Wrapping up #NMDLKLOUT competition - Lunch at Google on 11/22

Michal Lorenc's picture
Google, Social Media

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OK, Social Media Mavens!

Time to wrap up our @Klout competition.

Winners (one student with highest overall @Klout score, one student with highest increase in @Klout score since beginning of the class and 3 random winners selected from all competition participants) are invited for private tour and lunch at Google Ann Arbor office - on Friday, 11/22.

To be eligible yo have to tweet your @klout score (and increase) by end of day MONDAY (11/18)... /I extended deadline/

You have to include #NMDLKLOUT and @mlorenc in your tweet.


Good Luck!




Comments & Feedback


I did not participate in the Klout competition but I definitely wish I had. This would have been a great opportunity. It would have been so awesome to go on a private tour and lunch at Google. This is a networking opportunity that everyone should take full advantage of. I am on almost every social media so I would have liked to have seen my Klout score rise over the semester. I hope the winners have a great time! I know I would have! 


Like most, I had no idea Klout even existed before this class.  Now I find it interesting to watch your score grow from low numbers of when you first started to gradually increasing higher.  I plan to keep on increasing my score while branching onto more social media platforms.  I had forgotten about the competition but good luck to those participating!


My favorite thing about Klout during this class was just being able to track my online presence over the course of the semester. It definitely made me more mindful of things I was posting online and hoping to get more interactions from people that follow me.


Much like everyone else in our ADV 420 class, I had never heard of Klout until that first day of class. I've never personally tried to branch out on social media with anyone but my friends, but after hearing about Klout I saw it as a type of competition. Being competitive at heart, I wanted to increase my score as much as I could within the semester. After connecting all of my social media sites, I was actually quite surprised at how high my score was. I don't think I will continue to use it after this class is over just because it really has no effect on me and what I will be doing in 6 months. I thought it was a cool tool to measure your social media impact and it will most definitely continue to be popular for years to come.


I had never even heard of klout before the first day of class and think it is a great tool for measuring the impact each individual has on the digital world. I never really thought that the likes and comments I got on Facebook or Twitter counted towards my influence, but now I understand why. It measures your visibility in the digital world. Though I have definitely realized the importance of digital marketing in this age thanks to this class, it is hard for me to find time to dedicate to the race with how busy I am. I think that klout is a great indicator of where you stand in marketing yourself and it can be extrememly helpful in future campaigns.

I don't think I will win the lunch because there are several people with way higher klout scores than myself with a much bigger increase in points. I am hoping that I will get selected as a random winner, that would be pretty nice. 


Klout was a new idea to me when i first heard about it in the first day of class and i found out that it was a useful tool to track and evaluate your overall social media pressence.  I did not get to make it into the contest at the begining of class but realize i missed out on a great oppertunity to tour the Google facility in Ann Arbor. I have increased my Klout score from when i first signed up by posting more often and adding new social media platforms to the Klout database. It has taught me that i need to provide an array of social media techniques and be present on many of the popular platforms to provide a acceptable pressence.


After learning about Klout at the beginning of the semester it made me realize how much of an influence social media has on the world. The social media that I focused on with my Klout were Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I saw a significant rise in my Klout score from Instagram especially. I tend to upload a lot of pictures on Instagram and the likes I received on them really helped to improve my score. Although my Klout score is not significant enough to win the competition I learned a great deal about all different varieties of social media. I intend to become more involved with other social networking sites to increase not only my Klout score but my social media impact as well. I also feel that users who have a large number of followers on social media have an easier time increasing their Klout score due to the large number of interactions they have. 


I enjoyed being able to participate in the Klout competition. I started off with a score in the mid-forties and I was doing well in bringing it up during the first month. After that it began to fluctuate. Most of the time my score increased because of my likes on Instagram which was suprising considering the fact that I have more friends on Facebook than I do on Instagram. Twitter didn't work that well for me just because I wasn't a fan of it to begin with. I guess the most difficult part for me was actually remembering to post on any social media site. I don't like to be on social media all day, everyday and I think that may have had an effect on my final score. 


