Chris Tatti (Digital Public Relations) Keep Steroids Out of Tee-Ball

I chose to make a Facebook community addressing the fictional use of steroids in tee-ball. You said to get creative so I did just that with a funny twist, it made the assignment a little bit more enjoyable, and hopefully you can understand the humor in it. My fictional community is basically an advocate for parents and lovers of the game can visit to get the latest news and information about steroids and how their affecting tee-ball.

Creating a Facebook Cause Page

Building Virtual Support for a Big Cause

 Books-the finest educators of the past present and future.   Since I don’t have a personal Facbeook account that I use, I asked my mother if I could use her account to cerate a page promoting a cause to the online community.  Since she agreed, I decided to create a Facebook page on a cause that was equally important to her as it was to me.

Facebook Public Relations - A Page Devoted to Voting


Social media is more like a life style

Today, social media becomes to a necessity throughout people’s lives.

Facebook and how it changed the world


When you walk into any lecture hall at Michigan State, or any University around the world for that matter, you are bound to see the classic white on blue look of Facebook. Users around the world in High School, College, or even senior citizens are all avid users of Facebook. It started as an idea by Harvard College Students Mark Zuckerburg and Eduardo Saverin in 2004 as a way to connect with other Harvard Students. 

Increase Your Facebook Fans!

            Working for Michigan State’s University Activities Board is one of the best opportunities I’ve had since becoming a Spartan. However, creating late night and weekend events for the student body can be daunting, but not as challenging as reaching them. Our target market is all around us, but marketing to one of the nation’s largest campuses is no easy task.

Best Metrics For FaceBook Page Optimization

Social marketing agencies are constantly on edge to prove value to clients. The lack of immediate conversions is a problem, but a larger issue is how to show that the FaceBook pages for brands are getting traction and actually improving the awareness of the brand. Amy Porterfield has an essay where she points out the three metrics provided by FaceBook Insights that the we all need to pay attention to.

Dreamworks Social Campaign


Kill The Alias & Land A Job!

Twitter Disguise picture

This was my absolute favorite resource so far simply because of its relevancy to my life at this time. It made me realize that if I wish to grow as a professional (as much as I would like to use my social networks to blab about personal information to my “friends” and “followers”) I also have to grow socially in my online profiles.

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