Your social network

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Facebook, Twitter

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Curious what your #1 social network is? Mine used to be Facebook, but now i'm more on Instagram. Still using Snapchat and Twitter too, but mostly Instagram.

It's amazing how fast things change. What's your best network and second best? How often do you use that social network? On your phone or on desktop?

Happy July 4th. 

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Facebook is still my number one. Most of my friends are on there and that's how I stay connected with what everyone is doing. Instagram is my number two. Most of the people I follow on Instagram are not people I know in real life. They are people who I find interesting or inspirational. I check in on both networks multiple times per day on my phone. I use Snapchat and Twitter also, but very sporadically. I'm starting to really like LinkedIn. I never saw the value in it until this class. I've found a lot of very cool influencers to follow relating to my business and life in general. 


My top social network that I use is instagram becasue it's a way for me to express myself through phtots and keep in touch with old and new friends, and also I also I use instagram to see whats new going in the wolrd through news, media and more, another thing that I use instagram for is for my business within photography and videography. The second most social network that I use is snapchat, I really like snapchat because it's a way to be silly with your friends.


My number one social network is Facebook. And my second most is Instagram. I don’t use twitter nor Snapchat. I feel Facebook is the most common social media for all age groups. It is easy, convenient and useful. I check Facebook more than twice a day so do Instagram. Both are my favorite.   


My number one social network at the moment would have to be Facebook. Although that wasn't always the case, it used to be Twitter that I would post to most heavily. But with a clear decline in activity, I switched back over to Facebook. Next in my ranking would have to be snapchat just becuse it has become so routine to check as soon as I close out of facebook. I message a lot of my friends though snapchat and send tons of stupid pictures just because its nice to know it will disappear after a set amount of time. If I take a trip or do somthing really exciting then, I will post a picture to instagram but other than that I use it only slightly more than Twitter. They've become such a daily part of my life it would be weird to go more than a few hours without checking one of them. Mainly, I do it on my phone when I'm bored so perhaps that's an inidcation that I should acquire more hobbies.


My number one social network is Instagram for sure! I used to be all about Facebook, but now I rarely go on an post. I feel like social media has evolved and now people are so entertaining and informative in a more modern way, using Instagram and other networks. I sometimes wish I didn't delete my Twitter because that is ridiculously entertaining (even thought I used to hate it) haha. I use Instagram an embarrassing amount, I don't post that much but I am always scrolling through other people's accounts and my own feed like a maniac. 


My #1 social network I would have to say is Facebook. Facebook is the spot for me because I am at the age where I am missing all of my friends and family but I really don't have time to talk and catch up very often so I use facebook. It helps me stay in touch and keep up with what everyone is doing and whats going on in their lives. My second favorite is definitely Instagram. This is mostly because I love pictures whether its of me or a total stranger and the hilarious videos I see everyday. It gives me so much joy, laughs and relief to see that I am not alone in this world full of unique people. I use facebook everyday, sometimes i dont even realize that I am scrolling until I see something funny, sad or interesting because at this point its just apart of my daily routine. Since I am always on the move I am mostly on my phone but there are times when I sit down and scroll down my timeline on facebook. I never use my computer for instagram because it absolutely terrible, they really need to make some adjustments or maybe its only meant to be on cellphones. 


My best social network is Linkedin followed by Facebook. I use both platforms quite often for career and casual purposes. These two platforms are really easy to use in terms of navigation and through various devices like your smartphone or desktop. I take advantage of using both my phone and desktop for using these two platforms, which I find really convenient and helpful.  


Yes, I didnt really think of this because it's something I do on a regular and normal to me is using Linkedin, I check that almost everyday like it's my email. Now that I think about it I would have to say that is my second most and important social network.


Until about 2012, all I used was Facebook. Then it went to Twitter. And now my favorites are Instagram and Snapchat. I think it is crazy how fast it does change. I use social media every day. When I wake up it is usually the first thing I look at. It is a great way to stay connected with everybody as well as kind of "show off" what you're doing as well. 


My favorite social network is Instagram, by far. I never use social media on anything other than my phone, except Facebook, occasionally. Instagram is extremely simple and easy to use (it's just pictures!) and that's probably why I turn to it to occupy my time more than other social media platforms. My favorite social media platform to advertise from is Facebook because of the in-depth consumer and user reports they'll give advertisers. You can refine your targetting over and over again on Facebook with very few split tests and a lot of common sense. With Facebook, it doesn't get much easier to figure out where your mis-spent advertising money went!


My #1 social network would definitely be Snapchat. I snapchat multiple times a day and it's by far my most used social media. I like how it's not as formal as Facebook or Instagram and how there aren't expectations to have really nice quality content. I don't have Instagram and I don't really use Facebook, so my second best would be Twitter. I check Twitter once or twice a day, but I don't usually tweet anything where on Snapchat I will post on my story and I have snapstreaks with a lot of my friends. 


