Progressive Insurance Campaign
The company I have chosen to create a campaign for is Progressive Insurance. Progressive insurance is one of the largest auto insurance companies in the nation with over 10 million policies currently.
According to the Google Adwords keyword tool, the keywords with the most hits are in the "auto insurance" adwords group, these include keywords such as: insurance, insurence, auto insurance, insurance compare, general insurance, vehicle insurance. These key words are receiving 0-4.16k clicks daily.
The second group of adwords with high popularity are those within the "car insurance" group, these include: car insurance brokers, compare car insurance, best car insurance, cheapest car insurance.
Two sample advertisements I could potentially include for the first adwords group are:
headline: Progressive Auto Insurance
2nd line: saving you over $500
3rd line: Rewarding your safe driving with Snapshot
4th line: Our new Snapshot insurance policy
Headline: Progressive Vehicle Insurance
2nd line: Appreciating your loyalty and saving you money
3rd line: Offering loyalty reward programs such as "small accident forgiveness"
4th: Small accident forgiveness policy
Possible examples for our second adwords group:
Headline: Progressive Insurance: The best auto insurance
2nd line: At your service whereever you may be
3rd line: Roadside assistance available at any time when you are in need
4th line: Details on our roadside assistance program
After researching, I have found that insurance targets the largest audience throughout corporate companies. For my adwords campaign, I will be targeting males and females from ages 23-50, since 25 is the age where young adults are removed from their parents insurance, 23 is an easy age to begin with since adults this age will start looking for the best insurance policies.
Based on Adwords research, I will most likely be looking at a $75,000 dollar budget for my adwords campaign including different keywords and SEO methods.