139 For Google 1 for Facebook

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Facebook, Google

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Google wins according to the New Media Drivers License students from the Fall 2011 class. When I asked which was a more important and powerful company - Google or Facebook, the answer was resounding approval for Google. In fact it was 139 students raising their hands for Google and only one brave soul said Facebook was more powerful. Where do you fall on this issue?

Google vs Facebook

I feel that Facebook has more engagement with users, better time on site, and more active users of its social network (750,000,000). Compared to Google which has a great search engine, a fledging social network with 40,000,000 users and alot of great R&D and cool products and tools. Including Gmail which I use all the time.

So which is more powerful? I encourage you students to look up on this topic. Do some research. And give me your full opinion as a comment on this post. Do you think Facebook or Google is more powerful? Oh, and what about Apple? We talked about them briefly, but I didn't hear your thoughts on it.

Oh and for more on Google, this article on Google+ Business Pages should give you some more insight into where Google+ is headed. Winner?

Comments & Feedback


I think for a poll for a class, this would be the correct answer.  But, if you look at how much power Google has on us with its software, I would defiantly say that Google is the king of the web. 


I actually find this topic fascinating. At first when starting this class I would've said Google hands down. Google is the titan of the internt. However, SEO is becoming less interesting to me as a career and I'm becoming more and more intrigued by Social Networking Optimization. I would argue that using only Facebook vs. Google is unfair, the real arguement is Google vs. Facebook+Twitter+All other social media sites) I discovered the website Trendrr.tv while reading an AdAge link from Chapter 9 of the NMDL and have fallen in love with the company. The CEO Mark Gunheim (ex-CEO of Sony) tracks the trends of brands during television shows. A field that combines my two true loves, Social Media and Television. 


The feature story on the November 2011 issue of Fast Company magazine details the upcoming tech battle among Apple, Facebook, Google, and Amazon. In the article "The Great Tech War of 2010", the author explains how the "Fab Four", while each having their strengths, will find themselves increasing entangled as they strive to gain control of the tablet, mobile phone, mobile apps, and social networking markets—not to mention other markets including television, gaming, and retail on which they have set their sights.

After reading this article, I'm placing my bets on Google and Apple. Apple's innovation and control over the hardware that delivers the content of Amazon, Facebook, and Google give it a competitive advantage. Google can rely on its ability to bring new tools to market with relative speed and accuracy. Google+ was developed in direct response to Facebook and will prove to be serious competition because it is seamlessly integrated with all Google tools. Facebook offers just the social experience. I think the undisputed winner of this "war" will be the consumer. We will have more and better options from which to choose.




I feel that Google is definitley more powerful than Facebook. To me, Google offers much more than Facebook and has a wider range of users. Many people get on facebook multiple times a day as a delibrate action, but I don't think people realize how often they use Google. For a lot of people, Google is their home page when they get onto the internet. I know for me, every little detail or question that I may need to know is searched on Google. I would say I like Facebook much more than Google, because of the social aspect that I utilize on Facebook but not on Google, however the importance of Google is much higher. I also think for advertising purposes, Google is a better location to place ads because of the frequency of users' visits to the site. They have the oppurtunity to be exposed to ads at a very high rate.


While I admit that I was one of the 139 students that believes Google is the more powerful company, I can easily see the argument one might have for facebook. The companies are two, entirely separate entities. Yes, both withold the power to connect you with the rest of the world through the click of a mouse, however most people consult google to search for something, to seek out information. Most people use facebook to connect and socialize with friends and family. They use it to form groups, or share their feelings and interests. Currently, Google is no where near the social media presence that facebook holds. This is not to say, however, that this will always be the case. I think Google holds the POTENTIAL to have it all. Indeed, I am not a fan of Google+ myself, but I have to say it does offer some very cool services that facebook can't match up to. These include, Hangouts (live video chats), Sparks, and the Google+ app for android and Iphones. 

