every other week. I feel like I will be into those two social media outlets for many years because with Facebook I am connected with all of my friends, family, and even coworkers. Also, because a lot of my friends and family are moving away, it's a great place to stay connected and see pictures, status updates, chat, etc. With Youtube, I feel as if that will continue to be around for many years as well because it allows people to advertise and communicate on a different level than with just text or voice. I am not really into twitter as much because most of my friends are not using Twitter and I feel like a lot of them will never create a Twitter account so I can't see myself using it more often than Facebook. 


I definitely agree that it's important to at least test out the "flavor of the week" social media sites as they become popular to at least check out what they have to offer. One idea I have subscribed to that I developed after hearing from Ford's Scott Monty is to at least secure your preferred domain name on the sites. This way, even if you don't have an interest in keeping up with the site, no one will be able to pose as you with your typical handle or screen name. I did this for Quora. While I don't use it, I at least have my handle secured!


I honestly don't see myself using twitter on a regular basis, or a least not for an extended period of time. Facebook has been around for a while now, and I've had an account for about five years, so I can see myself using that social media channel for quite some time. I find it much more user-friendly and interesting. I think it's interesting to see everyone's personal preferences when it comes to this topic!


I would love to try out all the possible social media outlets, but juggling school, work and an internship makes it hard just to keep up with my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I do agree that it is important for anyone in the industry to really test their feet out in the world of social media, and truly learn from the differences in each one has to offer. I never heard the phrase "hit it and quit it" in such a positive manner, but I have to definitely agree with it in this instance (once I have time of course). 


I'm big into Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.  Unfortunately, it's always been hard for me to get into blogging. Maybe it's the time commitment, or the fact that I'm just generally not interested in blogging very much.  LinkedIn seems great for professional connections, so while I don't actively use it as much, I try and keep it updated.  I had a Myspace when I was like 16 and got rid of it soon after. And Livejournal...where do these things go? I know people still use them...


My favorite social media are the ones that introduce me to the most useful resources, inspiration, or fun links, etc. Twitter, much to my suprise has done this the most. I've been able to connect with other graphic designers from around the globe who all tweet about their work and different resources that I have found extremely beneficial, not to mention interesting and inspirational. I have not decided to drop any specific social media per say, but I have noticed that I have been using Facebook much less than I have in the past (shocking, I know). This is probably because of the introduction of apps over recent years, as well as influx of younger users. Facebook is great for staying connecting with and staying in touch with old friends, classmates, and family members. There is also a great deal of information being shared on Facebook, but unlike the information being shared on my Twitter feed, there is a lot I have to sift through to find something I'm actually interested in. I know that I can filter my Facebook newsfeed to only feature events I want to see, but with Twitter, I don't have to do this. (And I don't get tweets three times a day telling me that my cousin has, yet again, sent me a pig and asked me to help water her crops.)


As the marketplace becomes increasingly digital, and social media the golden ticket, when is too much really too much? While I enjoy some social media platforms, some have become a burden- I engage in them in hopes of increasing my employment potential. Xanga, Myspace, and Flickr are the ones that I have left behind. 


I first started my social media career with MySpace. I thought it was so cool to post pictures and design my own webpage. It was like a personal website about me.  Recently I only consistently use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. I tried other social media outlets but it is too hard to keep them all current. LinkedIn is all business. I put my resume on it and use it to obtain interviews and network with professionals. Facebook is where I can go to keep up with friends. Twitter is where I find myself spending more and more time. I consistently start to fallow more and more people. I think Twitter is going to become my new social media obsession. The more I get into it the more I like it!


I agree the work to keep the accounts updated is a lot of work. I also use Facebook to keep up with friends and family, but only view what they post. I guess I am not ready to dive totally in.


