It's all about that web...

Ross Johnson's picture
Web Design

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Q:As I look around at different websites, it is obvious that some use pre-made templates, while others are individually coded. For example, some companies choose to use Squarespace, while others use IWeb. Which method of creating a website is most effective, maximizes the quality of the website and ensures universal viewing capabilities (able to view on any sized screen, including phones, computers and tablets)?

There is no single best way to create a website. Tools out there like Squarespace, WIX and IWeb give small business owners the ability to create and manage simple websites without the need to hire a professional designer. While these are great tools for this situation they really only a good fit for those who can't afford to hire a professional.

Professional designers charge anywhere from $75 - $200 an hour and there is a reason they can command those rates. Even though Squarespace can give you a nice looking website it doesn't teach you how to make effective design decisions.

The colors, imagery, fonts and style you choose has a dramatic impact on how successful the site is. There is much more to it than "do I think this looks nice?" It takes years of experience to learn what information should be most visually prominent, how to come up with a design that pleases a target audience and how to structure a website to maximize a return on your investment.

When budget isn't a concern having an expert professionally design your site is always the most effective route. Which platform best fits this situation will largely depend on the objectives and functionality requirements for the site. Further reenforcing there is no single best approach.

Q: My brand is Barclays. It's hard to get people excited about banking so how do I attract people to my fan page?

It shouldn't be hard to get people excited about banking. Banking is directly tied to a couple of things everyone loves... money and buying things.

Create content focused around how to be smart with your money, how to get more money and how it could buy you all those things you wish you had (nice house, vacations, cool gadgets, nice cars, etc...) and I'm sure you'll start picking up fans in no time.

Q: When growing a brand, a company may have different targeted audiences.  My brand is Adobe and I have identified their audiences as creatives, marketers and business owners.  These are three totally different audiences.  When approaching social media, would it be a smart idea to designate different audiences to different social media platforms?

Yes to some extent. You may find that some platforms are used more heavily by one portion of your target market and thus it makes sense to tailor the message based on that. Since you already need to tailor the message to the platform itself this doesn't result in much more effort.
That said there are probably some commonalities between the three target markets. Creatives, marketers and business owners probably have common needs among them. While you may at times want to target one market or the other you can also find out what all three care about and push out messages that cater to all three.
Q: What are the best ways to make sure your website is search engine optimized and how can you tell if it is or isnt? What are the best practices when running a blog or website to continue to improve and perfect the web page's SEO?
The first and most important aspect of SEO is producing high quality content. From there you need to ensure your site is accesible to search engines. Search engines are actually just computer programs that jump from webpage to webpage downloading all the text and images and then analyzing it to see what it's about.
If your site is built well there won't be a problem, but some designers focus too much on adding flashy elements to their site and actually make it difficult for search engines to access the content.  
The next thing to consider is how you can attract links and social discussions around your site. Search engines look at the behavior of external websites and social media platforms in order to determine which sites are important or not. Important websites get linked to from other sites frequently. They are also discussed on social media platforms all the time. Therefor the more awareness you build outside of search engines the higher you will rank.
This goes back to having high quality content. High quality content naturally attracts links and social discussions.
In terms of knowing how well optimized your site is, the best way is to assess your site compared to the current search engine ranking factors and actually see how much search traffic your getting. If you efforts are working then you've probably got a well optimized site.

Comments & Feedback


What is the best day of the week / time of day to send an email? How often should the company send email to its subscribers?


How do you know what to focus on with a company that sells multiple products in different categories? Do you market your brand or your product? 


Are there any specific websites or outside agencies that you recommend for measuring email metrics? I've used constant contact with my current job but was wondering what else was out there or if there is a better one to use.


How we use brand persona on social media to benefit in marketing?


How do you get potential customers to keep going to your site without being an annoyance?


How do businesses determine what the best key words are and what isn't already being used to achieve the biggest audience?


What do you consider to be the best form of inbound marketing? What is the best content?


Is there an easy or possible way a brand could target a large audience with different interests while sticking to a theme in their online advertising?


My company is GE and the trouble I'm finding with them is that they are involved in more than 60 different services and products. How does a company that large narrow down advertising? Do big compaines like them typically have in-house advertising, or do they advertise their most profitable businesses?


What are the best ways for identifying key words that my brand should be targeting?


about choose sites for my brand, i confuse wich sites fit best buy


How do I get potential customers to keep visiting my site without being an annoyance?


How do I get potential customers to keep visiting my site without being an annoyance?

I have my company as Sony, how could I make Sony to connect with my Facebook page to share things with my personal review of the products?

Do you think that social media marketing can get too personalized and/or intrusive? In an article called, "10 Laws of Social Media marketing," one of them is doing a lot of listening to your audience, and payign attention to what they post. But I have gone nto stores, give them my email address for a coupon, and next thing you know I'm on YouTube on my phone, and an ad pops up for the store I was just in. So where is that line of being too exact for your target audience of giving them personalized marketing?


What are good tactics to get people to open emails from companies trying to market their products and services without it being seen as spam and annoying?


I know we should post stuff about our class in our Pintrest board, but what exactly should we put?


On FedEx website, they give lots of advice about small business. However, how to track FedEx users to read these posts?


How do you suggest successfully using online advertising for my company? I have Boeing and they are not exaclty trying to sell airplanes to the every day consumer so I find it hard to believe that online advertising would be beneficial.