Read this New York Times article to learn more:http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/29/technology/29google.html?pagewanted=all


It doesn't surprise me at all the google was the overwhelming choice for important and powerful corporation. Google is more developed as a compnay and it shows. Facebook is a game that you play around on Google is a corporation in my eyes. They are innovative and consistent with their improvements. Not only are they powerful on their own but they also are involved in purchasing many other companies as well. They also seem to cater to the people, which is always a crowd pleaser. Their headquarters for their employess is unreal with the amount of ammenities included for them. They have spas and gyms for their employess ensuring that they are performing at their optimal levels. Everything they seem to do is just the "right thing." They know that their success comes from the work of their employees and they treat them accordingly. To me this is good business. On the other hand there is facebook which always seems to be in disarray. Every modification they make to facebook gets nothing but horrible reviews among users. They don't cater to the people. I think ultimately in order to be successful companies need to listen to the people in order to get the product the way it should be. Google seems to do an excellent job of providing easy to use programs with a creative design element. Although I am not all that computer savvy it has been a long standing dream of mine to work for google. It was on a special on the travel channel about the top ten places to work and they did a great job of selling it.


In my opinion, the answer to this question may vary upon the different period of time.  In short term of period, Facebook may tend to have more users then the Google.  Despite Google has huge size of dataset and users, but it does not have close interaction between users like Facebook does.  Since Facebook is made in a purpose of sharing and meeting new people around the world quickly and easily, the information that is posted on social web cite, like Facebook, tend to spread out more quickly.  So for web users may tend to find Facebook more often during short period of time, because it has more direct and fun information that users easily find an interests and it will make Facebook stronger than Google.   Yet, in the long term of the period, the answer may be different; Google is may be stronger then Facebook, simply because it has massive scale of information that people need comparing to Facebook.  So at the end, Google is stronger then Facebook.



After reading about the future advancements of Facebook I am pretty instrested in seeing how this battle turns out. Facebooks new message system is turning it onto an email system with the domain of facebook.com. Since facebook currently has the most online user compared to Google i think that this could effect gmail accounts if people start to use facebook messages as one of their primary email. Another critical factor for facebook is them buying out Bing. Once this could be a huge merge because if people use facebook for socail media,skype,maps and email there would really be no reason for people to resource to any other sites to gain information.


I certainly believe that Google is a much more powerful company on the business aspect of the internet. Google has developed many time-saving, organizing, and intuitive programs and online content that helps this world function the way it does today. Without Google, our economy would operate at a much slower rate and such phrases as "instantaneous results" would not exist. Facebook on the other hand adds a different side to the internet that also would greatly affect the rate at which people communicate to one another. The fact is that both Google and Facebook have revolutionized the internet forever. Both have different goals and expectations for the future of communication and efficiency. However, like I mentioned earlier I believe that Google will continue to re-invent itself and bring new and exciting tools and programs that make our wireless world even simpler.


Google is hands-down the most powerful company of the three. Sure, I will admit that Apple has a very loyal customer base and yes, just about everyone I know spends an unhealthy amount of time on facebook. What makes this complicated is the lack of awareness people really have when they think "Google." This may lead some to claim Facebook just might be more powerful. These same people usually don't consider the hours they spend listening to music on YouTube, the constant flow of email they send/receive via GMail, or the thousands of web queries they seach each year.

It is a valid point that Facebook has a stronghold on social media. Despite this, it is unfair to declare Google+ a failing product. Although Facebook currently sits at 800 million active users, it took many years to reach this massive number. In fact, it took Facebook over four years to gain its first 100 million users. Google+ on the other hand was only released less than a month ago and is already flirting with 50 million users.

Long story short. I believe people "realize" the time they spend on Facebook as just that, "time on Facebook." However,  it is not recognized that we use Google as much as we do. The fact that Google is used non-stop, everyday & all day without even noticing it as "time on Google" further shows the power Google possesses. Users conciously decide to use Facebook and make the decision to spend time on it. Google users (who isn't one?) have completely intertwined the company into every aspect of their life, whether it be email, video sharing or simple web browsing.



Facebook typically has some of the worst customer satisfaction scores of all web-based companies (Source). It's user-base is greatly overstated because of the fact that an incredibly large ammount of those customers are dissatisfied with the company itself. Issues with privacy, oversharing, oversaturation, overcomplication, and unnecessary features will only get worse. Google, however, has the highest satisfaction ratings. It and Apple seem to deliver exactly what it's customers want, time and time again. For this reason, and because they own the Android operating system and therefore the Droid (and thus the only viable competitor to the iPhone in a world near the verge of total smartphonification) Google is very much the more "powerful" company right now, and for the foreseeable future. What Google has built has been accomplished over decades, almost since the beginning of the media platform itself. Facebook is just the biggest, latest iteration of a class of websites that typically cycles in popularity in just over 5 years. Facebook is more vulnerable, as well.