Wow...I really want to have a private tour with lunch at Google Ann Arbor office, but it seems like I missed this opportunity. I found my klout score is pretty low, but it doesn't matter, I know how this score comes. Unless there is an assignment must be finished through Facebook or Twitter, I rarely use them. Friends on my facebook are more like classmates or group partners who connected with each other to finish projects ad presentations. Actually I almost hardly chat with people on facebook or share something around me, the reason is before using Facebook and Twitter, I already had used other social media network for a long time. If there is a Klout score calculator for those social media network, I bet I will get a higher score.


Personally my Klout score isn't very high. I check it on occasion, and try my best to branch out on the web to increase it. Most of the social media linked to Klout I do participate in, but some have a higher impact on my life than others. Though I don't think that my semester Klout score will be competitive, I have gained much knowledge in social media and other web streams linking to marketing. The lesson that had the greatest impact so far has been the lessons on writing a successful blog and promoting it. I'm excited to expand on my newly acquired knowledge in the future and I am eager to continue learning!


I also recently watched The Internship, and though Google in A2 is mostly likely nothing like the movie portrayal, I found it hilarious!


I absolutely loved this competition. I first joined Klout when this class introduced me to it. My first Klout score that popped up was 24 and now that the competition is over my score has raised to 62! I have been so excited about this competition and hope I make it to the private tour of Google. Klout is a great marketing metric that shows how influential you are on social media sites. I never realized that such a score could be calculated and its really interesting how "influential" I am on different social media sites. Overall, I can't wait to see the results of the competition and hope to gain that tour to Google!


I didn't even know what Klout was before being introduced to it in this class. When I started out, my score was low and eventually rose to a higher number. Now that I am beginning to use more of a variety of social media platforms, I think that Klout will end up being beneficial. With all new digital media playing such a large role in todays world, I am continuing to add more networks and will learn more about the app as time goes on. 


I actually have really low Klout score, and I don’t really use it or say check it very often. Social media is very attractive, and I do use majority of them, however, as more as I learnt from social media and marketing stuff, I prefer keeping my social media more private. Personally, privacy means something to me, I tend to not showing my location and most personally life on social media, this whole thing made me not very active on all different social media platforms. I didn’t really join the competition for the class, and I don’t think I can win with such a low Klout score, but I do care learning it with all other social media.



I had a very low Klout score when the competion began and it has risen by 10 which is nice. I have accounts on most social media sites but am not very active on them, and the ones that I am active on I dont post much stuff to. I do believe it is very important to start becoming more active because it can lead to opportunities even outside of the A2 Google tour. It will be something I will continue to work to improve on even after this class is over.


My Klout score started out in the high forties, but during this semester it has risen to 53! I'm not sure if this is a bad Klout score or not, but for me it is personal progress. While I am still new at understanding the purpose of Klout it was nice to see that my work in not just this class, but also my everyday life has improved when it comes to social media. Before this class I wasn't very interested in most social media tools, but have found that I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it. I deffinitely won't be one of the winners for the Klout competition, but I am glad to see that I made progress with this project and hopefully it will raise even more. 


Klout was introduced to me at the beginning of this class. I have never used an application like Klout, but I was interested if I could get a high score via my social media outlets. I use the basic outlets of social media, like Facebook and Instagram. Each week, as I continued to look and improve my Klout score, I was disappointed that my score remained constant throughout the weeks. I kept adding more Instagram photos, made a Twitter account, and continue added more friends on Facebook, and eventually my score reached higher and higher. My klout scored reached 54. Managing social media accounts takes continual time, and people with a high Klout score must take their social media accounts very serious!



My Klout score went up from 55 to 58 this semester. At one point it was at 59, but dropped back down to 58. I am disappointed that it didn't increase more, but am still proud that I started with such a high score in the first place. I think this competition was a great way to get students to interact and post on social media, and I hope everyone took the chance and participated! Althought I know I don't have the highest score in the class, I do hope I get picked as one of the random three!


