Google Goggles?

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So the latest rumor in the tech space... - Google is expected to sell "Terminator Glasses" which will stream information, entertainment, maybe even ads in augmented-reality-like fashion.  It must be true - The New York Times and Mashable said so.

They were also reported to build Driverless Cars, invested nearly $1Billion in Clean Energy Technologies and companies, buils its own high speed fiber network in Kansas City (Google Fiber promises data at speeds more than 100 times faster than what's available now) and apparently have a mysterious Google X Lab where more crazy ideas are developed

How does that fit into Google's core products and it's philosophy

Is Google a "One Trick Pony" that really is only good in Search and should stick to it, or is it an innovation hub that should continue to create and push new products, services and technologies.


Comments & Feedback


I think it is obvious that Google, throughout the years, have been trying to expand their company indifferent areas.  They've expanded their network to be much more socially integrated, since that seems to be the sky-rocketing trend.  They have been trying to make it easier for people to communicate since they've began.  Although these amazing ideas may have to do with Google's philosophy, which I think is to be constantly pushing the world's tech limits, I think that (at least not in our generation) Google will be able to successfully market a new campaign unrelated to social media.


I believe Google is one of the most innovative companies in today’s society.  Although it began as a search engine, it has developed into something much greater than that.  The company has created many Internet based products and are now trying to emerge into other markets.  Google has already gained a prestigious reputation and I am positive it will transfer to their other products.  This was the first time I have heard of the Google glasses.  They sound very futuristic and it is remarkable that technology has become so advanced.  I am not fully in favor of creating such a device because it proves how reliant our society is on technology.  Despite my opinion, I am excited to see Google’s progress and the products they develop.  


Although I never thought of Google as anything more than a search engine site, it is undeniable that it clearly is an innovation hub for new technology. Although Google has definately made a name or its self as a search engine, that i myself, use over 20 times daily. there is no doubt in my mind that they should expand. The talks of these "terminator glasses" are insane. I always knew our computers would eventually be built in some form, on to our bodies, I just thought a watch would be before glasses, since that is visually hindering. (However, these glasses remind me of the futurama episode that made fun of the iphones.) I am suprised that it wasnt infact Android who came up with these though, since it is using their software. But I do believe that Google should continue to awe us and surprise us with their new products, services, and technologies. As eventually I feel google and apple will combine to take over our technological world as we know it. 


I believe that it is a good sign that google is broadening their horizon. Not because they are not good at what they already do, but major companies seem to be expanding all over once they hit a certain level of status. I'm all for new inventions and the next gen thing to come out, but I dont believe they should go crazy and try to compete is every type of product development. As long as they stay within technology and such and dont vear off into clothing or anything like that, then i think its a great idea for them to expand and explore.


I think Google should continue to create and push new products, services and technologies. I think that Google will continue to be innovative in all aspects of technology, social media and new services. Google is a company filled with brilliant minds that create fresh ideas everyday. Limiting indivudiuals with such great ideas would be a waste. Looking through their philosophy, the last number is "Great isn't good enough". This shows that they are always willing to push it further and will go above and beyond to make people happy. Whether this is making Driverless Cars or high-speed fiber networks I have faith in Google that they will continue to have exciting new ideas!


I feel that Google is a company built out of innovation.  To say that Google should stick to being a search engine and leave new products alone is like saying that Apple should have stuck with their low functionality Macintosh computers instead of venturing on to the iCraze and Macbooks.  I was really excited when I saw the TED Talk about Google's driverless car last year.  The idea of the science fiction like future which Google seems to be bringing from fantasy to reality is wild, and my only fear is that I'll be like the computer illeterate generation we have today when it comes to "Terminator Goggles" and the other advances from Google.


Google is a name that I trust to provide me with quality and truthful information.  I do not think of Google as a “one trick pony” because it is already involved in so many different areas of use.  I use Google as a search engine, a dictionary, a social media sight, and a research library – and possibly more in the years to come. 

As far as the possibility of even creating “terminator glasses” at this point in time I am not sure.  I think that would be an incredible step in technology and a resource that people will benefit greatly from, but I doubt it is even possible (at least at this moment).  I do believe that Google spreading out into different areas does follow (and break) some of its own philosophy rules.  “You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer,” one of Google’s ten things it knows is true.  People constantly have the need to access information, especially while mobile.  Perhaps cool, new technological glasses will be something that almost everyone owns in the near future (like a cellphone).

