Google +1 Button To Invade banner Ads

Derek Mehraban's picture
Google, Social Media

Consider sharing it with your friends.

Google announced on Tuesday that the +1 button will begin appearing inside banner ads. If a user wishes to share the ad, unlikely as that seems, then he will be able to +1 the ad and share it with friends. This is exciting for digital marketing agencies because now there is an easy way for friends to digitally recommend ads. The benefit is not only the recommendations but also the ability to share and to accumulate those recommendations so that someone outside the social network of the amused viewer can find it.

Google Plus One Button +1

Because of the importance Google +1 has figured in Google searches, this development will also help ads gain viewership after search results. If for some reason the advertiser wishes to not participate, then Google does make the program capable of being opted-out of.

This is not an entirely new concept. Digg has had digg-able ads and FaceBook has had like-able banner ads. Those programs, however, have not had much success. Google’s venture might be different for a couple of reasons. The first is that the precursors are relatively obscure. Even though they exist not many people know about them. However, this means the new program will speak to enthusiasm among ad publishers and not necessarily more clickthroughs.

The second, and most important, reason Google’s effort might succeed is because of the linkages between +1 and Google’s search results. The social graph is important for search, as well as the ads displayed secondarily to the search results, and this should push some ads to enthusiastic viewers.

Read article on Mashable.

Comments & Feedback


It's a good news. In my opinion, Google + is a tool and social network as Facebook that can share things I want to. Google + can share website, articles and videos, why shouldn't share a banner ad? So I'm so happy to heard about this news. Today, there are many interesting ads on the website, so I can share those ads now and it is really convenient.


This is very interesting concept. One thing that I see being very beneficial for the ads is the type of exposure it gets. This +1 concept is very similar to the share link next to stories, which gives a great deal of added exposure through mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Looking at how Google records data based on search results/trends and how they are able to implement this research with external companies objectives is a tremendous feat. With the +1 feature incorporated within Google, they will be able to do the same sort of data keeping.


Yes, I think it's a good creation. Sometimes, when I saw a very good ad, I really want to share with others, especially my father, he is an advertisor, so I hope he also can see those good ads. But like the article said, it's not many people know about Google +1. I didn't know about the Google + untill I take this class, and Idon't know any my friends using the Google +. Actually, I also don't know how to use the +1. Thus, I and my friends and family are difficult to use +1 to share something we think awsome.


It will be very interesting to see if the internet world embraces google plus or just ignores it. I believe Google has so much online power and presence that there is no way it will be ignored. Every time people search for something +1 is going to show up next to their results. That alone is going to make searchers interested and curious. Google + will become important to marketing of sites and it should be. Naturally if someone sees their friends or family liked a certain ad they are going to be more proned to click on it. Its going to take some time for the idea to catch but weather you like the idea or not Google + is on its way.    


Being able to +1 an ad will be beneficial to advertisers. It can help them determine if the ad was successful. While liking an ad doesn't mean that the it effectively portrayed the intended message to the viewer, a funny ad can help with overall brand image. Even if the intended message doesn't reach the viewer, seeing a funny ad can make a boring company seem more memorable and a little less boring which is always a good thing. However I can see the +1 being misused. Similar to when companies have their interns go on websites writing amazing reviews about them; a company being +1 doesn't mean that it was earned. We just have to keep that in mind that a +1 from a friend or relative is usually more valuable than 100 +1's from random people.


Google +1 is good but the problem is they are late for this. like Bing and facebook already work together and I am not sure of peopel will still interest in Google+. But myself feel it shoule be interesting. I don't know if I will truly use this +1 but it sounds fun and I would give it a shot. I do hope it can be good in the fulture.


I do believe that by adding this +1 icon on many of the results, the whole idea of google plus may actually be able to gain traction. It does appear that Google is doing their due dilgence in looking at the true psychology of the human mind and attempting to make their changes based off of certain assumptions. These assumptions have synthesized in circles and +1 but I do not know if people are ready to put in the time and effort to make it successful.


