Featured Resources: Twitter
The Fallacy of Social Media Reciprocation
"The web isn't a democracy."
Sad because someone isn't following you back on Twitter? Read on and understand why.
How can Twitter Benefit Your Business?
Many companies are not even aware of the technologies and possibilites on the Internet for their company.
Cool Facts About Social Media
I love a good top whatever, this one discusses the 52 cool facts about social media. It amazes me how over the years it has expanded greatly.
Twitter Ad Revenues to Soar This Year
Despite its relatively small market, emarketer predicts Twitter's ad revenues will soar to $150 million in 2011, compared to $45 million in 2010.
Video for Twitter's Marketing
Twitter is unique engine and social networking site unlike google, yahoo, etc. The video shows how twitter works among consumers
What Should You Tweet About?
This blog gives tips on how to decide what to tweet about.
Twitter for Dummies
Contains Twitter guidelines to live by, what not to do on Twitter, and more.
Benefits of Polls on Twitter
This is a post on an online marketing blog describing the benefits of a running poll on Twitter.
8 Easy Ways to Network on Twitter
8 simple tips that can improve your twitter experience.