Featured Resources: New Media
Mashable Jobs
Are you a graduating senior? Check out Mashable's job board for social media and web jobs!
HOW TO: Land a Job at Facebook
Here are some tips on how to land a job with Facebook out of 250,000 job applicants.
Five Social Media Predictions for 2010
Will Location-Based Applications Will Dissolve Into General Social Networks?
The Golden Rule of SEO
Find out an important tip when using search engine optimization
How much social influence do you have?
A list of helpful tools to help you measure your social influence
Gesture Recognition
As technology progresses so will media, adverting, messages, and everything in between just as we've seen it already. Think about how you can change the advertising world around you with new technology that will be introduced in a matter of years. (How many years? Who knows?! But it's coming!)
Gesture Recognition technology will change the way we look at everything technologically.
New Rules for PR
This article discusses how PR has changed in the past few years.
Importance of Social Media
This article discusses the importance of using social media.