I work for a small business and am building a simple website using Wix. How do I know if I am using optimal SEO and how long does it usually take to show up in search results?


What is the most difficult aspect of targeting your audience and how can one successfully overcome this obstacle?


What do you think the best way to get people to actually stay on your website and browse your products/services is?


I got question about this week's assignment, when I enter my email at Persona, I can't recieve any document. So I can get the provement of my Persona. Can I get a screen shot to replace it?


My brand is Baidu. It is original a search engine website. So how can I write particular content in the SEO part of the assignment?


My company Morgan Stanley doesn’t really fall into the conventional pinterest page category because it doesn’t have a ton of pictures to re-pin about it. Granted I’m still getting acclimatized and working out some final bugs, but are wordy pins about finance tips mixed in with pictures I can find ok to have as the meat and potatoes of my page or will those be looked down on and should I focus on pictures?  


My brand is the Home Depot and they seem to utilize online social media pretty successfully. However, I have been signed up on their email marketing list and have created an online account. I've even made purchases online, yet the emails I receive are still relatively generic. Is there a way to make these more customized for consumers? Is this costly and time consuming that bigger companies disregard personlizing content? 


How can I attract customers to my place of business, without being pushy and annoying?


I find that a lot of times when I'm checking my email I will just go through and delete the emails I have from unknown senders especially if it is from a company doing email marketing. What are some good methods for actually getting people to open and read these emails rather than sending them straight into the junk bin? What are good techniques to differentiate your emails from another company's email marketing?


For company such as Lockheed Martin who specialized in global defense and areospace. How can you expand the target audience to be nore involved in the company rather than the small target audience such as commericial agencies, governments and informational technology company?


My company is Staples a store with mainly office supplies. Staples sells more than office supplies though and their target audience probably already receives enough traffic from natural search and TV commercials. Why would a company consider paying for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads? Also, if someone has a small business, nothing like the size of Staples, in a specific geographic area, can PPC advertising bring them business? Is Geo-targeting the best way to go about it?


I believe that hiring out a website is always better visually whether it be for a protfilio or for a corporation. These premade websites are, however, are very nice for people that do not have the knowledge for creating a website. Sites like Word press have a very nice selections of designs, layouts, and other features people will look for. Along with these it is predesigned to fit on multiple devices and loyouts which is very nice fr people without knowledge of webdesign.  


What is effective way to attract people's attention?


Can I get more clarification about the difference between inbound marketing and content marketing?


how can you make your customers become your promoter?


With inbound marketing, you are pushing out content that potentially may attract strangers into leads in a certain target market. Would you reccomend for brands who are in competition with similar brands to push out content that only promotes their own brand, or does it help to write content that talks about the negatives of the competing brand? Would these "strangers" who view your content turn away from your marketing? 


Whats the main differences between inbound marketing and content marketing. I know they both involve different levels of interaction with the audiences. But can they be differenciated by other metrics?


Is it feasible for any company to have a popular blog? It seems like certain companies would have a hard time writing a blog that is interesting and relevant to the company itself, such as an insurance company. Also with all the blogs and articles out there it seems like it would get lost in the mix. How do you advertise for a blog?


I've noticed that a recent trend for websites that publish articles composed of short lists, such as buzzfeed, is having companies sponsor an article that they've published.  With this being said, do you think that as time goes on, companies will try make their content as short as possible just so their audience doesn't get bored?


All of the brands that our class is working on are part of huge companies, which usually indicates a large digital media budget. While big budgets are great, we won't always get to work with them. Do you have any tips for a local brand with a small budget? How can someone with just a few hundred or thousand dollars really stretch their money?


If I wanted to get certified with Google Adwords, would I need to find an agency that is a Google Partner to conduct it through?


My company is Delta airlines, they rarely use their blog. It's only updated about monthly, or even just every few months. How can they start to build a base on their blog? Blog's are not commonly followed like how Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are. In what way can they attract more consumers to their blog, but still keeping their blog, simple and easy to search. 


How can one incorporate images from image based websites  (Imgur, Flikr, Tumblr, etc.) into effective marketing strategies? Can we use their images in our marketing approaches, if cited correctly, to appeal to a different audience? 


if a brand did not have a lot of money to public thire adv, how can track peoples eyes?


how can people created thire  fan page and let people follow you a lot?


Should we still build facebook fan page?


People right now are into images and they are quick readers, for example, they like Instagram, Flicker, they always twit a short message, what changes we need to make in creating good contents?



My company is ALDI. They have a very strong website blog. I shop at ALDI quite frequently (as do my friends and family members). Up until I started doing indepth research on the company's website this semester I had no idea that the blog even existed- nor did any of my friends or family. How necessary is it that a company (particularly grocery stores/restaurants) has a blog? I feel as if not many people know they exist.


One of the questions you answered this week pertained to premade templates, such as Squarespace and IWeb. What are these two things and what should we know about them in regard to this class?


Is there any way to avoid those big price key words for search engine marketing while still using efficient phrases? If not, Is there any way to determine whether or not these words may be a good investment? Does Google offer resources that show effectiveness of particular phrases?


For email marketing, I think customers only care about special deals and always consider most of emails are junk. How can you avoid that?

Ross Johnson's picture
Web Design