My favorite social media used to be Twitter right when it came out. I look back on my old tweets on an app called Time Hop and its amusing yet cringe worthy looking at what my 12-year-old self used to post on Twitter. Currently my top social networks include Instagram and Facebook. These are the two I spend the most time on and catch myself opening on my phone just out of boredom and habit. I use Instagram to post pictures of myself at different events, for friend’s birthdays, and so on. I also use it to catch up on others’ lives. If I am on Facebook, I am usually watching videos. I watch all kinds of videos from current news to funny baby videos and everything in between. Also on Facebook I post a good majority of my pictures into albums on my profile. I do this so the older generation, my family, family friends, everyone’s parents can see what I am up to because most of them strictly only use Facebook.


Talking about the most favoriable social network, Snapchat as the #1 of mine. I usually to carry my phone and one notebook to the classes, it is convenient to use snapchat to contact someone and willing to share interesting moments to friends. It still has other media information or news on any featured posting. Mostly, when I was not busy with study and homie time, I will take a glimpse once perday on other social media. I will also spend some time on the second best network, Instagram and Facebook.


My #1 social network is wechat and Instagram. When I wake up in the morning, I will check wechat, instagram, and email. I feel Facebook is kind of annoying because I always received email about my Facebook friends' updates and their birthday remind. And I am not familair with them. I delete Facebook finally. I really like Instagram, because I can see so many beautiful photos and people will share some good restaurants, places, hotels, food, skincare, makeup or some interesting video which is so amazing.


I'd say that my #1 social network is Snapchat. I pretty much use Snapchat everyday and I really like how personal it is. I never used to like Snapchat that much, but now I connect with more people over Snapchat than a direct text message! It's really amazing how Snapchat has also transformed as an app in the past years, which is another reason I like it. (Obviously Snapchat is always on my phone). A strong second is Instagram. I usually check it every day. It is a great platform for visuals and has improved so much since I joined. I also found Instagram replacing Twitter at #2 since I've been getting older. I think the coolest part about Instagram is that every account (if you're this savvy) can have an a theme. I love visuals and Instagram acts like eye candy. I always use Instagram on my phone.


My #1 and best social network is Wechat and seond best is Instagram. I stay in contact with family, friends and others more on Wechat, because it is simply, easy to use. We also use Wechat post photos, video call, share location and transfer money, etc. I play Instagram often, it's global and so many people to use. I share dailypic and inportant moment in it. People could follow person who interested and like their photo and vedio. Wechat and Instagram always on my phone.


My number 1 social media has to be Instagram. I really like the concept of Instagram and the social media platform has really taken off and become one of the best platforms for image sharing on the market. With the ability to now place selected ads with a solid algorithm, the media platform can go far. Personally, I use the network for everyday entertainment and it's a great place to find quality memes which help the boring work day go by quicker. 

I would say my number 2 social media would be Facebook because of the use the site provides me. It's hard to imagine life without Facebook and what other ways people would create events to share or anything else that the site provides. I personally use the website to share events and help keep my calendar up to date with important events going on outside of school. 

I typically use most social media platforms on my smartphone for more casual use but when I need to get something done, I find it is easier to work from a laptop. It's much easier to type and, for example, making a Facebook page or event is much quicker and easier from a laptop.


My #1 social network is Instagram. I believe that I am still a loyal fan of the platform because it has not yet been overran by advertisments. As Gary Vaynerchuk said in his video from the last lesson, a marketer's job is to ruin everything by getting on it and exploiting the platform for attention. While I agree this is inevitible in the long run, it is nice to see a platform for people to communicate and express themselves on for a while before it is overrun by advertisments. It is also important to me that the CEO of such platform remains out of the public eye when it comes to expressing their political views. I sincerely dislike Mark Zuckerburg for his use of Facebook to promote his political agenda. 

I currently use Instagram on my iPhone and not on any other device. My second favorite network is snapchat because they keep their "new stories" or advertisements off to the far right page and you do not have to visit that page unless you are bored of your friend's stories


My number 1 social network is Facebook and has been for some time. I think this is primarily due to the wide array of content types that can be posted and the amount of people that have facebook accounts. It's even a way for me to keep up with aunts and uncles, who aren't familiar with other social network types but understand facebook. I would have to say my number 2 is snapchat, and it definitely hasnt always been. I think snapchat is the most innovative social media platform out there. They have evolved from being a simple image sharing app to be so much more. Now they can be used for texting, news, finding friends on a map, and much more. I don't think any other social media platform has been quite as good at expanding its role and user base. My number 3 is probably linkedin. This is very new for me, but I'm trying to connect with more and more people because I know linkedin is by far the social media that will be the most important later in life. 