I honestly believe that this will at first catch on like the Facebook "like" icon did, but on a much smaller scale. As of now, Google+ is adding users everyday, however Facebook is still the social media powerhouse it has always been. If the "like" function on Facebook hasn't been an effective way of marketing and providing reviews then I believe that Google, being on a smaller scale, will have the same thing happen. In contrast, I think that google does have a smarter and more efficient tech and marketing team, so maybe in the future they will learn how to utilize this +1 technology and get people interested in actually using the function religiously


After I registered my Google+ page Saturday after class, I don't feel like I will be one of the Google+ fan. It is new, creative, but not as easy as Facebook to get familiar with. I can tell many of their ideas are from Facebook, but seriously, I don't feel like I will be using it in the future. Just my personal comments.


The concept of +1 seems interesting, moreso almost than Google+. The issue I have with it is that no one has started to use it. It's almost as if +1 is great in theory, but with no one backing it up, it fails to be successful. From the people I have talked to, I get the idea that no one really cares about social search unless the internet relates directly to their field of study. It's unfortunate too, because it could make the web so much more interactive even than it already is.


This is pretty interesting becaues banner ads are typically ignored a lot (at least by me). I feel like I never even see them. But to have a +1 button on the ad itself would probably resemble the way you can Like Facebook ads, and I wonder if it will really have much more success. I feel like a lot of my friends never paay attention to the Facebook ads on the side and I wonder if it will really bea ny different for Google+. It will be cool to see if it takes off though, it would be neat if they had local offers like Groupon.


Honestly when Mike was pitching Google+ to the class the other day, I was bored by it and didn't take the new idea all that serious at all.  But after installing it because of the class requirement, I realized that this thing has potential!  I describe it as an all-inclusive web social media experience.  Not only is it just liking pages in Google searches, and having the ability to see what your friends have liked, but there is a whole "facebooky" aspect to it, as well as gmail incorporated right into the tabs.  I predict that once everybody jumps on the bandwagon this thing is going to be bigger than facebook, because Google has thought of things I didn't even consider as possibilities.  +1 Google, +1!


The + 1 button provides an easy way to deliver word of mouth to the consumer from people within their circle. This will help consumers trust the advertisements more and may increase the their use. Word of mouth is very important in the decision making process so this will help people to decide what ads they will respond to. Google continues to find new ways to bring information to consumer more efficiently and now they have found a way to connect users and with their friends.


I think the Google+1 is a very good new idea for google to ad to banner ads and websites to help redirect people to the plus site. Although it is new I believe that a lot of people are going to stick more with facebook and linkedin until something more is added to it. It seems to have some very similar features as facebook. One thing I did like about the plus site is how you are able to categorize the people you ad from friends to family to other. The button is going to be a great approach for advertisers to use but I have always avoided banner ads. 


I have nerver heard of +Google vefore attending this class. I was not familar with using it and how people use it, and what is it for?
I heard about it, and I think the Google +1 button is a good idea for users. It would be useful for advertisers and to let people know that it is an good ad.
However,it is something that facebook already has used and that it became famous of.
"Like" Button was used usefully when someone likes it they click the like botton to show people likes it.
Google +1 would not be effective on targeted customer targeted customers though, becuase people who crave for the product or service would just ask their friend or search other peoples' blogs.


I think this is a great new feature for Google. Having friends, or even friends of friends, recommend an advertisement gives it weight and reputability that it wouldn't otherwise have. Maybe this feature will raise banner ads' click through rate up from the fraction of a percent that it has been for the last few years. It also puts the onus on advertisers to make truly dynamic and relevant content, for their own sake. Anything that looks like a gimmic or a scam, or anything that is totally irrelevant to the user will get buried when competing with professional, affective ads. I think it's obvious that click through rates will eventually increase by a large margin due to recommendations, which are a very persuasive facet of advertising and marketing as a whole. This democratization of information is one of the reasons why review aggregation websites such as Metacritic, Yelp, Consumer Reviews, and Rotten Tomatoes are so popular and carry so much importance in the success of a business or product in the digital age.


