What's Your Favorite Social Network?

Derek Mehraban's picture
New Media, Social Media

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OK, quick survey. What's your favorite social network? How often do you use it? Why do you love it so much? Do you see good ways for brands to use your favorite network to market their products?

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My absolute favorite social media network is Instagram. I use this platform everyday and post my own content around once a week. I love it because it’s a great way to visually showcase your life while simultaneously branding yourself. It can show off your artsy and creative side, which I think is important if you are interested in the fields of marketing and advertising. It can show employers how you use a camera or how you engage your followers. Instagram is a great tool when it comes to how it can help you in use it to your advantage in your professional life. I follow all my favorite brands on Instagram. They can create a beautiful image on Instagram, which will attract more people to the product. Instagram is very popular with younger generations and they are the influencers right now. By engaging them, you can engage parents or younger siblings. It’s a great tool that I think all companies should use!



My favorite social network is Snapchat. I would say I watch stories every day and post on my account a few times a week. I love snapchat because you can post a little blurb of something you are doing in the moment. Then you can reply to people's snaps and say "wow that's so cool". I think snapchat is good for brands because they can use it to live post for events. Brands can also use it for sneak peaks of new products or have an influencer do a "snapchat takeover" for a day. How do you use snapchat for Fantelope?


My favorite social network would have to be Snapchat. I enjoy documenting the places I go and checking out the different geotags. I go on Snapchat at lease ten times a day, whether I am sending my friends a Snapchat or viewing ones that have been sent to me, along with checking out the different Snapchat stories that have been posted. The reason I love it so much is because I am able to let my friends know about anything funny or interesting going on and I am able to get their feedback. I know that Snapchat does have a section where different brands market products. I personally do not view those Snapchats because I'd rather watch ones from people that I know. Another way Snapchat is used to market products is with the geotags or filters, which will be used for many different things, a few I have seen before are for new movies or fast food products. I do think that Snapchat can be succesfully used for marketing, especially if used in the form of geotags or filters. 


My favorite would have to be Facebook. I think it is the best way to get news on current events, stay up to date with things around the world, and they have the best videos to pass the time along when I am bored. I use it everyday and I probably check it almost every hour with my smartphone. Brands can and definetely do use social media to expand their brands and if a brand doesn't, they will fall behind. Social media is used by almost everyone everyday, so to not use it is just not a very smart decision. I believe it is the best way to gain brand recognition and to build a community around your brand.


My favorite social network would have to be Instagram. I go on it about three a day and usually post a photo every other day. I love taking photos, so I use this to share my top photos of the week. I also really like the use of hashtags on this network. When I go to a certain event, I like to look through the different hashtags for that specific event to see what others have posted. I think that a brand can use this network to show highquality photos of their products. Also, brands can use hashtags that their consumers can use. Brands also can use Instagram to connect with their audience by showcasing the sudience's photos and asking questions in the caption of their photos.


My favorite social media currently has to be Twitter. I check it roughly about 10 times a day. I think I like it so much because it's quick and to the point. It's a lot harder for someone to go on rants about their beliefs in 140 characters on Twitter like is often seen on Facebook, something I can't stand. As Twitter has become bigger in recent years, a lot of features have been added to the platform, giving brands an endless amount of ways to advertise themselves. Not only can statements be made with words, now they can be made with pictures, videos, gifs, and other fun ways to interact with their customers. Seeing as many people respond better to visuals than to words, especially on social media platforms, this makes it even easier for companies to reinforce their brand image on Twitter. However, in the past, people have had problems with advertising that doesn't say that it is advertising. Does this seem like this could be a problem for Twitter and the companies who use it for advertising purposes?


I can't decide between Snapchat and Instagram. On one hand Snapchat is definitely more personable and gives you the ability to show so much more character, but your views are limited to the small crowd that follows you. Snapchat now offers cosmopolitan and buzzfeed which I read regularly for entertainment. Instagram on the other hand is a large networking site for me in which millions of people have the potential to see your page. I use Instagram to make future business connections and to stay connected and updated on friends and family. I use each everyday for different purposes. If i owned a company, I'd definitely have an account on both to stay connected to as many potential and current consumers as possible and update them on business changes. 


My favorite social media platform would have to be Instagram. I visit it everyday but I only post every so often. I think it's awesome because the "culture" behind it seems more user friendly and accessible than all others. It's super simple with a long list of pictures and videos to look at and many content creators in film and photography can use it to their advantage, things that I am interested in. I do see good ways for brands to advertise becasue they can easily reach a huge network with just one post. It wont be hidden away out of mind since each post on Instagram is front and center. There are no banner ads, all ads are integrated to replicate a users post which is a pretty cool way to advertise. 