The fact is, at this point in the social media aspect, Facebook is more powerful than Google. Obviously Google has done a great job with the introduction of Google+ gaining ground in the social media world, the interaction Facebook has with its users and the loyalty they give back is incomparable. Facebook has active user base of around 750,000,000, of which about 50% log on to on a daily basis (http://blog.kissmetrics.com/facebook-statistics/). In my opinion, Facebook has gotten to the point that if users were forced to pay a given amount for its usage, most people would pay to be able to stay on. Even though I feel that Google has a building social network and the advantage of the search engine, Facebook and its recent strategic partnership with Skype has put them in a position of power especially with the younger generation continually going to Facebook for news around the world from friends and peers


It's tough to distinguish which company is the most powerful company. Both companies have a unique influence on their users and both do it the best in their respected industries. However, to say that one company is more powerful then the offer is pretty tough due to the different opportunities that each present. Taking a look at the past few years, Facebook is taking strides to improve their feature and interface by additions such as the partnership with Skype giving their users better opportunities to enhance their personal contact with other users. Google for example has also created Google+, which is basically their version of Facebook. However, Facebook will continue to have the loyalty of its users, giving it the competitive advantage over Google+. This user loyalty is tremendous because it allows opportunities for advertisers to promote and market their products via these social media outlets. But, then on the other hand Google as a whole has tremendous loyalty of the general population who use search engines, so it creates this tough perception of what company is more powerful.


It is hard to find which one is better between google and facebook. I know Facebook has been really improving in social media networking. Since I came here, I thought facebook is more powerful and useful. My answer is not correct after I met google. Google has more powerful, they provide other service to people such as maps, world translate. Also, if anyone needs to find anything on the internet, they go to google right away, not facebook. I think facebook is just for fun and adverting for company. There are no replace websites for google. However, there are some replace websites for facebook like twitter and myspace. Without google, people can’t find any good information on the internet.


When Google release Google+, medias said this might be a revolution in social network, it is still to early to said if Google+ is great enough to change the social meida but Google+ do break the record of "fastest growing user numbers". Just like said iPhone is "reinvent phone", Google is also want to challenge the dominant position of Facebook and restrucle the social network. Be honestly, Google+ still cannot take Facebook's position currently, but based on tremendous users by using Google's other service, Google+ still have chance to fill out the gap and challenge Facebook. We are just comparing Google+ and Facebook so far, but don't forget Google+ just a segment of Google service, and Facebook can't even challenge Google's other segments like Youtube or Google Map, instead, Facebook need those segments to sharing information and attrack users. So in my opinion, Google is stronger than Facebook


Which one is more powerful? When speaking of social networking, I believe Facebook is more powerful. It has more users and it is more established. However, overall, I have to say that Google is the winner. They are so involved in almost every aspect of the Internet. They have e-mail, a nascent but growing social networking site, ads, and a ubiquitous search engine. They are all over the place already, and they are growing even more. So many people have g-mail accounts and almost everyone uses Google Search for as their search engine. I mean, people probably use Bing to search for Google. They're also even partnering up with energy companies to install renewable energy in purchasers' homes. Their scope of influence simply kicks Facebook's ass. Facebook has this one giant thing, while Google has many big things.

As for Apple, I think that it is very powerful but it is different in that it offers mostly products instead of a service such as Facebook and Google. Yes, they make expensive products that people are just so loyal too. There are also apps and other intangible things that are produced by Apple, but none of them are as dominant as any of Facebook or Google's stuff. K.O.


On a side note - on it's most recent quarterly report on social media, Nielsen revealed that Facebook is the largest social network by monthly users, time spent on site, and unique mobile users.

This article provides some interesting statistics in comparing Facebook to other top social media sites:

Facebook Shines in Neilsen Social Media Report


Of course Google+ doesnt even make the list, it is so new.  Will Google+ ever really demand near the attention that Facebook has?  Perhaps if it does, the consensus will be that Google is the all-powerful.


As previous several comments went, these two are based on total different platforms, and at times it's not easy to just do a simple comparison in terms of personally which one do I favor. Also I agree with Erica Swoich on the point that when we are doing the comparison, we tend to use Google+, Google search engine and everything Google as a whole to compare with Facebook. I think Facebook is absolute more powerful in terms of obtaining individual informations, target special clients, and maybe get personal opinions on what restaurants are good, rather than the more diverse results when one is doing Google search. But then again, sometimes, waiting for more personalized recommendation on facebook will cost a lot more time than if you do a Google Search. Unless, in the future, Facebook manages to incorporate this search engine benefits and allows users to search for recommendations among friends. I guess for those who values individual or interpersonal informations, they would definitely vote for Facebook as more powerful. But personally, I use Google much more than Facebook, I'll vote for Google. 