Personally, I see the Google+ "+1" button as blending all of the best elements of the Facebook "Like" and the functionality (as well as benefits) of social recommendation sites like Digg or Reddit. All of these things operate on the idea that we care what the people we care about care about, which isn't always the case. As tools like this progress and change, and we're connected to more and more people online - in the case of Google+ where we can limit what we share and what our friends share, perhaps we'll connect to more and more people we're indifferent to or outright dislike. A lot has been said about how a "+1" can be a positive thing for a brand or resource, but what happens when users begin rolling over a "+7" and seeing 4 or 5 recommendations from people who's opinion they don't value? As with the Facebook "Like", though, the Google+ "+1" is only as beneficial to it's users as it's users believe it is. The defining moment for the "+1" has yet to come, and if Google Wave is any indication (a lot of what were seeing on Google+ are scraps of other failed experiments by the G-Men in social forays) maybe never will come. Critical mass is, well, critical - and the "+1" button has certainly not reached it yet. I guess you could say the idea itself, hasn't been "+1"'d enough times yet. Will that change soon? Only if our friends and family want it to.


Although I like the idea of being able to share content I enjoy with my friends, I don't really see the point of sharing ads. I spend enough of my time trying to avoid ads, whether it be on tv or the internet. It's one thing to expect users to want to share their exciting finds with their Google+ circles, but I have never come across a banner ad I honestly cared about. It seems presumptuous for companies to assume that consumers are willing to do their work for them by spreading ads. Following a business page on a social media site is already opening users up to increased advertising, so I'll be interested to see where this goes.


Google +1 is the new age of giving free information to marketers!

This is genius by Google! This information not too long ago, and still today, is so valuable that companies hire other companies to do their research studies and marketing research for them, such companies as Polaris Marketing Research. I believe companies such as Polaris may be in trouble due to other companies Google+ pages, and pure information that is now free to all.

Full Demographics are a staple just in the profile ocupation, marital status, and even interests you enjoy. Companies could make connections about their customers they never knew in the past. They may see a pattern that customers of product A, are interested in yoga. It is possible the company can generate new products, to exisiting customers, geared around the customers that share interest in yoga (like a Zen statue, or new line of clothing)

It will be a matter of time, and how the people react to Google+ to see if this is a huge breakthrough, or a bust.


Google "+1" sounds exactly like Facebook "like." It is a great way for advertisers to reach a wide audience, but as a consumer I find it annoying. Maybe if my best friends, parents, roommates, or siblings suggested an advertisement it would be acceptable. However, most people interact with people on the internet that they would not normally interact with on a day-to-day basis. I am not interested in what my old lacrosse coach, high school teacher, or pre-school friend "+1's." Additionally, as a few other people mentioned, the internet is becoming more and more personalized, in my opinion, too personalized. I refrain from "liking" or clicking on any ads as a general rule.


 This could possibly be a good idea for google because some people could click on it and their friends will see the ad and it ay prompt them to use whatever it is that's being promoted. However, I don't think this will boost google's success any because as a internet user I don't care about other people's feelings about ads and won't take the time to click on them and see what they are. Majority of the time people gets annoyed by ads so I doubt if anyone is going to take time to try and figure out if they like an ad or not.


I must say I think the Google +1 button is a very good idea for Advertisers.  However, as an everyday user of the Internet I am not a big fan.  I have been on the Internet for over 12 years and can count the number of banner ads I have clicked on with less than 5 fingers.  I also could never see myself recommending an ad to my friends.  I also think that if they have a +1 button, they should have a -1 button for ads that I really dislike.  I think that this feature will be beneficial for advertisers because it will help them see what ads their consumers are connecting with. 


I just don't know if +1-ing will ever catch on the way Google hopes it will. Don't get me wrong, I think its a good idea. But I feel the reason "liking" something has been successful on Facebook is that when someone likes something, they are doing it more because it something they support or feel strongly about. For example, I might like a page about rowing because I row or I might like a page about a certain band because I like their music. On Facebook, this works because these are things that I want to show on my profile and don't mind receiving occassional updates from. However, at the same time, I don't even think that the like feature on ad banners on Facebook has particularly caught on because users don't necessarily want to like something so specific as a single product or company (unless they have some close connection with it). Which is why I think that it will work even less on Google+. I feel that the since literally anything you search on Google is +1-able, there are way to many options for users to +1 for any one thing to gain a major following. Which is why I think that +1 feature on Google ads will ever work. Google users don't want to like or +1 things, they just want to get the information they need or want and move on with their day.


