What is Viral Marketing?
A post from Seth Godin's blog about viral marketing
Do's and Dont's of Online Publicity
Blogging is the new form of PR and this piece gives great do's and dont's advice for online publicity.
Converting Readers to Buyers
Great article about how to turn people who read your blog or website into buyers.
Top 4 Keyword Research Tools
In order to optimize your blog for keyword search traffic, you need to start by doing some keyword research and long-tail SEO research to learn the keywords and keyword phrases people are using to find content like that offered on your blog.
Blogging - Speak Your Audience’s Language
Tips on how to speak in a language your blog readers what to hear.
Building Technorati Authority and Rank
How to improve popularity on Technorati.
Dangers of Blogging
This article tells us about the dangers of blogging. And tips to protect yourself and what not to do.
QR Code Generator
This is a QR Code generator. It's really cool! I entered my blog site address and it generated a code! IF ANYONE SEE'S THIS AND HAS THE ABILITY TO USE QR CODES USE IT, TELL ME IF IT WORKS!
Making blogs search engine friendly
This resource describes how to design your wordpress blog to be friendlier to google search.
Getting Google to Find Your Squidoo Page
The article describes the dos and don't of what to do to get google to find your Squidoo page. Extremely helpful tips!