My favorite social media network is currently Facebook. Although I have been on Facebook for 9 years, my incentive for using the social media site has changed. Since coming to college, I have used the site to share pictures and communicate with friends from high school, as well as join class pages and explore almost anything I want. From food videos to the latest news, Facebook allows you to find everything you need in one place. Many brands are on Facebook and have pages that users can "like" to follow their latest trends. While I can't say I love Facebook, I can definitely say it has been a useful tool for me and many others since it first launched, and it is continuously growing to accommodate user needs. 


By far my favorite social media to post on is Twitter. I enjoy jotting down thoughts that I have and the gif attachment option is key. Attaching pictures is also very simple and all around I prefer the short and sweet approach to social media. I also feel that my friends are more entertaining on Twitter, I believe that they view it as a quick thought sharing medium as well. If companies were to post often on Twitter with quick and interesting fun facts or ads then they could really harness the use of this platform. Snapchat and Instagram are great as well but Snapchat is temporary and Instagram you can only post what is on your phone. I like that for Twitter and Facebook that you can post links and share websites. By far though I prefer Twitter's more quick approach and younger audience, which is another thing companies need to remember when using Twitter. It is not a website used by all ages as much as it is for millennials and celebrities. 


My favorite social media channel is Instagram. I love self expression through visual media. I post a lot of pictures that I take from fun adventures to just simple shoots that people ask for me to take. I think it's a fun way to brand myself. And plenty of companies utilize Instagram to reach the millennial population. I"m sure thousands of companies utilize it, and the company I work for currently used Instagram to make themselves big. @wilderness_culture I think that it's easy to navigate through, as well as gives people the opportunity to be able to quickly interact with one another. I think it's good that people are able to be creative, and it's refreshing to see what people are up to besides reading a long paragraphed status on Facebook, or a blurb on Twitter deep in a newsfeed I couldn't care less about.


If you're curious about my Instagram... @_jennabenna


My personal favorite social media network is snapchat. Unlike other platforms of social media such as Facebook or Twitter, Snapdchat is more personal. You generally take a selfie then write a phrase on it, and send it to one to multiple people. You can choose who you send your information to, while on other forms of media, you post and anyone can see what you said—depending if your profile is private. Also, Snapchat offers  "story" feature which allows the user to post to all of their snapchat friends. The pictures posted stay up for 24 hours, and then there is no retrieving them. 

I could outside companies utilizing Snapchat to market to younger audiences. The companies could do sneak-peek photo releases of products on Snapchat. 




My favorite social network is Instagram. I use it everyday, at least for 1 and a half hours total a day. I enjoy looking at what people post, and just simply love looking at pictures. I love how I can see what my friends are doing in different states and see how they are enjoying their time. I also follow not just people but brands that I am interested in. I see brands using Instagram in a postive way becasue it is a social network used by many age ranges, and this allows for many to see what a brand has to offer. 


My favorite social network at the moment is snapchat. Snapchat is my favorite social media network because for me, it is the most personal. With Facebook, Instagram and other social media networks, I find that other than posting photos I just use these networks to read news and keep up with others. But, with snapchat, I send funny pictures to close friends, share things I find cool on my story and can also see what people are doing across the world. I think brands should definitely utilize snapchat to market their products because it is becoming extremely popular among young adults and kids these days. Snapchat could become a main gateway to market products to the youth and I think companies should definitely invest in creating a snapchat to spread brand awareness. 



My favorite social media network would have to be Instagram right now, I love enhancing and posting pictures and seeing what other people post as well. I use/view Instagram at least once a day. I love it because there's always something new and I can see what my friends are up to without actually talking to them every second of every day. Instagram is a great way for people to market their products because there are 'stories' on Instagram as well as videos, you can embed links and promote your product onto people's feeds.


My favorite social media network is snapchat. I use it everyday throughout the day. I love it so much because it is a fast way to show what you're doing and chat even faster. If a brand used snapchat it would be cool to do sneek peaks at new releases and show the photoshoots, along with teasers of parts of their product where as a customer you could guess what it is. 



Twitter is my favorite social network. I use it multiple times a day to read about sports. I use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn as well, but I find myself on Twitter the most. I follow Michigan State sports beat writers and like staying up to date with stats and storylines. I don't see great ways for brands to use Twitter for the way that I particularly use it, and that's the growing problem with Twitter. I do follow some people, such as former MSU Quarterback Kirk Cousins, who are paid to sponsor some products, but I usually just scroll right through the posts. Native advertising is talked about as a good form to use on social media, but do you see ethical issues with this form of reaching an audience?