The +1 button on ads is something I would not be so sure about if I were not in the advertising field. I  see the benefit of it for advertising professionals more so than the everyday web user. The +1 icon will be there and make the ads something more noticable to web page viewers which is something that businesses will benefit from.  Although, I do see the benefit for web users. Through this application, they will be able to skip past the random ads that don't pertain to them at all and have ads that they may find relevent and useful!  As far as sharing ads with friends goes, I don't think it will work very well. I doubt most people are going to check out the advertisements their friends liked. I am interested to see what happens!


+1 an ad? It does not sound tempting. Personally, I wouldn't +1 an ad, even if I clicked on it or found it relevant. When I am using the Internet, I don't care which friend liked which ad. If there is a product I am curious about, I will ask people myself instead of having a banner tell me that someone liked it. Besides, there are so many people that "like" or would "+1" anything that is remotely close to finiding it as an "okay" thing. A big downside of this new feature is that people might +1 and ad not because it was relevant to them in any way, but because it was a "nice" ad, or it was funny, or just cool in general. I might be missing the point and I may be completely wrong too, but this new feature doesn't impress me as one that screams success.


I agree with Ha-Jin, I think the reason why the "like" button is so effective on Facebook is because it allows users to share their positive opinions on personal strategies. I think a +1 button on Google is too invasive and blatant, advertisers should come up with more creative and discreet ways to tap into their target audiences. The Internet is already bombarded with advertisements so seeing +1's everywhere would make it less enjoyable. I too am unimpressed. 


Ha-Jin you bring up a great point.  We all have those friends who go wild and "like", or in this case, "+1" everything.  Are those the ads that will appear on my pages?  Does this mean the ads on my page will not be relevant to me, as they are now.  I think it is better that the ads that appear are the ones based off the sites I have visited, not ones that interest my friends.  I like the idea of my internet being the things that I want to see. Perhaps if they can make it so I only see "+1's" from people who have similiar interests as me, so then it is likely I would be interested in something they like, then this would be useful for me.


Alex, you seem to have the same ideas as I do.  The internet can be overwhelming at times, with constant ads and space taken up from things like this.  If these things are similar to things that would interest me, then I would be glad to look them over and possibly even research some of these area; but, if they are how you have discussed where it could be what others are interested in, then I would have to stand on the opposing side of this matter.  The internet is open to all, but it is personalization of the internet that excites the users I believe.  If ad space through "+1"'s from random people, or my friends who are not interested in my own interest begin to fill my work space or free time, I can only think that I would have to tone down such activity just to "get away" from the constant bombardment of what "Joe Nobody" likes.

Personalized internet is the way of the future and current in my opinion.  By taking the most open and widely known invention in the world and making it someone's "own getaway", one has successfully conquered the barriers of individualists.  Displaying too much information can crowd one's work flow and overall thought process; keeping things simple is always a safe bet when referring to a large group, including the internet users which are the largest.  My strongest suggestion would be for this idea to be eliminated and my most eager suggestion is to implement immediate changes to this so as not to hurt their consuming force in the future.


This new +1 feature seems very innovative. I understand my friends on Google+ might not care to see which advertisements I am interested in... or do they? Acquinatance that I have on Google+ can easily see which advertisements intrest me, and it would be a testament to me as a consumer. If there is a way to track how many +1's a certain ad obtains from a Google+ user, this could be an entirely new way to segment markets. It would prove a very effective marketing tool to be able to see actual feedback on advertisements by real people. It will be very interestng to see which ads will begin to appear on sites that I visit after I have "+1-ed" an advertisement that I see. Will this effect my web experience? I'm thinking that this could be the new frontier in web-based target marketing.


I heard about Google+ about this course's first class. I never heard about it before. Also, I never tried to use or be adapted to Google lifestyle like anybody else. However, I read a news article about "+1" few days ago as what Derek says. When I first read about it, I thought it's very innovative and has an advantage function for current social networks over Facebook and Twitters, etc. The brand "Google" is already known for the best search engine and makes the connection between "+1" would make all searchings more comfortable and natural. I also agree with Michael Schumm about his saying " I like the way that it was mentioned companies have the choice to activate the +1 setting or not." For "+1" coming in to the world, it would connect many searching system will be much easier and more comfortable for all the customers, also for companies too. I'm so glad that "+1" sign came to the world. I really like its system and I would recommend people to use it frequently.