At the beginning of this class when we had to start our Klout account, I was excited to see if I could get a high score. I never have used social media a lot; I only have 20 tweets to my name. As the semester trailed on, I simultaneously was checking my Klout score. My score stayed at a steady 52 for a couple of months. Busy with work, and five classes I realized I wouldn’t have time to use every social media outlet to its full potential. Thus, my Klout score plummeted to a 44. I applaud the people who make time to juggle being social on social media and continue their busy schedules. 



I just cannot believe that I missed this opportunity. I cannot belive that I had a chance to have private tour and lunch at Google Ann Arbor office. I should prepare for Klout competitoin beginning of this semaster but I did not. I feel really bad that I missed Klout competition.


I have been checking my klout score everyday this entire semester. I wanted to win, so I set a goal for myself to achieve 65 points (I wanted to beat last year's winner). Unfortunately, I did not achieve my goal. However, I did increase my score from it's lowest point (30 points) to today's score of 62. I noticed throughout the competition that images with "likes" and instagram pictures seemed to impact my score the most. I started out without having an instagram, foursquare, or last.fm account, and added those to my Klout networks. I also had a blogger account for a past internship, but started a new blog within the past few days before the end of the competition. Good luck to everyone!


I just checked my Klout score and it only went up one point. I am surprised that the change is that minimal because I feel as if I have been posting on my social media sites a lot more than I was before I began this class. However, I do see some flaws in the Klout system since it only takes into account a handful of networks. It does not consider blogs, Pinterest, or articles/posts made online that could help to increase your personal SEO. Perhaps Klout could come up with a new method of analzing someone's online prevelence in a more all-inlcusive way that factors in the many other social media sites available.

I just read an article concerning Obama's use of new media in his presidential campaign and they mentioned that he used many lesser-known social media sites such as AsianAve.com, MiGente.com, and BlackPlanet.com. Although these sites may not have a large influence in someone's overall internet reputation, sites such as these do have a large influence on specific target groups.


While I did see my Klout score increase dramatically when i first logged into it, it hasn't moved much in the past few months. I use Facebook and Twitter everyday, but I see a lot of your Klout score is based on people interactions with you. And even a few likes or a favorite on one Tweet doesn't do much. I like the idea of Klout, but I feel like you need to have an insane amount of friends or followers interacting with you to make a consistant upward trend in score.


Unfortunately, I did not participate in the Klout competition. I wish I would have taken advantage of this opportunity in the beginning of the semester. I think this is a great opportunity for the winners of the competition to have private tour and lunch at Google Ann Arbor office. This is an incredible networking opportunity that the students should take full advantage of. I am pretty involved in all social media platforms, so I would have liked to have seen my Klout score improvement over the semester. I plan on looking at the twitter account and seeing what the classmates have posted. 


I just tweeted my score and shift in change from the start of the semester. I don't really know how but my score actually went down, maybe I wasn't doing as good of a job as I thought I was. This change most likely came from my decrease in social media posts, I saw a decline in my tweets and facebook posts so maybe that is why. That being said I really do hope I get chosen from the selection of students who are contesting, having lunch at Google sounds amazing and I am sure I will learn a great deal just from being there.


I did participate in Klout competition and it has been a quite fun experience. My current Klout score is 59 and compare to the beginning of the semester, it is a significant increase. I'm quite satisfied with the result, but I think if I get more active with other social media tools like Google+, LinkedIn, and Google+, my score would have been more ideal. I think my score was pretty much contributed by my Facebook use, since I'm a really active user of Facebook.


When I first heard about the competiton I was excited and thought I would checkout Klout quickly. The semester has now come to close but I never went to check my score on Klout. After reading some of the comments I feel bad on missing out good opportunity and the fun of checking the score weekly. In this class we learned many things about social media that we wouldn't have learned about eventhough we spend most of the time using social networks. Overall the experence of using social media in the NMDL homeworks has been lot of fun.