This vote is not surprising to me for two reasons. The first, is that we compared Google as a whole to Facebook, not Google + to Facebook. When looking at power between the two “brands,” Facebook is seen simply as a social networking site, whereas Google is seen as a search engine that helps you solve any problem you might have, an email agent and now even a social networking site with Google+, among several other things. Google as a whole encompasses a greater span of web-based needs, whereas Facebook is only seen a tool to share information with your friends, update your status and post pictures. Although Facebook now incorporates a search engine with Bing, it still has not transitioned to this type of tool in users’ minds. 

I do believe that Facebook is a more powerful tool when it comes to gathering data about a target audience. Although Google now has the +1 button, Facebook will remain a place where individuals post the most personal of information and are free to like different company pages, products, ect., which can later be used by companies when targeting receptive audiences.

In regards to Apple, I can see the company as both more powerful than Google and Facebook and less powerful. Apple provides the majority of devices we use to search the web or access social networking sites, which makes them powerful in a monetary sense; however, without Apple devices, Google and Facebook would still exist on other devices, therefore making Apple a less powerful entity because it is essentially replaceable in the marketplace. 



Google and Facebook are based on two different platforms. One aspect they have in common is that they both use huge user information database to generating advertising revenue. Yet from business strategy point of view, Google is to utilize the existing virtual web network to facilitate users' online expereince. While Facebook is to utilize an phsical socail network to create connections in between. As a result, Google is readily web based and is able to expand its already exisiting internet coverage to generating revenue through tremoundous amount of online marketing/advertising channels. Google can get business from any company who want to advertise online. Yet for Facebook, it has an even larger user base  than Google. User spend more time on Facebook as well, yet as mentioned, the resouces Facebook has are unable to completely converted to capitol yet. Indeed companies are setting up facebook pages etc., yet the expansion for Facebook is still linked with the "physical world". The next step for Facebook management, if to compete with Google, is to either further develop (or co-develop) a search engine flatform, or explore startegies to further capitilize in the "physical world" portion.


Can Facebook drive a car with a computer?  I didn't think so.


I believe that both Facebook and Google have their own benefits, but ultimately that Google is more powerful.  Google provides so much more information about so much more things causing people to use it more and to actually "find things out" rather than for personal reasons.  Therefore, I think while people are using Google there is so much more opportunities to venture off and engage in more things, unlike Facebook.  


I believe that both Facebook and Google have their own benefits, but ultimately that Google is more powerful.  Google provides so much more information about so much more things causing people to use it more and to actually "find things out" rather than for personal reasons.  Therefore, I think while people are using Google there is so much more opportunities to venture off and engage in more things, unlike Facebook.  


I agree that google is more important because it allows to search and find anything. Facebook allows you to communicate with people but it doesn't really allow you to find different things unless you are doing it thru communication. I also feel that being that you can get to facebook thru google but can't get to google from facebook shows how much more important facebook is than google.


I still feel that Google, is a more powerful company.  The one thing that facebook has on Google is that they have personal profiles of people.  However, now that Google+ is out, they will develop the same thing.  It is only a matter of time before Google+ will become as big as facebook.  I think that this is true because of everything that can be integrated within your Google+ profile (pictures, gmail, video chat, Google Search +1's).  I also think that Google and facebook are more powerful than Apple, but not by much.  The only reason I think that Google and facebook are more powerful is because of the personal information and profiles they posses.


I still feel the same as I did that day in class. Although facebook does create an atmosphere where we dont need to leave it once in. Google i feel does a better job in providing services that we must use and have. For example maps and navigation there are plenty of event invites on facebook yet for an adress that you dont know you still "google" it. Google has been able to enter the mobile market and has managed to create an even bigger prescence. With cell phones is a perfect example the HTC Status "Facebook Phone"  has had sales that are not satisfying. Not only that Google has created something more than just social media, being able to incorporate many services into its G+, music, voice. And not only that with Google haveing entered the os realm people can be on competitors sites but are still using Google Prouducts Chrome is a great example 


My favoring Google relates less to Facebook's flaws and more to Google's monopoly on nearly everything outside of social networking. Google offers complete integration into the entire web with everything from RSS feeds and email to ads and analytics, and of course, search. While Facebook may have our time when it comes to interacting with others, Google is where we turn for nearly everything else. If I am going to buy a new pair of shoes, I'll use Google to do my research and find the websites that will give me the information I am looking for and allow me to make my purchase. I would never just go to Nike's Facebook page and buy whatever they tell me to. Google has the power to leverage all the web has to offer while Facebook merely harnesses Facebook.


