Twitter Improvements

Twitter had 3 times the amount of revenue growth earned in 2010.  After Twitter founders Biz Stone and Ev Williams worked on business relations, the site has improved with little downtime. 

Katie Knowlton's picture
Submitted by: Katie Knowlton

Get More Out of LInkedIn

Here are a few tips to get more out of your LinkedIn account.

Meghann Coleman's picture
Submitted by: Meghann Coleman

Social Media Boom

Some interesting information on the rise of social media.

Meghann Coleman's picture
Submitted by: Student

Use Twitter to Attract Clients

Attracting local clients and promoting your business with Twitter.

Scott Schofding's picture
Submitted by: Scott Schofding

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Account

How professionals should optimize LinkedIn accounts for best results.

Katie Knowlton's picture
Submitted by: Student

Social Media Ideas and Services

This article allows readers to understand how business can be mixed with social media.  By using programs such as Skype and online chatting capabilities professionals can discuss proposals and other important ideas instantly.

Amy Muskovitz's picture
Submitted by: Amy Muskovitz

Helpful Twitter Agent

A twitter agent for the ultimate tweeter. An easy way to communicate with your followers quickly. 

Katie Knowlton's picture
Submitted by: Student

Social Media in Plain English

Learn social media through ice cream factory!

Lu Han's picture
Submitted by: Lu Han

You Suck At PowerPoint!

How to make a good presentation using PowerPoint!

Lu Han's picture
Submitted by: Student

What is Social Media Optimization?

This website gives descriptions of social media optimization and differences between SEO and SMO.

Sara Greenspan's picture
Submitted by: Student
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