Basically, I agree with Dasom. However, I'm not 100% sure whether integrating the +1s with Google's search will uniquely make it more comfortable and natural. When Google came along, it was all about simplicity and user focus - and the user wanted search, period. With postulating "Don't be evil", Google ingrained an uncompromised search into the company's philosophy. I am aware that voices questioning Google's search neutrality are not new (and this is also why Eric Schmidt had to testify before the Senate recently and the small acquisition of Zagat made such news). But going social is both promising and risky for Google. beyond reproaches from policy makers. First, "social" is not what the company was founded on and it remains to be seen how it masters this totally different field. Second, Google walks a thin line between tapping into ad revenue and user information from "social" and keeping search "clean"; uncluttered and uncompromised.


Google +1, when I first heard of the concept, I thought I would never use this feature. I feel if I enjoy an experience I will tell me friends personal, I don’t need another way to do it on the internet. So much personal information is already available on the internet; does the internet really need to know what else I like? But, after giving this some more thought, and thinking like a marketer, I can see this feature succeeding. It is so easy to click one bottom and plus one whatever it is the consumer liked. This can be a way for friends to help friends but saying don’t bother looking at all those other sites, just check out the sites that have been +1! Facebook likes, which are very similar, have worked out well. Even though I didn’t start “liking” things right away, I eventually fell into the Facebook trap. Since so many people choose Google as their number one search site, I can definitely see this catching on.



I do agree with Rachel about this new google +1 idea. I totally understand what she meant by the interent being too personal and that is why sometimes i refrain from posting and blogging certain things. I never thought i would actually use this feature however it is very rewarding and can be extremely helpful when finding activities that you enjoy. Liking numerous things will help narrow down your circle of friends. It is a great way to market yoursef and promote a product or business. It is possible that this wil be a big hit because we are all looking for ways to be more efficient!


I never tried to adapt to the Google lifestyle as much as everyone else. I have only ever used Google as a search engine and nothing more. This is the first time I'm hearing about Google+ and Google +1. I feel like this Google +1 concept is a great way for advertising and marketing agencies who’s focused on reaching consumers digitally. Thinking as an advertiser, I feel that this would really branch out different ads that circle the web, since there are so many. It would really help stretch the ads worth and allow it to reach a whole different market. Although this seems like a great idea to help reach different audiences through friends, I don’t think it’ll live up to the hype. I don’t think this +1 button will really be exciting news to Google+ users. I think ads and banners are just the things we notice when we’re on the web, the likelihood of a reader to want to save an ad and share it doesn’t seem likely, but as marketers and advertisers, we could only hope. Hopefully this +1 button reaches great potential because it would help businesses by spreading the word through the consumers themselves. It also seems like Google is trying to live up to Facebook standards, or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, they are starting to look very similar, even though I believe Facebook is much better than Google, aside from the search engine part. I wonder how this all turns out and how much it’ll impact or change the marketing industry.



I've heard very little about the addition of Google +1. I've seen it but never really understood what it was all about. None of my friends really use it or know about it as well. I like the concept and I think that it will benefit ads and I think it's a great way to the consumers involved and interact. It's different and I think it's great to get other people's opinions and if it's something that other people like. But I also think that there should also be a Google - button though. I'm very interested to see how this will turn out.



I agree, I have also heard very little about the Google +1 addition.  Since Google+ is a new outlet in general, there hasn't been much buzz in my personal network about this new update.  It's crazy how little people will notice the addition of a +1 on banner ads, but I do believe it is also a great way to get consumers interactive.  In my college network Google+ is not something that interests most of my friends.  People who aren't active in the social media world don't like to add a new feature to their life, because it is something else they have to learn and get used to.  When Facebook was first created it was only a small network of college age students who used it, but not anyone from my younger cousin to grandma has one.  I believe that over time consumer will see the effectiveness of Google+ and the Google +1 addition.  It's people like us who drive social media that need to become active and participative in such new outlets.


