Featured Resources: Social Media
Social Media: The Ashton Kutcher Effect
Where celebrities go, fans follow. The truism applies as much in social media as in the real world. As a result, encouraging celebrities to set up accounts on the site has become "absolutely part of our road map and our business plan.
How To Make a Name for Yourself
I stumbled upon this site and thought it was very interesting. It talks about how you should do everything you can in order to get yourself out there, and constantly be an open book of your talents and capabilites. As the article says, if you don't make a name for yourself, someone else will do it for you and it may not be the one you want.
Social Media Boot-camp for CEO's
In February, a social media agency will give a crash course on social media for CEO's around the country.
Facebook Tops Social Media Brand Loyalty
This article states that of all social media networks, facebook is the one that has the most brand loyal consumers. This was determined after asking people ages 18-65 open ended questions. Other social media networks that were measured include flickr, twitter, myspace, linkedin, etc.
Bill Collectors on Social Media sites
People say a lot about their lives on social media, which is how these sites can be used to determine if an individual or company is credit-worthy or, when they are in arrears, to get a bead on whether they can pay their bills
Social Media Press Release Template
PR Squared links users to a basic social media template in hopes of pushing the PR world to be more digital. The template is free in hopes of encouraging people to use social media to post press releases
How to Make Money with Squidoo
A few tips on how to make money with Squidoo!
Top Ten Things That Get You Unfollowed
Trying to gain followers on Twitter. Here's the top 10 things to avoid if you want to get unfollowed!
30 PR Experts You Should Follow on Twitter
Gain insight from some top PR people who are constantly updating their Twitter with interesting articles and thoughts!
Any Press is Good Press?
Read on about how Kenneth Cole's comment on Twitter sparked outrage