During the short period time of this semester, I had fully understand the meaning of Klout website. It moniors every single movement from my social network, including different accounts. Also, it could provide me a trend. On the other hand, my klout score is not very hight after two months. I think the problem is that I only keep some of my social media account remain active. Others such as Pinterest, Google+ were kind of irrelevant with my daily lives and I seldom post any activities on them. My friends circle all use Facebook and Instagram a lot from my conclusion. Since that, only get interations from two account that I've connected to klout would not that possible to give me a very high score.However, I got good experience on using this website. It indicates a person's habit of using social media and his/her preferences among the whole social network.


I thought that the Klout competition would be really cool and easy to compete in. My original score was 50 and it has unfortunately decreased by 2. It didn't raise any because I am on social media quite a lot and check and update it regularly. I wish I would have paid attention and rememberd about this competition throughout the semester because this was a great opportunity ! 


Competing in this Klout score competition, has been pretty fun. Sadly after reading some comments I can tell that I'm not going to win the high score or the most improved score, so my only chance of going comes down to the luck of the draw. It has been fun checking my score weekly and I plan on continuing to use Klout even after NMDL. Hopefully my score continues to grow as I add on to my social networks.


Just tweeted my Kout score and increase. It seems like it is a pretty drastic increase, but most of the increase happened right away at the beginging of class but pretty much stayed steady through out the course. I thought my score would increase much more through out the semester. I checked my Klout regularly and it never really strayed from around 54. 


I have actually really enjoyed watching my @Klout score rise over the course of this class. Although it looks like people have seen even more drastic increases, I have been pleased, going from a 39 to a 48. Another interesting change was within the social networks that my score was coming from. It used to be mostly Facebook, but now my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts are having more and more of an influence. It's very interesting to see what interactions and events carry the most influence, and to try and think of why. Recently, my friends have been getting great perks, so I'm excited to see what I will receive!


I initially signed up for the Klout competition but I did not end up following through with it. I believe that I could have grown my score but I forgot to keep track of it. I wish I would have put more effort into increasing my score, I missed a good opportunity. Klout is a great way for people to keep track of their social media presence and I think I will take advantage of it in the future. 


I really enjoyed the Klout challenge this semester.  Not only was it motivating to have such a unique reward and opportunity at the finish line, but it was also interesting to see what parts of my social media helped increase my score the most.  I definitly learned what posts are more appealing and tried to cater to that in order to increase my score and influence on social media.  I'll definitly be checking in with my Klout score in the future and look forward to seeing it grow with more time!

And hopefully I'm one of the three random picks to come to Google.  Espeically since my Fridays are wide open ;).


I wish I would have read this post sooner, as I did not try to increase my Klout score this semester.  A private tour at the Google Ann Arbor office is a tremendous opportunity that I would have loved to take advantage of.  However, I do plan to enter the competition anyways in hope of being on of the 3 who are randomly selected.  I say this because I do not use my social networking sites regularly and as such I do not think I will have the highest Klout score.  One the other hand, I did create a LinkedIn profile for this class specifically and do try and keep up with it.  I have began networking with my friends and family on that, so perhaps that will help.  All in all, I think this is a great prize and provides good incentive for us as students.

I did not participate in Klout this semester, although I wish I would have.  The tour of the Google office in Ann Arbor sounds like an awesome prize, and it is something I wish I would have attempted to win.  I do not think my Klout score would have improved very much over the course of the semester, just because I was already actively using almost all of the social media sites that we had to register in this class before the semester began.  The only one I had to create specifically for this class was my LinkedIn profile, and I have not kept up with that very much outside of our one assignment involving it.  I do wish I would have at least participated in the Klout competition though, because a tour of the Google office is something I would love to be a part of.

I unfortunately did not participate in Klout this semester. I wish that I had taken this opportunity to see the possiblities it could offer me. This lunch seems like such an amazing way to network, its a shame more of us couldn't join in this lunch. I will look into the #NMDLKLOUT hashtag and see what some of my classmates have tweeted to learn more about this experience. 


I did not participate in the KLOUT competition, and I kind of regret not doing it now. I have not utilized KLOUT, but my score has gone way up due to my other social media uses. Maybe I would have won who knows, but I definitaly am going to try and use KOUT and my other social media outlets more. This class has really taught me a lot about social media and the impact it can have on a company, its reputation, and its future.