  Terminator Google


There is no way that Google or any company should stop finding ways to stay inventive and ahead of the ball. We have seen many companies that have not stayed inventive and failed within months. But, then there are companies such as Google or GE and Apple that stay ahead of technology and create the net to catch the new trends and phases of society. If Google wants to make Terminator Glasses, that could be useful is there was a Zombie Apocolypse. And if Google wants to make cars that drive themselves, maybe someday our car collsion death rate will decrease. Who knows until we get there. No idea is a bad idea. Never stop exploring and create for the unknow.



Google will always be an innovator. They will always be known as the top online search engine, but who's to limit them to that? They have the technology, know-how, innovation and creativity that can make anything out of nothing, so we should not limit them to the Search world. Even their understanding of security and the importance of the data they use is impeccable. I think the areas Google is looking into are genious - plus, if someone's going to bring these new concepts into life, why not have the trusted Google jumpstart the process? People believe in what Google is capable of, afterall, it has changed the internet as we know it. Why stop there?

Google goggles


The endless progress Google continues to make should not be capped.  They already provide such groundbreaking products such as Blogger, YouTube, Google+, and Google Analytics.. just to name a few.  Progressing into an even broader scheme such as glasses and automobiles does not surprise me.  I do, however, have concerns of their expertise in such drastically different areas.  An article on TimeTechland has me pretty intrigued about the glasses.  Yes their philosophy may somewhat conflict with their advances by saying "it's best to do one thing" , but who cares when they do all of these things better than anyone else on the market.  Google has never failed to push the envelope of technology, and should continue to do so.


I do not think Google is a "one trick pony" at all. These new ideas are extremely innovative. I think that Google has proven through some of their other ideas that they are an innovative hub and they should continue to develop new products, services, and technologies. In today's society, someone has to develop these new ideas and products and Google is the perfect fit. They have shown through a variety of strategies that they are willing to take risks on innovative technology and these new cases further develop the idea that they are truly an innovative hub.


This is one of the most interesting topics you guys have blooged about this year.  I love the topic because it highlights the new conglomerates developing in the world.  They used to be retail giants like P&G who would monopolize entire industries.  The new trend started by Google is to create companies that are so "sticky" (Malcolm Gladwell's words not mine), that people cannot live without them.  Google wants to make the company synonymous with every aspect of daily life.  It's not just about maximizing stockholder value, but to actually enrich life and create products that change the way we live for the better.  I hope they continue to innvoate and create new improvements that can benefit society.  Self-driving cars is defininitely a good start.


As far as Google being a “one trick pony”- I’d have to say, I don’t think so. To me, Google really is a hub of innovators, and full of employees with great ideas. The great thing about Google is that they listen to this great ideas from employees and aren’t afraid to take the “next big step”.  As far as business innovations and ideas that Google acts on, is totally up to corporate.  What ever they feel makes sense as a business builder- then they should go for it. I’m not educated enough on the company, and I’m not aware of their long term vision, to really analyze what are good risks and bad risks for them to take. Either way, Google rocks and whatever endeavors they choose to pursue, I’m sure they will kill it. :)


I think that Google should is definitely more than a "one trick pony" and should expand its product line. Google has already dominated the search engine and it is known for being a leader in innovative technologies. Google definitely has the resources to expand and expanding fits in its products and philosophy. By expanding its products and innovating items such as Google glasses, it is providing people with a different way to use its search engine. I think that products like this will benefit Google’s reputation of being the best search engine.


It doesn't surprise me at all that Google is moving beyond an internet search company. They have succeeded in everthing they have done and I believe will continue to succeed in whatever else they do. Their products have always focused on the consumer and what they want and that's why they have succeeded. They will continue to bring their philosophy to life in their new products and that's what will help them succeed. It will be a challenge to bring these new products into the market when everyone knows them as an internet company but I also believe that no one knows half of what Google can do and already does. They have already gone to greater steps to be socially conscious by becoming more and more environmentall friendly. You can check out their green blog here and see how much they have already done. If every company worked as hard as Google did to create new products, who knows where we would be. I use multiple different Google products and every time I try a new one I'm so surprised at how easy it is. I hope that Google continues to innovate new ideas and products because they are the best ones at it.


I think everyone will agree that Google isn't a "One Trick Pony", and, if it ever was, it hasn't been for a long time. For as long as I can remember, Google's always been more than a search engine. One of my first blogging experiences was on Blogger. I use Google Maps to figure out where I'm going. I've explored the world in Google Earth. I do some of my infographics and illustrations in Google Sketchup. I used to use Google Reader for all my news. Of course now they have Google+. And they have countless other tools (well, I guess they have them listed, so they are countable).