I think Google is more powerful than Facebook although there are many people use Facebook everyday. The products of Google influence people's life. We have to use Google to search tons of information, Google map to find location or direction, Gmail to contact with clients, and so on. Meanwhile, Google's services are based on the revenue of advertisments. It's believed that Google has an influential power on advertising industry. On the other hand, Facebook is important for social networking, but it's focus on relationships with friends not on gaining information or doing business. Although the users of Google+ is hard to surpass Facebook, I think it's because Google just entered the social network area for a short time compared with Facebook. I think everyone has different preference of social networking sites, and Google would adjust its strategy to attract people to join Google+. For example, when Facebook changed its homepage and annoyed some users, they might get rid of Facebook and start to use Google+. So, Google still have opportunities to gain users.


As for Google and Facebook, I would go for Google. 

Firstly, Google is the most powerful and userfriendly search engine in the WORLD. Although they are facing the issue of being accused of "cooking" search results, it performs much better than the Chinese biggest search engine, Baidu, on this issue. I would say, I can always find what I need by "googling something". Secondly, Google has many great functions, such as Gmail, Google map, Google document, Google scholar, etc. Based on those great functions, Google collect many information about the individual's searching habit, hobbit, interest, and so forth. I admit that Facebook has more on-time conversations. But Google, as many people's first page, can track the customers' personal information in an "invisible" way. Thirdly, as a marketer, I tried to do marketing through Google ads and Facebook ads before. According to the experience during the process and the results, Google ads which comes with more useful tools is more efficient and effective. Additionally, Google is trying to promote the Google +. At this time, it's not that easy to beat Facebook in the social media area. But I believe, the powerful Google would come up with more great ideas and make social media more fun. At that time, we don't need to remember so many account names and password for different social media, but just your gmail.  


I don't know if Google+ will ever overtake Facebook's massive user population, but I would venture to say that may not be their real goal. Sure, Google+ is aimed at being a social network and getting users to collaborate together, but look at all the other tools that Google offers, such as Google Docs. I don't think it is Facebook that should be worried, but Microsoft. Although Google Docs doesn't have the complexity as Word or Excel, look how close they came. The ease of use alone is a good enough reason for many to just edit a Google Doc together instead of working on a Word document and passing it around. Plus, it's free. 

I'm going to be very interested in how cloud computing evolves in the next few years.


I also feel Google is still more powerful than Facebook. Google has many different options such as Google search engine, maps, e-mail, video, and Goolge+. I visit Google everyday for research or something, however Facebook is just for social networking and games. Actually, I am not a Facebook user and that's why I feel Facebook never overtakes Goolge. Now, Facebook is more popular in social networking, but years later Google+ has  potential to overtake Facebook. My choice is Google.


I believe that at the time being, the two are still not used for the completely same purpose, which makes it hard to compare.  I use Google for a wide variety of tasks, including the Google search engine, Gmail, Google maps and Google scholar. Even though I have a Google+ account, I use Facebook as my main source of social media.  In all aspects other than social media, I would say that Google is the more powerful company. If Google+ picks up, and more people start to use it, I would undoubtedly say that Google is the powerhouse over Facebook.  



I think that both are dominating the internet, but for me Google is more powerful. It sorts out which information is relevant for me. I go on google constantly throughout the day in order to figure out information on anything I don't know. Facebook does have the edge (For Now!) on Google in terms of social media. Although I use Facebook for interacting with my friends, so many people like other services on Google that I wouldn't be suprised if many turn to Google+ for social media in the near future. Google offers such a vast variety of products that I use every day. Google Scholar, maps, images, shopping, and its basic search engine I use constantly everytime I'm on my computer. I think so many people have incorporated their digital lifestyle to go through Google that their too dependent on Google to ever leave. Facebook may dominate social media for the time being but I wouldn't be entirely sure that it doesn't lose many people to Google+ eventually.