I unfortunatley did not participate in the KLOUT competition. Now I wish I had! At the beginning of the semester and this class, I wasn't as interested in social media as I am now. I didn't realize all of the connections between advertising, marketing, and communications. I'm not a huge social media user, although I check Facebook and Twitter daily. Other than that, I don't have a Tumblr or anything else. I rarely use Pinterest. But I think the trip to see the Google office would be incredible. I've always been interested in working for Google because it seems like an excellent place to start a career or potentially work. I'm thankful for this class for opening my eyes to all of the ways to use social media and get connected to the people around me.


I did participate in the Klout competition because I thought it was cool easy competition to enter into. I do not think I am going to win though because my Klout score did not increase too much. This is probably due to the fact I am not that into social media. Before this class, all I had was a Facebook and a Twitter. I never really knew was Google+ was, I did not have a LinkedIn, (although I know I should have) and I did not have a blog. I thought having all these social media websites is overwhelming and too much time and effort. Although, I do think having all these social media websites to keep up with is still overwhelming I am going to try and become better at it because I have realized the importance of them. I think the opportunity of going to the Google office is amazing and I hope win it. If I don’t I hope who ever does has an amazing, educated time!


I just realize that there are Klout competition. I did not know about it. 

It seems great opportunity to take a tour of google office. 

I wish I could visit to google office. maybe, I should be more active that kind of activities. 


I just knew there is a website Klout, which could measure my influence on social media networks, and I tried it and kept tracking my Klout scores throughout this semester. At first, because I was "silent" during the summer because I came back to China and stopped using Facebook or Twitter, leading to my start Klout score is nearly 12. And at the end of this semester, my Klout reached 38. I raised it by 26. I knew it was not a big breakthrough but still beyond my expectation. I earned the most by sharing pictures and interacting with my friends on Instagram. The secondly important part was Facebook. I also earned some scores for more LinkedIn connections.


I didn't participate in the Klout challenge because honestly, I forgot about it. I am pretty active on social media (Twitter and Instagram mainly, more than Facebook) and I think I could have increased my score and utilized the social media better. I don't know if I would have had a grand influence on people because the things I post about are random and sometimes unimportant, but I could have reached some people better and had discussions and such. A tour of the Google office would have been cool though and I hope whoever wins gets the chance to go and learn something!


I've been utilizing the Klout tool for almost a full year now and I must say its extremely useful. My 90 day high for my score was a 59 and I'm extremely excited about it. If I keep utilizing the tools I've learned in class I will definitely make my way in the 60's soon! Klout is a great way to measure your social media influence and to figure out what is engaging your fans or not. My brand is receiving 47% of its engagements on instagram and that's definitely something I will remember when trying to engage my fans. 


I did not compete in the @Klout competition. I wasn't very familiar with it and I don't think my score would have been that high any way. I will look into it for the future because it sounds interesting! Even though I stay connected with my social media pages I think it could have been useful to me to see how I am doing on each page. For those who participated in the competition, good job and good luck to the winner! 


I decided to participate in the Klout Challenge upon hearing about it in our first class session. My Klout profile can be found here. When you began telling us about what Klout was, and what it did, I found the concept very entertaining. It sounded to me like a social media challenge, and I'm always up for a good challenge. When you told us there would be a lunch attached where we could try the new Google Glass, that just sent it over the top!

So later that day, after I got home, I signed up for Klout. I noticed that there were multiple social media sites I could attach to my Klout account, so I did just that. I attached each and every site I had to my Klout. Then, I proceeded to create accounts for the others that I did not already have, such as Last FM, Blogger, Yammer, and Tumblr.

Here are my Network Breakdowns:


Klout 2

My Klout score to begin with, was a shockingly low 10.36. After one day however, it rose to a hearty 50.71. I believe this had to do with all the adjustments for all the social media sites to be polled. My 90-day high was a 52.18, and my final score that I will be submitting is a 44.07. You will notice that I used Facebook the most in this 2 month period, with Instagram following at a 21% second.