My favorite Social Media is either snapchat , or instagram . I usually sanp everyday, and look at what my friends post on an everyday basis. I feel that my snapchat is only between me and my closest friends. When it comes to insatgram I log-on everyday but I only post stuff that is important, and worth looking, or reading . I love snapchat because of the fun filters, and the ability for you to get quick easy to read news for different sources like, daily mail or cosmopolitan. I love instagram because I can follow up with my friends, and also follow celebrities and companies that I like.  Both of these already have sponsored companies that promaote their business in between your friends posts so you can see them .


My favorite social media site is Facebook. I rarely ever post on Facebook but I find it to be a very good resource for information and news. I am always skeptical about news articles posted on there but the site does expose me to more news. Brands have several opportunites when it comes to Facebook. Facebook makes it very easy for businesses to advertise on the site as well as track demographics and metrics. 


My favorite social network is Facebook. It allows me to stay connected with friends & family, but I also use it to receive news about what is going on in the world through some of the accounts that I follow. I use it everyday and that is reason enough for why brands should use it as a way to market their products because if others are on it as much as I am, their advertisements are going to be noticed. 


My favorite social network is Snap Chat. It is fun and very easy to use, its a great way to see in real time what all your friends are up to. Its a great way for businesses to market their products using filters, because of the amount of times that it gets shared around all over the place instantly. 


My favorite social media is Facebook. I use it to keep in touch with family back home, along with other friends. A lot of the groups im in use it to share information, so I use it almost daily. Facebook would be a good outlet for brands to use because alot of people are on it. What type of posts would be best useful for a brand to use of Facebook?


My favorite social media network is snapchat. I use it on a daily basis. I enjoy it because I like conversing with my friends and sending funny pictures or videos to them. You can use snapchat to call, text, and send digital media, in my opinion it's like Twitter, Insagram, and your phone (in regards to texting and phone calls or facetime) all in one app. I however, do not see a very productive way for my brand, American Eagle, to use snapchat. Snapchat has various "stories" and advertisingments and many of the people I know, skip through or dont view those advertisments or "stories" so investing into snapchat at a marketing tool wouldnt be the most effective way to target their audience or market their products. I also believe that snapchat is on a rise to being one of the top social media sites, do other people think this too? Does anyone have any idea what kinds of things snapchat could do to be more effective in its' advertisments?


My favoriate social network is Instagram. I use it daily to pass time or keep up with my friends' lives. I like it so much because it is really entertaining to see pictures of other people's lives. I believe it is a great place for a brand to market their products because it is extremely popular!


My favorite social network is Instagram because it allows me to see the top pictures in all my friends lives without having to scroll forever like I have to on Facebook. I use Instagram multiple times a day, pretty much whenever I get bored or have some free time. I love it because it shows everyones top pictures, lets you tag friends and locations, and lets you search pictures from certain locations. I think Instagram is beneficial for brands to use to market their products because people are guaranteed to see their ad since they have to scroll past it to continue looking at their friends photos. 


My favorite social network is Instagram. I use it usually once a day, but sometimes more. I like it more than any other social site because it is simple. People post pictures of what they're doing/anything relevent to their life currently. Captions are usually short and sweet. It's not a site that brings opionions and arguments to life. It is just a nice way to see what friends are posting without all the extra garbage that comes with Facebook. Nothing is shared, there aren't any buzzfeed articles or tasty videos. It is only the people I follow and simple pictures or videos they wanted to share. I think brands could utilize Instagram to become on a more friend level rather than an ad level. When I see ads in Instagram, I often mistake them as posts made by friends. It fits right in with my friends posts and feels less bombarding.


My favorite social media account is 100% snapchat because it allows me to see the person in their everyday life and their most recents life updates. 

But with being on the topic of social media and this weeks assignment, my question pertains to Linkedin. Any message I have ever recieved on Linkedin seems to be either a mass message or spam. Can this social media sccount actually help me get a job? What else do I need to do and is it weird to add my distant managers from the corporate office to my profile?


My favorite social network still remains to be Facebook. I think it provides the most opportunities for people to be able to voice their opinions and spark conversation. In my opinion it has the most actual human interaction of all of the social networks. Next  I woulld also say I really enjoy SnapChat. It is quick, it is live and it's alwas changing, you don't have to worry about old subjects being rotated randomly into your search (like Facebook sometimes). I think brands could definitely market effectively using both of these social networks. AEO in particular could do this very well using Snapchat. The inclusion of filters on SnapChat allows for quick advertisement of brands unlike ever before. These filters are also selected to be used by the users themsleves. This would allow for the adverstising to not feel forced but endorsed by actual people who choose to use those filters. 


