10 Useful Tips for PR Pros

Watch this 90 second video to learn useful tips for PR.

Katherine  Heck's picture
Submitted by: Katie Heck

How to Get Your Lens Found

Straight from Squidoo themselves, little hints are listed to help those of us who are trying to become Squidoo stars.

Tayler  Carpenter's picture
Submitted by: Tayler Carpenter

Foursquare Tips and Tricks

Little tips on how to unlock badges for Foursquare and get better deals.

Tayler  Carpenter's picture
Submitted by: Student

Focus: Business Education: Derek Mehraban

Social Media is transforming advertising, marketing, and public relations operations. Ingenex Digital Marketing CEO Derek Mehraban is a specialist in this area of study, thus preparing the next generation for modern technological advances.

Kelsey  Cocke's picture
Submitted by: Kelsey Cocke

12 Social Media Monitoring Tools Reviewed

A small review of many different sites to monitor social media.

Sara Greenspan's picture
Submitted by: Student

Dr4Ward Blog

This guy is awesome! He is a social media/marketing guru & everyone should follow him on twitter or at least read his blog. He posts a lot of interesting stuff related to social media/marketing/advertising, etc.

Kimberly Roman's picture
Submitted by: Student

Optimize your social media budget

Social Media is oftentimes a great way to save money while building an integrated marketing strategy. This article gives some tips on how to utillize your social media budget the correct way.

Nicole Brooks's picture
Submitted by: Nicole Brooks

Use Quora to find a job

Quora is another website that can assist in personal branding and also your job search. It is an online question and answer site that allows you to do things like connect with company execs, tag questions, and answer other people's questions.

Nicole Brooks's picture
Submitted by: Student

Social Media Release

Need help writing a news release for the media? This website will give you a few tips.

Kristin Jeong's picture
Submitted by: Kristin Jeong
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