Featured Resources: Public Relations
Mobile Marketing Association
This is a nice website with information about mobile marketing and where its going in the next few years
Five LinkedIn Groups for PR Pros
A list of suggested Facebook groups to follow!
The Best Questions to Ask in the Interview
It's that time for interviews - here are some great questions to ask to gain a better insight on the company you're interviewing with!
5 Creative Uses Of The Facebook Like
A great way to use the popular Facebook Like to promote a horror festival! It inspired us to post about more creative uses of Facebook likes…
Subliminal Advertising
Tons of examples of how "Sex Sells" and ways advertisers try and sell it.
A Life on the Streets, Captured on Twitter
Underheard in New York, are giving NYC homeless a pre-paid cell phone to Tweet.
3 Ways Social Media is Changing PR
Title is basically self-descriptive, but these three ways are described: Conversation v. a speech, Information gathering, and Personal service.
Google for Advertisers Expands
The growth of Google for Advertisers and the various Countries reached by the programs.
Why Advertising is Important
Here is an article describing why advertising is important for your business.
Do's and Dont's of Online Publicity
Blogging is the new form of PR and this piece gives great do's and dont's advice for online publicity.