Twitter vs. Facebook
This article discusses the debate about which is better: Facebook or Twitter? The article breaks down how many users each has, how many people updated daily, and the demographics of the users
Facebook for Journalists
More Work Than Twitter, but With a Bigger Payout
How Facebook Advertising is Like TV
Facebook is similar to TV advertising in many ways, but has has a unique targeting to reach specific audiences with frequency in a short period of time. Proposes the idea that coordinating TV and Facebook advertising efforts is the best way to maximize brand engagement and customer advocacy.
HOW TO: Land a Job at Facebook
This resource shows you the process of getting interviewed with Facebook and social media listings to land a job with them. Many people are interested and this is a great tool to show you how the process is and details on things.
Facebook Controversy
With social media at an all time high it also brings trouble for some.
3 Facebook Mobile Trends to Watch This Year
2011 is the "year of mobile"! Check out this article and see what Facebook is planning!
Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes
Sometimes it's good to be reminded on things to avoid when it comes to Facebook marketing.
Optimizing Facebook for Mobile Users
Facebook is releasing a new and improved web site which will optimize mobile viewing for any phone browser.
Tips for Facebook and Twitter
Check this out for tips for using your social media networks Facebook & Twitter.