I feel like it was only a matter of time before Google dipped their hands in the ad banner cookie jar. Honestly, i have mixed feelings about how far ad banners are going in order to be the most connected with the consumer. The first concern that i have is that the results could be out of frustration by the user because of the increasing clutter that is filling their computer screen. I like the way that it was mentioned companies have the choice to activate the +1 setting or not. I feel like the more control the company behind the ad has in how they are seen on the webpage the better. Another concern of mine is that the results they use for their research could be skewed by individuals falsly adding the desired ad. This concern doesn't seem to be too large of a threat, but it is a concern to take into consideration when evaluating the results. Overall, Google is doing the right thing by expanding their Plus, and adopting various tools from other social media outlets. I look forward to seeing what they are capable of doing in the future.


Confession: I have never clicked on an internet ad-- banner, Google Ads, or otherwise--  on any site in my entire life. Will adding a +1 next to an ad that my high school cheerleading teammate, roommate, cousin or 3,613 other people liked have any impact on whether or not I choose to click on it? Probably not. With the advent of social media, there has been this rising assumption that a consumer simply cannot make a purchasing decision without the consent of his or her friends, yet positive and negative experiences can be incredibly subjective. Generally, I could care less about what others think of a product or service.

On the business end of things, Emily S. brings up an interesting point: if endless clicks are eliminated because your friends recommend this ad over that ad, will there be a decrease in click-throughs? If that is the case, perhaps companies will begin to see more purchases per ad clicked, making it worthwhile? I'm excited to see how this will unfold in the months and years to come; this could change everything, or it could change nothing.


Ashley -

I find it very interesting that you do not take into consideration what others (such as your trusted friends & family) think of a product or service.  I am nearly the exact opposite.  I do not go to a restaurant unless a friend or family member has suggested it to me.  If a product, service, or company impresses or dissapoints me, I will shout it out.  I will admit that I do not rely on FB Likes to help me make purchasing decisions.  I do, however, appreciate comments on Yelp, Yellowbook, etc.  I am hoping that Google+ becomes a more reliable source of true referrals than FB Likes. 

Putting myself into the shoes of a business person, I would view referrals such as retweets, FB likes, +1, Yelp comments, etc as a low cost, time saving, and effective marketing strategy.  However, to play devil's advocate, Mr. Mehraban's article that was recently shared on Linkedin, Facebook Brand Likes Are Not Sticky, suggests that FB Likes are over used and abused.  (see my post for more on this!)


I believe that Google "+1" will make differences in online advertising because Google has more influential power than Facebook and Digg on advertising. Moreover, it's true that consumer behavior is easily affected by reference group. Take myself for example, if I want to buy certain item, I google it and find some friends click "+1" on some ads, and I may be interest in what they like. However, I think the most important thing for Google is how to do yield optimization on Google Adword and Google Adsense. Because everyone on Google is exposed to thousands of ad, Google have to make sure that the content of the ad can truly attract the user. If the "+1" function works well with the optimization for Google ad, I think Google probably can maximize their revenue.


This new addition of being able to "+1" adds provides a whole new opportunity for advertisers. It's an exciting way for company's to get their ads recommended. However, I'm not quite sure how succesfull it will be. Sharing an add might not be very likely for people to do. I have a feeling that most of those +1's will come from people who are actually within the company instead of people who have used their services and are genuinely recommending it. I'll be curious to see how much impact people will weigh on these +1's.


Sure Google wasn't the first to do it, and the success of Google adding the +1 feature to banner ads remains to be seen.  But as presented on Google's Inside AdWords blog, the +1 button currently yields "more than 4 billion impressions a day," at least giving credence to the idea that it's a valuable resource that can be effective if properly used for banner ads.  

As Emily mentioned, using Google's feature to "+1" ads you like, find relevant, would recommend to friends, etc. could be a great way to narrow down search results and enable users to more effectively find exactly what they're looking for.  While I'm not fully sold, I think it's a clever marketing move and I'm definitely interested to see whether or not this addition of the +1 feature to banner ads will yield Google more success than Digg or Facebook.


I definitely agree that Google+ has a lot of advantage to people. Google gives new chance to advertising manager. As writer said that this concept is not an entirely new like Digg has dig-able ads and Facebook has like-able banner ads. Google has much different in many reasons. The major difference is that this will be presented directly in the SERPS. However, personally I believe that google can’t beat facebook and no matter how hard twitter is trying with its new feature.