Odd sidenote, ASMSU, the student government here at Michigan State applied to have the Google Fiber project here at Michigan State. We didn't get it, obviously, but I was at the meeting where it was proposed. I thought it was an interesting concept.

If Google was struggling to provide its services and wasn't fulfilling the needs of its consumers, then I'd say sure, Google needs to chill out. But Google continues to provide new and innovative technologies and products while still maintaining all of its previous functions and endeavors without too much of a problem, and if Google can continue to pull it off, I say go for it.


I believe google is far from being a “one trick pony.” Google is probably one of the most innovative companies in the past 10 years. Google may have started as a search engine, but they have been able to change the way people think of them since then. They have so many different products outside of their search engine that people, including myself, use daily. My main email address I check probably hourly is gmail. I have convinced other friends to get on board with the gamil craze. Gmail is a great product and has made the way I organize and search through my emails effortless. Another product I use often is Google Chrome. It is an Internet browser that is simple and easy to use. This has become my most used Internet browser. There are many more Google products I use often including YouTube, Google Docs, and Google+. I also feel that the products Google will produce in the future will become just as mainstream. I think should stick to what they are good at, and that is coming up with inventive new products and services. 



Many previous comments have said this, and I completely agree: Google is more than just a one trick pony. It's more than just a search engine. It's an innovation hub, and it should definitely continue to create new products and services for its consumers.

Google's expected "Terminator Glasses" fit into many aspects of its philosophy: Fast is better than slow, you don't need to be at your desk to need an answer, and there's always more information out there. Google acknowledges that it provides services for a busy audience (don't we all turn to Google when we need and answer right now?), and creating glasses that stream information and entertainment in the augmented-reality-like fashion would offer another valuable service to that rushed, busy demographic. I'm not sure if I'd use the product right away, mostly because the concept seems a little foreign and out-there. Then again, it took me some time to switch over to Google docs, and now I use them religiously.

These new products also live up to Google's last philosophy. Google ends its list of philosophy points with, "Great just isn't good enough." By creating and pushing new products and services, Google is more than just an excellent search engine. (Which is part of their philosophy: do one thing really, really well.) Google provides resources outside of information for writers, advertisers, PR pros and marketers, businesses, and most importantly, its everyday users.

The ideas cooked up in the Google X Lab may seem crazy, but they work. Who turns to Google simply for searches anymore?


Google is a very inovative company in many respects and should definitely not limit itself to being just a search engine. I know Google employees in the silcon valley office are required to spend a certain amount of time each day developing projects that aren't related to work tasks. Google prides itself on fueling the creative genius in its emplpoyees and it makes sense that the ideas coming out of Google expand beyond their core competencies. 

I have heard about the augmented reality glasses and I think it is awesome. Because Google is so good at providing customers with information, this does not seem too far off of of their search engine services. It just seems like a forward-thinking, innovative new way to display and deliver than information. It is smart for the company think beyond how their services are delivered currently into what the future will hold. It would be foolish not to. 


Google is definitely more than just a search engine. Google is an innovator, and although some of their products have failed, at least they're constantly trying new things. While I wouldn't run out to buy the rumored "Terminator Glasses," I think it shows just how smart Google and its employees are - they create products that consumers don't necessarily have a need for until Google tells them they do. Genius. Not only is Google a successful search engine, but without their innovative products and services, I don't think Google would be as great as they are today. I'm excited to see the products that come from Google in the future.


Google is definitely not a one-trick pony. Google usually has many services and products in their labs and offer them to their users in beta form. From there, if it is sucessful and users like it, then it becomes a permanent service. I remember when buzz first came out and everyone used it but after a while everyone forgot about it and it died down later to be turned into Google+. I remember when gmail was in beta mode and you had to be invited to join. I felt special but eventually everyone used it and now it is a big product. Google should definitelt keep on coming up with ideas to broaden their scope.


Even though when you think of google the first thing you think of is search engine, it is definitely more than a "One Trick Pony" and I have larned that throughout this class. Google has its own social media site in Google+, it has an gmail and blogs. When I think of google I think of their huge offices in Ann Arbor and after reading some articles, now the Google X lab. Google is a great company with constant innovative deals that need to be done to compete with apple. To some people it seems like apple is taking over the world but in a way, it seems to me that google is closer to doing that than apple. Google is so diverse and innovative and constantly has new and interesting ideas to expand its company. Google is most definitely not a "One trick Pony" and will keep showing that for years to come.


