How Much does a Facebook Fan Cost?

A summary of how much advertising on Facebook costs and how much you're "worth" as a fan

Ashley Lhota's picture
Submitted by: Student

Optimize LinkedIn Profile

I was working on building up my LinkedIn and I found this great article that gives companies tips on how to optimize their LinkedIn. Useful article if you are ever interested in working professionally in Social Media.

Nicole Brooks's picture
Submitted by: Nicole Brooks

Organizing a tweetup

Dos and don'ts of having a successful tweetup

Ashley Ramson's picture
Submitted by: Student

42 Top Social Media Tips and Tools

Whether you are new to social media or an expert, you can definitely learn something from this site. Check this out to learn some tip and tool for social media that you may not have known about before. 

Lauren  Flanagan's picture
Submitted by: LaurenFlanagan

20 Common Mistakes Made By New Bloggers

Learn what not to do when starting your blog, in order to get as many readers as possible!

Amy Muskovitz's picture
Submitted by: Amy Muskovitz

Using Squidoo

Learn all about Squidoo, and even how to optimize your lens!

Amy Muskovitz's picture
Submitted by: Student

How Obama Used Social Media

Read about how President Obama used social media to gain votes, and fans.

Amy Muskovitz's picture
Submitted by: Student

How to use Squidoo to Promote Your Website

8 ways on how to bring traffic to your Squidoo site and how to rank high on google. 

Katie Knowlton's picture
Submitted by: Katie Knowlton

Five Best Social Media Managers

Social Media managers allow you to put all your social media accounts (twitter, facebook, foursquare...) onto one hosting platform.  Good for busy social media gurus who like to check their accounts easily. 

Katie Knowlton's picture
Submitted by: Student

5 tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

5 simple tips that aspiring social medai marketers should consider

Melanie Pine's picture
Submitted by: Student
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