This new effort from Google definitely gives advertisers new opportunites. If the "+1" on ads works the way that Google hopes it does; quality ads will be rewarded and poor ads will suffer. It will be interesting to see how (if) advertising change their ads in an effort to receive a a +1. Also, will an advertiser be able to track who is +1ing their ads and on what sites they are doing this on? This would be very valuable information which would help to target potential buyers. 


I definitely agree that the combination of +1 and Google's search results brings a lot of advantage to this feature. However, it also raises a concern. The way I understand this feature is that whenever you do google search, it will not only show you the results, the advertisements that people have given a +1 will also pop up. I am just wondering if it will provoke a certain degree of annoyance? In order not to make people feel annoyed, ad people might have to come up with even crazier ideas to make their ads more attractive. 


I agree with Suyu Li. This might raise annoyance levels to a new degree. If everyone and their brother is “+1” all the funny, silly ads how long before we are tired of them? Advertising campaigns will have to change to stay ahead of that type of an issue.

I am not sure which way it will go, whether it will be great or terrible. As far as finding gift ideas if you see something your friend “+1” then that might save you some trouble like Emily said. So it may work.

I am not sure if I would spend my time using this feature. I actually ignore sponsored ads on google. No matter how closely they match my search. When I search google my eyes go straight to the first response under the sponsored ad and I never look at the right-hand column because I know they are ads and that is not what I am searching for.


I would like to disagree a bit here. Have you ever seen the perfect gift for someone displayed somewhere and were unable to find it? There is not a website for that particular item and you have no idea what the name of the manufacturer is. Your next natural step is to use the ever famous search engine: Google. You Google the item and are bombarded with thousands of ads. I can personally say that I have spent many hours going through these ads on Google and getting extremely frustrated when the "perfect gift" is either hard to find or not listed at all. Then I just give up and feel like I've wasted hours of my life.

Using the +1 feature on ads could save a lot of time for the frustrated consumer. Generally, your friends like the same things you do. Therefore, it is quite likely that they will be searching for the same or very similar items/services that you are. Imagine if all you had to do to find the right ad was look for the nice, big, noticeably blue +1 box. You now have back those wasted hours that you can use to find more things and spend more money. It is a win-win situation, except for Google.

Google could lose a lot of money using this service. When people randomly click ads in search of the right one, they are increasing the number of visits to each ad they click. When the ad gets increased views, the company that owns the page is more likely to spend more on Google advertising because they believe it is helping them. If we eliminate the pointless searching with the +1 button, then a lot of ads might not get clicked and the owners might reduce/pull Google from the advertising budget.

It basically comes down to what Google can afford to lose. Once the company answers this, we will know if adding +1 on ads is a good idea or not.


I agree that Google+ has an advantage over Facebook and Digg for the second reason mentioned in the post. The fact that Google is already known for and owns a search engine makes the connection between "+1" an ad and searching more natural. I also agree with Nicholas Honer when he mentioned that the power to "+1" would be effective for viral ads. Novel ideas and products could warrant a "+1" but I just don't imagine someone "+1" a run-of-the-mill product like Proctor and Gamble's Bounty paper towels.


I agree that it seems unlikely that the masses would "+1" an ad.  However, I think that this provides a way for entire organizations to share their company's ads with their social network.  For example, I can see a CMO sending a link or specific search querie to employees asking that they "+1" an ad in order to extend that ad through their circles.  This practice would also elevate the digital importance of the ad, making it more relevant to the masses.  Yet, it would be pretty odd that the instructions might also say "go ahead and +1 the ad, but don't click through (to keep our CPC budget safe)."


I agree with Joseph that the masses are probably not going to go through a bunch of different ads “+1”ing all of them for no reason. I do feel however that certain organizations could reap benefits from putting their ad out early to employees and telling them to “+1” the ad which would pass it along to all their contacts. I feel like this would create sort of a viral buzz online for certain ads before they were even aired. I think this would be an excellent way of promoting a new product or giving information about it, but probably wouldn’t be to successful for just everyday ads.

Derek Mehraban's picture
Google, Social Media