I think that Google is more powerful than Facebook in all aspects besides social networking. Google offers such a wide variety of services that people frequently use. Google has expanded to create more services (such as google maps, scholar, and google+) since it was started as a search engine. However, Facebook has remained the same as a social networking site. I do think that when it comes to social networking Facebook has the upper hand. I think Google+ has potential and could overtake Facebook in a year or so if it continues to draw people in from Facebook and make improvements. 


Google wins hands down for me. I use Gmail, Google Scholar, Google Images, Google Maps, and I actually just got off a page of Google Shopping. I DON'T use Facebook at all. I made profile for class, and that is all. I have not even added my sister, parents, or best friends from high school as friends on there.  Google has a broader outreach with more options for users. Now they have a social media site, Google+. What does Facebook have? Just a social media site right? Please someone correct me here if I'm wrong, but I think Google has more stuff, and therefore more power. Not to mention Google Images alone. Who hasn't used Google Images for a class project before? Answer: NO ONE! On top of all that, Google is everywhere. It's printed on the back of my phone and the back of my Xoom tablet.

As for Apple: forget it. They are too expensive and have a selective market. I hate Apple products too. You won't catch me downloading from iTunes or buying an iPod, my MP3 player works great for personal listening. I chose to just leave Apple out of this debate all together.

My final thought: Google powers Android --> Android allows people to check Facebook on their phones --> ergo, Facebook needs Google for mobile use --> Google kicks Facebook butt.


I believe that Google is without a doubt more powerful than Facebook. Facebook is simply a social networking site, with pictures, status' and game applications. I feel that it is very odd to even compare the two. Google is it's own category. It is a search engine first, then there is Googlemaps, it's an email server, online shopping, and now Google+ It squashes facebook in my opinion. It is so much more than Facebook, but Facebook isn't too far behind. For this war, i'm rootin' for Google.


I have to agree with many other students. Before taking this course I didnt take the time to really understand how important and powerful google actually is. It is the search engine of all search engines. I dont see it stopping anytime soon. As of right now im leaning toward google but it could change later down the years. When i see the words important and powerful i assume long lasting and necessary. Google is incredible while i see facbeook i just a site to find and chat with friedns. Like our professor stated its a big time crusher. Google intends to keep on performing and growing. Especially with this new google plus. It's both social and necessary to find and meet employers of numerous companies. Google tools are great and their email which i too have an account. My pick is with google!


Before the emergence of Google+, I might have raised my hand for Facebook. Facebook is all powerful - cornering the social networking market, and developing new interactive application every day - but they have a rival in Google+ in the social arena. After hearing Michal Lorenc's brief on Google+ during our first class, I was amazed by the capability, but I can't say that I was surprised. Google is a superpower of our media world, and I can honestly say that I scoff at other search engine websites. Google has taken over email, with Gmail, they've created a great document sharing network with GoogleDocs, and I think it's only a matter of time before they take over the social networking market. I can't wait for Google+ to take over, I'm bored of Facebook anyway.


I believe Google is more powerful in many different services but not in social media discipline compares with Facebook. As for my opinion, Google plus is more privary than Facebook, but as for the percentage people are more fimiliar with Facebook because it got more games, and some other social media. I think I like Facebook more than Google plus, even though Google Plus is more powerful in many ways, and more privary than Facebook.


I still think Google is more powerful than Facebook.  Although Facebook is the number one social media website, Google is the site that people go to for just about everything else.  Google+ was made to be their social media network, and I believe in time Google+ will begin to get more popular.  Facebook always makes changes and there is constantly complaints about it, and their new changes appear to be more drastic with the timeline among other things.  If Google+ can take advantage of this while offering something that Facebook does not, it could be a strong competitor for #1 in social media.  Other than that, Google is where people go to search for anything, it is one of the top e-mail providers, the top blogging stie (Blogger), and the top video site (YouTube). It will be interesting to see if in the coming months/years Google+ can seriously compete with Facebook.


I stand by original opinion: Google is incredibly more powerful than Facebook. Yes, when it comes to a social network, Facebook takes the win hands down. But even that may not be for long as I hear more and more of my friends saying "I'm switching over to Google+." But the fact of the matter remains, Google has almost become synonomous with the word Internet. When you think of a search enginge, you think Google. When you think of email, you think of gmail. Youtube and Google have become one. And Google maps have literally mapped out the entire world. Yes, Facebook is the force to be reckoned with when it comes to social networking, but Google easily takes the cake on everything else.