I think Google is so much more than a search engine. Through this class, I have learned that Google can be your blog, a wallet and a way to connect with people. There is so much innovation and new ideas happenning at Google and I am excited to see what is next from the company. The great thing about this company is that they keep on coming up with newer and better ideas. I don't think of Google as just a search engine any more, because it is clearly so much more than that.


I think Google has done a very great job at becoming the known brand they are today. They have kept up with society trends as well as kept up with the latest technologies and really looked into what it is consumers look for and want. I think the "terminator glasses" that stream information, entertainment and ads according to The New York Times  is an amazing technological invention if they can make it happen. I think that google should keep expanding and coming up with new ideas like they have been in the past to stay strong and stay as one of the leading internet sources. With their google, google +, google maps and much more, they are looking to expand and I think they should be. They are not only a "one trick pony" company so I don't think they should only stick to google search, they should expand and come up with as many ideas as they can for google to help consumers and continue to push new new products services and technologies. 


Google’s philosophy is to be able to respond to its users with precise information that they are searching for. However, Google also stated that they are the “perfect search engine”. As of now, Google has exceeded the target of simply being a search engine, expanding into developing advanced and futuristic products such as the Terminator Glasses. All these new developments may not fit into Google’s core products and philosophy absolutely but I am excited to see the opportunity for them to create more sociable and convenient goods. So far, I’ve enjoyed using its core products. It may be a bit complicated to learn how to use everything since it is fast-paced, Google may want to hold off promoting new products for a while until its users are comfortable with their current products. This is so that every product is utilized efficiently to the max and do not go to waste every time something new comes out! One last thing, Google X sounds amazing!


Hi Everyone! Just wanted to remind you all that there is an Advertising Career Fair this Monday, February 27th from 6:30PM-9:00PM at the MSU Union in the Ball Room. 

Here is the link to our MSU Advertising Association FB Page where you can find our website which will give you all the information and attending companies for the career fair.

Hope to see you there! :)



I think Google now is not just a search engine. It has recently developed many features on the website that help people's lives become so much easier; from search engine, email, Google +, google map and etc. I am certainly sure that without Google, life is not as easy as it is now. Having develop many features that help the entire Earth; Google should continue creating and pushing new products, services and technologies. These new features are not just helping our lives getting easier but also making our society better and better. If Google keeps developing crazy ideas, who knows what we can do in the future that currently seem impossible. As a result, Google should not just be a "One Trick Pony" but it should keep pushing for new products and technologies to make our society better. 


I mostly use Google just as a search engine.  I would say for the reasons I use it that it is "One Trick Pony." Even though I use it for searches, I still think it should continue to create and push new products, services and technologies.  Why would a company be satisfied with what they already have, they always want to increase and improve what they are currently working on. 


Google has been creating new technology that is changing the way we use the internet. They are no longer just a search engine striving to become a verb. But, as Michal said in September, Google sets aside a percentage of their budget (10 percent I believe) to exploring new opportunities.

No, these goggles don't fit with their core products, but they do fit with their desire to further technology in new and unique ways. Google as a company is committed to giving information really, really well. The goggles fit with the portion of their philosophy that says "you don't need to be at your desk to need an answer." These goggles would deliver technology virtually anywhere.



'Terminator Glasses'

Google in my opinion is not a “One Trick Pony” and should continue to create and push new products.  Innovation can span in endless directions and users often welcome new devices and advances from reliable companies that have practical use in helping to make our daily lives easier and information more accessible.  The idea of entertainment 'Terminator style glasses' and Driverless Cars may seem a little crazy but they still fit into Google’s core products of media, mobile, video, Geo and maps. 

Think of how nice it would be to go on a road trip in driveless car that needs little assistance to get you to your destination.  Number ten in Google’s philosophy states that “through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways.”  If Google were to branch into new projects they would still be within their philosophy of keeping most of the focus on search engine improvement while offering new technologies and new solutions for mobile information services.  The market and needs of consumers are constantly changing and Google needs to grow and expand with that in order to stay on top of competitors with new products and technologies.  In order to be carried into the future, Google should keep their options open and I see no harm in them acting as an innovation hub to help carve the path with new resources.


Since Google has expanded so quickly in the past few years, I think it is really hard to say that Google is a "One Trick Pony." They have the resources to expand their products and innovations outside of the internet and their search engine, then why not? Most people rely and trust Google as a brand. Therefore, they have a pretty good chance of being successful in other fields.