The first social media site I ever used was MySpace too! But it was short lived...and Im really not even sure if it is TRULY deleted, you know? But today I am more concerned with facebook and Linkedin...that is where the action is this second for me...I'v been making allot of connection through Linkedin that I hadn't had before...and am as active on facebook as I ever was...I am beginning to realize now through this class and my current PR internship is that you need to be more aware now than ever about what you are putting out there about yourself, what other people are putting out there about you...and what your are using facebook for...like mining for data on prospective employees that could influence your decision to hire someone. These are all question that haven't been legally answered yet...we will just have to see what time brings. Regardless of the legal implications of social media blending between your workplace and homelife I will continue to use it in my private and professional life...and I am excited for the winds of change! Wether you are into facebook, twitter, blogging or SCVNGR there is something for everyone and the "it" thing of the moment will always change. 


SQUIDOO, HOOTSUITE, MYSPACE, LINKEDIN, TWITTER, FACEBOOK. Those are all of the social media sites I have come in contact with over this period of time we've spent with this course. They are also in desending order of how much I use them. I agree with Leo when he says that the sites are about what one may need them for, what kind of information they get, and .. all that. YEAH~ but honestly I'm relieved to hear that you have deemed it acceptable to "Hit it and Quit it", I was getting cold feet for some of these sites. I've also been a part of sites like Lastfm.com; a music site that lets you have groups with friends and talk about music. Though I consider myself a musical artist I never got into it. Maybe I was making too much music to care about what people had to say about other music? Hit-n-Quit #1. Does anyone remember PureVolume.com? Another social site for musicians. Used that site a lot back when I was into post-hardcore, metal, and emo/screamo type music. Not a bad site, but it just isn't for me anymore. Hit-n-Quit #2. Other than those couple I'd say that this semester I've Hit-n-Quit three other SocialMediaSites; Squidoo, Hootsuite, and Myspace. Well, I'll be honest I quit Myspace long ago. That brings my Hit-n-Quit to a total of 5 SMS.

The ones that have really stuck with me, and for most people that I know, are the sites that their friends are using. Or the ones that really meet their personal needs. And I think that's what it's all about; Hangin' with your bros online just competing for the most Hit-n-Quits. Classic. 


I completely agree. To me, social media is all about keeping up with my friends, and frankly, if they're not using the same social media site that I am, then I don't want to use it anymore. At first, this is how I felt about Twitter. Not a lot of my friends used Twitter and I didn't really understand why I should keep with it. Since then, I've learned to use Twitter for more than just keeping up with my friends, which is why I still use it, but sites like Myspace, Squidoo and Hootsuite I let go of. Linked In is a little different. Though I don't really use it to keep in touch with people, or really do anything on it for that matter, it's still a good way to get your resume out there and connect with different professionals.


Once upon a time I as well had a Myspace and to this day I actually haven't physically deleted it. But I cannot remember my username or password so it's pretty much useless. I used Myspace to check out bands and new music for the most part. When I look back I find it funny how you could arrange your top whatever number of friends, it was like you were ranking who you liked best. As for Twitter, I didn't get it at first and definitely did not understand what tweeting was, but never the less I had one anyways. I think it was at least 6 months after I got a Twitter that I actually made my first tweet. After playing around with it a lot, I reall love Twitter. I think it is a great way to get information about almost any topic you want to know about. Linkedin I use mainly for the professional aspect, I am not super into it yet but I feel like as I get older and have more experience I will use it more. Finally, Facebook is my favorite way to communicate with people, I don't know if I have grasped the self promotion aspect of it yet, but I'm learning. I have had Facebook for longer than I can remember and it has revolutionized so much from the time that I first registered. I also remember the first version of blogs, like Xanga, it was sort of my online diary. Because of this class though, after a long time off of Xanga, I have upgraded to Tumblr which so far I really enjoy. I am not sure how much I will keep up with my blog just due to time, but I enjoy reading blogs and writing about something that I really love: fashion.


