Featured Resources: New Media
Build Your Own App
This site takes you step-by-step through the process to create your very own iPhone app. Apps are the thing of the present and future, so why not hop on the bandwagon? Everyone is doing it, why aren't you?
Apple v. Publishers
This is an interesting article on the Apple subscription charges to Publishers. It leans towards the side that Apple has already won the battle.
Content is King in New Technology
There are many new and untested technological platforms that ad dollars will be flowing to in the coming years. In order for companies to keep up, they have to provide amazing content while staying on the cutting edge of technology. This is an interesting article from Ad Age on where new media is heading.
How to Promote Yourself on Twitter
Twitter is a great platform to advertise a business, but don't over do it with tons of sales pitches. Learn the right things to do when tweeting about a business.
How Google started!
Google is so cool, I thought it would be interesting to see how it started! Here is a timeline of Google's life!
Beginner Web Design
Want a website, but don't know where to begin? Well this blog's the starting plate!
Blogging - Speak Your Audience’s Language
Tips on how to speak in a language your blog readers what to hear.
See the Messages that Matter
Expanding the rollout of messages to everyone on Facebook