       Number 2 in Google’s philosophy is that “it’s best to do one thing really, really well.  In this section it focuses on search and the things that have stemmed from that. In this respect, I feel that “terminator glasses”, driverless cars, or clean energy technologies are living up to the philosophy holds to be true.  

      However, I do not feel that Google is a “one trick pony”.  I think the terminator glasses sound really cool and interesting.  I think that if they are done right, they could be a huge success and Google is a company that could pull them off.  I feel that making these new products lives up to several other points of Google’s philosophy, such as the need for information crossing all borders (which can include the four corners that are a computer, phone, or tablet screen), or focusing on the user first. I feel that with this philosophy, any product that Google will make has a great chance of success.

       I think having terminator glasses and driverless cars sounds awesome, and I really hope Google takes a crack at them.


Google is far from a "One Trick Pony." More often than not when I'm exchanging contact information with somebody their email is from a Gmail account, unless he or she is a student, in which case university emails are typically used. But it goes so much further than being a powerful search engine and mail system. Tools like Analytics and Adwords are valuable resources for anybody trying to brand a website or themselves, or an established company looking to drive traffic to a certain site or product. Further than that, there are useful programs like Google Maps to pinpoint a location or get directions, Google Earth to get a cool view of what's around us, Google's useful partnership with YouTube, and now even the company's own social networking site with Google+. And all of that, of course, can be accessed from a Google Chrome web browser, the digital juggernaut's own ISP.

As far as if these new "Terminator Glasses" fit into Google's core products and philosophy, I certainly feel that it does. Google is clearly all about being innovative and trying new things, and these glasses sound like a really awesome idea. Its philosophy is centered on the user and these glasses sound like a new, fun, cool way to present the user with information. They're certainly something I would consider getting depending on the price, as they seem like a unique way to recieve information.


The founders of Google wanted to organize an infinite amount of information on the Internet and make it universally usable and accessible. If Google wants to be successful in having an infinite amount of information available to the World, then it definitely needs Google Fibers to increase the speed consumers can access this information. With 96 percent of Google's profit coming from advertising there needs to be new and fascinating ways to advertise and create buzz. If the only way users could test out the "Terminator Glasses" is by watching an advertisement I bet there would still be a huge line of people waiting to try the latest and greatest innovation in technology. They won't care what they watch as long as they get to try this new gadget first.


I think it is great that Google is expanding and trying to innovate in other areas of technology. This will lead to other great innovations that we all will beniefit from and that will make life easier and we will have more awesome tech gadgets and toys and who will complain about that. Their search engine has not suffered one bit with them trying to create in other areas so it is not hurting, it can only help and benefit everyone.


I think that it's perfectly fine if Google wants to expand into other fields. They have made searching on the web so much easier, so why not continue that model in other areas. I agree that they should keep focus on their search engine but, as long as they maintain that success they should definately expand. Why not improve the world through google?


I always rely on Google’s smart good search engine system. Considering Google products vary from Google analytics, Google doc, to Google eBlogger. Each of them can meet my needs every day. I think it is better if Google can focus most of its energy on online tools. Besides, if Google have extra energy and budget, I still support Google towards its development in, such as clean energy technologies. It is obvious a mutability player can take a larger market ratio by expanding its expertise focus. Referring to Google philosophy, “Great just isn’t good enough”. It is true, broaden its expertise field is an exciting thing for a SC tech-focused company. I wish luck for Google.   


I believe that Google is more of an innovation hub than a one trick pony. While it started as a search engine, it is now so much more. Just as every company that has survived, Google has strived to stay relevant in the eyes of their customers and they have shown tremendous success. They have found ways to get into the hands of their customers and they found a way to be used daily be it on their desktop, their mobile devices and their tablets. While I find the aforementioned inventions and possible products to be unveiled to be far from actual introduction, they need them to show the direction that they want to go in. Without innovations, companies would be left in the past. With the direction that Google seems taking, they pose the biggest threat to Apple in the technology market. If they want to take on Apple, then they need to continue in their innovation ways.



There is no doubt in my mind that Google is an innovation hub. To me personally, the company has reinvented the internet.  Not only does the site provide incredible search results, it gives the opportunity for companies to advertise or make sure they’re sites are the first to pop up. It provides so many extra services besides just being a search engine. And it’s not like these extra tools are mediocre either. Their email provider, Gmail, has become one of the most used email services in recent times. They have so many easy applications for people to use such as Google docs and Google calendar. Even though I haven’t used it personally, I feel like Google analytics is one of the best programs of its kind. They are reinventing the internet, in a good way and making it very easy and organized for everyone from the casual user to a business person to use.     