My favorite social network is Snapchat. I use it several times a day to communicate with my friends, look at their stories, look at local stories, and stories about headlines all over the world. I enjoy using Snapchat because it gives a sense of insight into a person's life at that moment or helps me quickly see whats going on around me. It's also really easy to use and offers different features that make the network more interactive and useful. There's a lot of good ways for brands to promote their products through ads and geo/filters. Companies can also promote events through live stories. My question is with Instagram introducing a similar feature to Snapchat on their platform, how does it affect Snapchat in the long run or is the foundation too strong for Instagram to touch? 


My favorite social network is Instagram. I use it everyday. I think it's better than facebook is because it's easy to use, users use photos to express themselves, and it protects privacy. Instagram will based on your cookie and recommend you other people. This way it will open you world, you can make friends and know new friends through social network. 

A lot of brand use Instagram to market their products, because instagram is a photo base social network, and it allows user to tag, when I want to buy something, I seach its name on Instagram to see how many other users buy and use this product.


My favorite social network is Instagram. Firstly, it is really easy to post a picture also share my life with my friends. Also I like using instagram to color pictures. Their filter are beautiful and make pictures lighter. Secondly, I have following couple offical brands that I have interested so I can know the new items arrival when I use it. One of my favorite brand is Kate Spade. I think they did really weel because they always post their special blog and seasonal fashion through instagram so I can purchase at the first time. 


My favorite social network would be Instagram. I go on it almost every hour I am awake. What I like about it the most is that I can look at cool pictures people have posted, or awesome videos that deal with certain brand's advertisements. It is also very easy to get connected to other people or companies you may like through hashtags linked to their postings. Instagram is a very easy way for brands to market their products. If brands start randomly following people, 9 times out of 10 that person will follow them for the sake of having more followers. I personally think that Instagram is one of the best forms of social media for up and coming companies to get involved with because of how easy it is to globally promote your brand. We see random people becoming famous all of the time linked to the goofy videos they post on instagram, it is really a crazy network that many of us are involved in. 


My favorite social network is Snapchat. I use it probably around 10-15 times per day, and I love it because it's an easy way to keep in touch with people and find out what's going on in their lives. It uses visuals to communicate which allows more insight. I think brands have a lot of use on Snapchat through sponsored ads and snapfilters.


My favorite social media network provider is Facebook. The main reason for that has to do with some of the convenient features that this platform offers to its users. It allows users to be exposed to constant flow of information that are displayed and distributed repeatedly. Contents that are shared on this social media include various topics from private postings to politics and new technology. I personally enjoyed the idea of having all kinds of information at one place and since i dont spend much time on social media platforms, Facebook has been quite enough for me in keeping myself updated with all the informations i need to be aware. 


My favorite social network is Instagram. Being someone who loves film and photography I love looking at the different profiles and how people express themselves and thier lives through photography. I think that it really depends on the brand for instagram. For example if you are selling something that is highly visual than it would be a good place to market your product but if you are selling something like for instance insurance, it probably would not be the best platform for you to use. I like instagram beucase its layout is very clean and sleek. Along with that it is also very easy to use! 


I really agree with you! Insgram is a nice app to express their lives through photography.


My favorite social network would have to be Snapchat. I just love that is offers you chance to look at little clips of different people's lives. I get on Snapchat everyday and check it twice (in the morning and at night). Throughout the years Snapchat has addded standard stories that show up on everyones feed. From Cosmopolitan Magazine, to CNN; so different brands have a noticable outlet through Snapchat. I don't believe Snapchat is the best route to take when it comes to the marketing of a business, but what social media platfrom offers the best tools for a business?




My favorite social media site would definitely be Twitter. I use it every day multiple times a day and definitely more than any other social media site. I like it because it's quick, conviniet and it's how I get all of my news. Whether it's news on my friends or peer group or national news, I get it all from Twitter. I feel that it's the fastest social media site. It gets updated with random news and trends so fast and frequently. I think Twitter can definitely be used to help market companies products/brand. However, I think it's a better medium to raise brand equity as appose to push products. I think Twitter is a great place to interact one on one with consumers. This benefits two things. It means something to those individual consumers and may help keep them as loyal customers if there is a problem but it also is public so it shows all of the other Twitter followers that your company genuinely cares about their customers.