Anybody remember Xanga? That was what I had prior to Myspace, once Myspace came along I was hesitant to test it out but eventually converted. Now I'm on Facebook... along with the rest of the world. Facebook seems to have the social media tools that everybody wants. The ability to connect with friends, businesses, info on local deals being offered- I'm not sure if it will be one that people drop so quickly for the next best thing. Myspace seems like a trashy, more shady version of Facebook looking back on it. Facebook is clean, its not littered with all sorts of backgrounds, music, banners etc.


There are only two social media sites I use EVERYDAY, Twitter and Facebook. I have profiles on YouTube, Google, LinkedIn, Wordpress, and Hootsuite and I can honestly say I haven't logged into any of those 5 in the past 2-3 weeks, if not longer. I find that I can do everything I want within Facebook and Twitter. I feel that some of these sites are useless, some are repetitive, and some are only for certain users. I believe a site like Hootsuite is better suited for people already in the industry or people that control more than one Twitter or Facebook account. Hootsuite is perfect for following specific #hashtags or @'s, along with Facebook Live Feeds. All in all, these social media sites come down to who is using them, what they need them for, and what information you need. I will continue to frequent Facebook and Twitter, and possibly becoming more involved with LinkedIn. Those other sites aren't for me.


I have not seen the value with Twitter yet, but I do use Facebook on a daily basis. I do have other accounts on LinkedIN, and MySpace but barely use them.


How many Hit-n-Quit's do you have?! Be honest.


Once upon a time, I once had a myspace...then come 2011 and I DELETED it. I felt quite accomplished hitting the delete button. I honestly did not like MySpace. As soon as Facebook came out, I used it! It was really hard convincing my MySpace friends to make the switch and it finally got to the point to where I told them that I refuse to use MySpace, so if you'd like to communicate with me, you must use Facebook or telephone me. I've had a linkedin and twitter since their births, if I remember correctly and thanks to this course I now use them a lot more. I have no desire to adopt other social networking sites. I just don't have the time anymore. I have a YouTube account, but unless my job demands me to use it, I don't forsee me using it. 


I absolutely love Facebook and Twitter, and definitely am enjoying using wordpress more and more. The problem is I used different social medias every day at work and it is great but when I get home, I do not want to use them anymore for myself and I have other plans. I do have a linkedin which I feel is very important and I know I need to start to use it more often. I feel that there are so many out there and yes they are important but if you pick just a few and use them to your advantage I think that you can promote anything just as well. There is nothing I plan to not use right now but I love and will not give up my Twitter, Facebook or blog.


I feel like even though we may not see it, this whole idea of social media is something completly foreign to the outside world still.  We are obviously used to it and use it daily; causing many business to thrive.  However, this is still a new idea and these newer sites trying to compete with powerhouses such as Facebook and Twitter will never stand a chance if not only do people not know what they do, but especially if they don't know how to go about using them.  I do understand that some may be easier than others to use which is why moms and dads are now on facebook reconnecting with their high school friends.  But untill these smaller social sited get out their and show the outsiders what this whole idea is about, they can get used to being number 2 or number 3 on a regular basis


I am in agreement with Derek that the most useful social media networking sites seem to be Facebook, Twitter, Utube Video - totally fun and sometimes, great information if not too lengthy, and then there's LinkedIn which has really caught on with professionals and businesses.  LinkedIn tends to be the most formal site, with several useful purposes.  The first being to stay connected with people you meet through work, school, conferences, and professional associations. It also serves as a source of professional groups, job listings, a recruiter tool, and messaging center.  It polices itself via qualified introductions to individuals you may want to add as a "Link."  It maintains a "business" purpose to any introductions or messages, which I prefer over the sometimes random FB or Twitter comments or "friending." I watch my college age friends compile lists of "friends" that look more like contests than acquaintances that they wish to know or do anything with in person.  That would be my main concern in overuse of social networking;  are personal connections and getting to know people for something other than their texts losing value? and do all the electronic means of communication confuse young people learning and wanting to establish more indepth relationships?

Derek Mehraban's picture
Facebook, Social Media