At this point, I think it would be hard to consider Google a "one trick pony." I think it's pretty evident that Google is anything but that. Google should continue the inventions and innovations they are so good at. After completing this assignment I have a new respect for Google. They are so present in how the world works today and they will definitely experience further success from that. So many people use the site for so many different purposes that I believe it would be beyond idiotic to discontinue the the expansion of their successful brand. Their widespread popularity and trusted name is what keeps them apart from other search engines as well as their innovations and expansion from just the "search engine" title.


There is no way that Google can be considered a "one trick pony". Google started off as search engine back in 1998 and has since expanded into different markets that affect all aspects of their consumer (i.e. Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Wallet, etc.). They have branded themselves far past a search engine platform and are slowly carving a network of pathways within the internet market. I am all about specializing in one area and being proficient at what you do, but Google has proved the ability to specialize in a multitude of areas and reinstated proficiency in their work time and time again. Google could very easily become a worthy competitor to Apple's prized reputation and I see no problem with that.


I think Google may be trying a little too hard. I understand tha brand wants to expand and do more then be a search engine, but to me Google + doesnt seem to be much more than facebook or twitter or tumblr. For myself I don't see the use in adding one more social website that I need to keep track of. I only use Google for a search engine purpose, but Im not really sure what others use it for. In order for me to think of Google in any other way it would have to be something significantly different than anything else. 


Google is definitely not a "One Trick Pony" and it has proved this for the last 10 or so years expanding at a rapid pace. In my opinion, the sky is the limit for Google as we have seen it rapidly grow each year. Last year it was the introduction of Google TV and Google Phones and recently we were introduced to Google+ which is starting to take off due to the cool features such as Google Hangouts. Another amazing introduction was Google Chrome. As I look around in my classes, it is amazing to see how many people have adapted Google Chrome over a short amount of time. I have been using it for a while and it has shown to have everything I have needed in a browser. Google with their new innovations have proved to be a company more than just a search engine and that makes me very excited for the future. 


I hope Google could stick to the search technology, which I heavily rely on everyday. Google is known for its search engine and I believe doing better at what you are good at is difficult but worthy the effort. There are a lot of companies invest on developing tools, applications and products for online marketing and advertising, so does Google. However, what people actually use on daily basis is the search function. So for Google, why not continue to be the best searching website?


Google is very interesting because they set out to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and usable" but yet are tapping into very different markets (Cole 133). Google seems to create new technologies as well as improve old ones, for example – Google Wallet. So to say they are a “one trick pony” sells them short. They have a lot of useful technology that can be very useful in other industries.  One would have to assume that they are an “innovation hub” because they refine so many products that are out there and who’s to say what their limit is? And what is so wrong with trying to improve other industries? They have the capital, so why not give it a try.     



In this day and age, no company can truly be successful as a one trick pony. With the rapid advancement of technology from year to year consumers are wanting more. Looking back in history at all the cell phone companies, most of them simply provided wireless mobile services. Look at present day cell phone companies, notice a difference? There are only about four left. This is the same with search engines. Not all search engines will survive if they simply offer one service. Google has been innovative since the beginning by providing SEO results, analytics, document sharer, gps and social networking site all on one website. The Google Wallet concept brings another level of innovation to the table that many companies will try to replicate. Google's terminator glasses may be a tad far fetched but the idea isn't out of the question for company. Google has shared some of the greatest advanced in technologies and they should continue to keep creating!




According to the Google philosophy you don't need to be at your desk to need answers. With their mobile features increasing it only makes sense that no hands glasses would be next on the list of to-dos. I think this would be a cool product to have on the market but I do believe it is just another distraction to the many we already have. We already have laws against using our phones while driving, is it even possible to bring the glasses into the car? Although, with the invention of driveless cars we won't have to worry about this. Certain parts of the products do stick with the core Google products, for example any type of GPS or search engine. But features such as interactive games would be a stretch for Google within itself. In my opinion Google with never be a 'one trick pony'. Search may always be what they are recognized for but not what they are always used for.


I believe that Google should stick primarily to their search engine funciton. While Google has the tools to finances to branch out into other fields, I am a firm believer that you stick to what you are good at. I personally think that Google would be a better investor to ground-breaking innovations. Google has access to so many people all over the world that they are better off acting as a bridge between the technology gap, instead of creating a new one. 

Michal Lorenc's picture