My favorite social network is Facebook. I check Facebook at least twice a day and see my friends' page. I also see many advertisements and those are really explained well with attached videos or pictures. Since more than 1 billion people use Facebook, I think many brands use Facebook to introduce their new products or campaign to get comments for it. Pepsi is the brand I chose also have been using Facebook to market products. Pepsi shares thoughts with audience through Facebook to improve their weaknesses and this process is now considering unmissable process for brands.



My favorite social network is Instagram. I check instagram at least every hour and scroll through my news feed but probably only post a picture every two weeks. I love it because I think it's fun when you can build your own profile or "brand" and look back at your important moments and also keep up with your friends, family, celebrities and brands. I think the brands that I follow and do a good job are makeup brands because they post shprt clip tutorials so it's entertaining to me and I like those type of things. Cosmopolitan is also another brand I like to follow because they always post relevant and funny content daily. 


My favorite social network is snapchat. I snap on snapchat about 3-8 times a day and view other peoples snaps 2-3 times a day. I love snapchat because it gives me insight to other peoples lives in real time. Yes. especially the brand I've choosen Pink because it could show women working out in Pink clothing in real women's lives. Snapchat will give people an insight to their favoriate brands and behind the scenes views. 


My favorite social network is instagram. I probably open the app and check what’s new every couple of hours of a day and post pictures once every few days. I love Instagram because I love seeing what people are doing and how they choose to express that in the pictures they post. You can upload a bunch of pictures to Facebook, but Instagram only allows you to post one picture of short video at a time. I enjoy seeing what people post and how they convey what is going on in their lives through a picture. I think Instagram is an excellent way for brands to market their products. It is straightforward and easy to convey a creative and effective message and reach your target audience on a single social networking platform. 


I really agree with you! Instagram is a nice app for brands to market their products. We can know the seasonal fashion items at the first time.


My favorite social network is Wechat and I used the Wechat everyday to contact my friends and also check some interested news on my friends circle. The reason I love it is that I used Wechat to facetime with my parents, contact my friends and even pay for my bills. It seems indispensable in my life. I think it will be popular if the brands use wechat to advertise due to its powerful social networking.


My favorite social network is Instagram. I check it frequently like eight times per day. I am interested in getting some pics and videos from my friends and celebrities posted. I also notice many companies use Instagram to promote their products. Sometimes I think it becomes annoying, because it out of my interest range, however, I won’t remember this. But sometimes, some products catch me, then I will search more infomation. As far, I think it is a good way, at least it will get some potential customers.


My favorite social media is Instagram. I really like the idea of simply share pictures and short videos. It is an innovative way to share content and for brands to target young users, tons of companies are using Instagram to market their product (from Chanel to Volkswagen, every big company are sharing contents). I love taking pictures with my reflex camera and sharing them to my friends on this platform. I use it daily, however I don't upload pictures everyday. I just like seing what my friends are doing around the world. 



My favorite social network is Snap chat.  I like to see what my friends are doing so I watch their my stories.  I open snapchat about once every hour to see if I have any messages or any stories to watch.  I love it because there is no better way to get a feel of a situation than a video.  If I debate going somewhere I like to see a video my friends send me to decide if it's worth going.  Yes there are brands that can benefit from advertising on Snapchat based on their targeted demographics.  My question is, what is snapchats demographic?    


My favorite social media to use right now would be Snapchat. I think it is so much fun and so different from other social media platforms. Twitter and Facebook are very similar in that people type out a post, and add a picture if needed. But for snap chat, using face filters and sending it to your friends is a fun way to stay connected. I feel like my brand could definitley utilize snapchat to reach out to the younger crowd that wants to support their products. Even though they don't have a snapchat, I think it would be a great tool to showcase featured products and popular trends. 


My favorite social media site to use is Snapchat. I use it all day, throughout the week because it is fun. I like to use it because it is a differnt form of communicating then just messaging people, you can send pictures with comments. Brands could use this social media site to show pictures of their products by paying Snapchat to let them send users snapchats about their products. Almost like on holidays, snapchat sends out a mass snapchat to every user saying Happy Birthady or Merry Christmas, instead just use the products.


My favorite social network is instagram. I use it about more than 10 times a day. I keep checking about it if it has new posts. I am following more than 200 accounts. Most of them are about the fashion, workout stuffs, food and pets. I learn a lot from what I follow. I check about food section everyday, and decide what to make for my meals. The food account I follow all are healthy meals with innovation. This is the most important reason why I like instagram. McDonald's account has 1.8m followers, and it often posts some videos and pictures about its products such as chicken McNuggets, McFlurry and so on. It also has many views and comments.  So it is a good way for brands to use instagram to market their products 

Derek Mehraban's picture
New Media, Social Media