To sum it all up, I think my decision to link my Klout to all the available social media outlets was a poor decision. Truthfully, I only use Facebook. I believe signing up with all these other channels without giving them any attention or activity hurt my score in the long run. You'll notice that I'm very active on Facebook, and if that was the only medium being judged, my Klout score might very well be up around 75 or better. However, that is not how it turned out this time around.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in this challenge, and I really hope that it will pay off. I would absolutely LOVE the chance to check out Google Glass hands on, and meet with Google for lunch.

-Paul Cleaveland


I participated in the Klout challenge in a very hands off approach - before the class I only had my Twitter account synced with Klout but now I have: Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Foursquare and Google+ synched. I didn't work extra hard to win the lunch though - I've already been to Google to visit a friend that works there and I definitely wanted someone else to have a shot at it! I do think that Klout is interesting and I am glad that I snyched all my accounts. Who knows maybe my score of 60 will play in my favor one of these days!


I did not participate in the Klout challenge, but maybe I will look into Klout in the future. It seems like it can be a useful website and I could learn new things from it. I am always interested in new social media websites and new technology in general, so this would be something to look into. Networking and using social media websites to help me network is important as I step into the 'real world', so any new website that can aid with this is important to look further into. The prize for this contest is really cool and seems very beneficial to whoever will win, so good luck to those who are participating!


Before entering this class I had never heard of Klout and what it could do. When I first learned about it I thought it would be pretty easy to increase my Klout score, but soon I realized that was a lie! For someone like myself, who though has many social media platforms I tend to just "watch", instead of actually posting. This had to be the hardest thing for me because I enjoy social media and I understand the power it has, I just can't get into the posting something everyday.  When I share Klout with my friends outside of this course they are amazed and when they see there score they are surprised, similar to how I was. Whenever I check my score, Klout has really given me the drive to interact with social media in a organic and meaningful way. As I have learned in this course social media is important but it should be used when you actually have something of value to share. Overall, I plan on keeping my Klout account to see and manage my progress. 


To be honest, I'm not a person that is really involved with social media all that much. I only use it to keep in contact with friends and such, so I doubt my Klout score would have been that great. On that note, Klout seems really cool. I think it is a great tool to use to keep track of how people use social media. I can see how it could be used as an incentive to increase social media presence. We should all know by now how important it is to be an influence to people, so it's neat that we can keep track of how good our influence has been.


I have enjoyed learning about Klout through taking this class and will use this information when I go out into the world of social marketing.  I tied my different profile platforms together and increased my score by 9 points at the end of the competition.  The highest I had raised my score was 13 points, but then I started to not post on as many sites and my score dropped.  Klout is used by major companies across the world to try to influence others, but I think there are some problems  as well.  First, I have been reading up on the system and it appears you can manipulate your Klout score relatively easily if you interact with people who have high scores already.  Thus, there is some political game involved where if you were very serious about receiving a high score, you could direct your posts and comments towards issues that major social media people care about, and this might or might not even be on a platform you have any basis to give an intelligent opinion on.  If raising your score is your only concern, then you might not even be posting about things you care about and are just trying to manipulate the system to gain influence.  This potentially could lead to problems if a majority of people start flooding the internet with half baked ideas and have a score that shows them to be "influential" to other people.  It means the content of everyone elses work and the trust put into internet sources is shaken.  The second issue that is not as big of a concern to me but it was to my friends is the issue of privacy.  We know how much information the NSA is gathering on us, this service seems to be a way for them to tie everything about our internet useage together in a tidy one sheet that makes everything we have ever done transparent.  While there is nothing we can do to change this, my friends decided not to use the service for this reason so it must be a factor in people's decisions not to sign up.  Until we have some confirmation we are safe on the internet then a lot of people will not want services tracking them any more than they already are.  Overall, however, I enjoyed learning about Klout and will continue to monitor my own progress as I go out into the real world and start working at a company.

Michal Lorenc's picture
Google, Social Media