Featured Resources: Blog
About Adsense
Here's a site about AdSense, and how to utilize it to your fullest.
Writing for Content
Once you have a blog, make it worth someone's while. This site will help make your blog meaningful to others.
First Time Bloggers
These tips helped me a lot when I was making my first blog. Hopefully they'll help you too !!
Blogging for your Business
I've always viewed blogging as more of a personal indulgence, until i started reading about them on the interenet. Here's a a cool sight that talks about blogging that can help your business.
The Best Blogs about SEO
read about SEO from other peoples experiences in their blogs
Get Found on Google
This is a squidoo page about increasing SEO. He is the creater of John's Tech Blog and on this site he reviews the "SEO Mindset" by Brad Callen. He also discusses and points out some other important SEO information and resources.
Using Squidoo to Market Yourself
Youtube tutorial on using squidoo to market corporations or yourself. He explains on how to use squidoo well and how well squidoo is doing in the market.
Blogging vs Twitter
This website explains some of the rivalry between blogging and Twitter. Which social media site is more effective or are they both useful for different reasons?
Top Blogs
This website provides a list of the top 15 blogs...it could even give you some insight on what to discuss on your own blog.
How to start a blog
This website provides a list of topics that might be interesting to start up a new blog, especially if you are stuck on what to talk about.