Each morning, I check Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I go through phases of being extremely active on Twitter and right now I'm in a downslope. I only really check it first thing in the morning and when I run out of other things to do. Facebook is just a place for me to share news with my family. 

Snapchat and Instagram are probably the two I check the most because the visual is most important to me. Snapchat has become a very easy way to communicate with my friends because they're all just right there rather than hunting down their phone numbers or emailing them. It's also extrememly useful for texting my friends who live out of the United States. 

I've been living for Instagram lately, specifically accounts with themes (see lizakoshy's profile). I'm also extremely into running an account for my cat. She's working on her theme. It's mostly used on my phone but that doesn't stop me from going to the website on a desktop. I just wish I could post from my computer. 


My #1 social network is WeChat and Instagram, and my professional social network is This community is designed for the designers. All designers who have been invited by the current members are able to share their artwork in this community. Thousands of designers got opportunities of related jobs. If recruiters like your content, they might reach out you for designer roles! I check my mailbox in Dribbble on my laptop every day!


My most favorite social media network is Instagram. I also used to be Facebook in the beginning of my experience for social media, but I changed my mind from Facebook to Instagram. The reason is that Instagram shows more pictures, and the most important thing is that most of my friends do more Instagram than Facebook. I do not have accounts for Snapchat and Twitter, because I never tried to use it. I love to see friends' pictures, and showing people's life with the pictures are very easy to see and fun! Of course, my second best social media platform is Facebook which is very similar to Instagram. It has more videos to see other contents such as news from whole world especially from pages that I liked before. I usually use my phone insteasd of using Desktop to see posts from Instagram and Facebook.


My favorite social network is Instagram. I have an account on pretty much every platform including Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest... and I'm sure there are more. I chose Instagram as my #1 platform because I spend the most time on it, make the most connections, and how I research brands. I have two accounts, a personal account with over 1,000 followers and an account deticated to succulents and cacti with almost 300 followers. I spend a lot of time on the explore page, watching videos and viewing conent that is similar to my interests. I mostly use Instagram on my phone, but sometimes I shoot photos with a real camera, edit and post the photos from a desktop. 


My second best social network would be Twitter. I spend a lot of time on the app on my phone. I explore the popular tweets and hashtags of the day as well as keep up with my followers. I really don't post many tweets, but I used to. 


Because I do not have a Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram account, Snapchat is my #1 social network. Whenever I tell people I dont have a Facebook or Twitter, they think I'm crazy. Sometimes it seems that I am the only one who doesn't embrace the rapid and everchanging growth in social media. To me, not spending time on my phone scrolling through a bunch of nonsense and spending the least time on the internet as possible is just a better way of spending my time. Although the internet is an incredible place that holds almost infinite amounts of information, it also isolates humans and desensitizes us. If I really care about someone, I will actually meet up or call them instead of reading all there little Facebook posts. Old man rant over.


My #1 social network is Instagram because they use big data analysis and on instagram it's easier to get to the things I would've like to look up without going through sections and sections, also it could filter out certain types of posts makes me feel annoyed and bored. My #2 social network is WeChat (Chinese version WhatsApp) since all my domestic friends are using, and Chinese barely use SMS nowadays due to high traffic of this app, that is how big this social network app is in my country.


Happy late fourth.


I am on the instagram now, because instagram is so international now. Lots of chinese people use this, most of chinese from HongKong use this and facebook often. Chinese people use wechat a lot. Wechat can chat with friends, family or everyone. We can post photo on that, it more prefer to chat and contact with friends. 


I am an Instagram girl. I love the social network because it is mostly visual. I manage a few Instagram channels for my job so I am always checking and posting. I probably check it ever two hours at least to manage these online communities for different accounts. 

Next, it would be Facebook. I use Facebook to stay connected to all my friends and family. I don't post very often but I still update my profile and pictures every once in a while. 

Instagram is always on my phone. Facebook is usually on my desktop. 


My #1 social network would probably be Facebook. I use it everyday to stay connected to my family and old friends from my high school. My second best would have to be either Snapchat or Instagram. I check both every few hours each day, as well as Facebook. I would say that I post more Snapchats than I do Instagram photos, so that would probably be my second best network. I mostly use these social networks on my phone because I never have my laptop with me.  


My #1 social network would be WeChat and my second best would be Instagram. I check WeChat regularly every other hour because it is where I stay connected with most of my friends and family. I use it on my phone. I check Instagram once or twice a day on my phone. I do not post or comment on Instagram too much. It is mainly a tool for me to browse cool pictures and see what my friends are up to.

Derek Mehraban's picture
Facebook, Twitter