I still stick with my answer that Google is more powerful than Facebook.  I do agree that Facebook has more engagement with users, more time spent on the site, and a large social network of active users.  However, I also believe that many other social networking sites have popped up since Facebook and eventually, they might not be able to sustain their power.  Yes, Facebook has the market right now but I believe it's only a matter of time until someone comes up with something that is better, more connected than Facebook, and will fix some of the problems that users seem to complain about.  Social media seems to be king right now, and more social media sites are appearing each day.  This is not the case with search engines.  That is why I believe Google is more powerful.  I don't think anyone could come in and take away Google's power as a search engine.  Besides Facebook, I go to Google for everything else, whether its shopping, maps, articles for research, images, mail, or even news.  Google dominates the Internet overall while Facebook dominates the social media spectrum.  For all other things, I go to Google first and I would guess that many people would agree with me.  

I think that Apple, while powerful, is in a category separate from Google or Facebook.  Apple, I would contest, is the most powerful brand and with that, has the most powerful brand loyalty among consumers.  I believe it is a powerful company but in a different way than Facebook or Google because they create tangible products while Facebook and Google only have Internet domination right now.  If Google or Facebook tried to create a tangible product similar to Apple's, they might be very successful but for the time being, those two companies dominate the Internet only. 


I couldn't agree more that Google is more powerful than Facebook. Heck, I would even argue that Google has always been more powerful and respected than the 'Book'. The facts that you brought up regarding the engagement with users, efficiency of time while on the site, and the amout of active users are very startling but prove a different point, I feel. In my opinion, Facebook is looked at as a middle-school gossip website in order to put it gently. I remember activating my account in middle school and believeing I was hotter than fire. Now after so many years of witnessing the rediculous drama that Facebook has been known to start, there is no way I can take that website as a professional social tool. Google, on the other hand, has established a much more professional relationship with me and as a result I am more prone to stay logged onto my Google+ account rather than my Facebook account. Overall, the layout is better and have you heard the stories of how cool it is to work for Google? They are able to recruit literally the best of the best in order to work for their company. There is no question in my mind as to which company is more powerful and holds a higher respect in the majority of people's minds. It is Google all the way with me, and I would like to think that it will stay that way for many years to come.


Edit: Grammar


When it comes to Google versus Facebook in the sense of which is powerful, I would have to say Google. That was the answer I gave the first time I was asked. I remember being really hesitant on which to choose. Google has been around longer than Facebook and has provided so much for an internet database, and continues to evolve through Gmail and Google+. There is no doubt in my mind that Google is a strong company that will always continue to evolve. As I sit here and think about it in depth, I can see why Facebook could be considered the most powerful. What started as a few college students to keep in touch has turned into a multi-billionare dollar enterprise. There is no doubt that many users are Facebook addicts, constantly roaming the pages either playing games, chatting with friends, exchanging photos, or doing other various things.

I created a Facebook about a year or two after it went public. At first it didn't seem all that great but it has really changed a lot of peoples' lives; either through re-connections, keeping relationships together or by passing time. Facebook has provided the world an opportunity to search, learn, and gain which is why it seems so powerful. In a sense, you can virtually get anything from Facebook by counting on friends to give you the information. Another thing I have noticed about Facebook is pages. Now facebook has become a major source for advertisers and companies to make themselves more known. This also includes actors creating their own Fan pages or T.V. shows trying to advertise their shows. So now I have changed my mind as I have thought about it more in depth. Facebook has really reinvented the way we all connect and learn about the things that are happening. Facebook has opened our minds and craeted a world to put it all in.


I believe that Googl is more powerful than Facebook and continue to grow to be bigger. When Google first came out, it ws only a search engine then continue to grow with e-mail service, buying Youtube, now even social media in Google+, and many other companies. If Google+ live up to the hype and continue to grow I could see them making a strong run with social media. I honesty like Twitter more than Google+, but I like Google+ more than Facebook, I just don't have many friends on their so I don't really use it as much. I also feel that Apple is pretty powerful as well, whatever Apple drop it sells fast. Apple took a huge part of the market from Microsoft and I believe they will get more powerful along with time. I wouldn't be surprised to see them make a video game system in the next 5 years. But I feel Google is more powerful than Apple as well.


i definitely think google is more important and powerful then facebook. The only thing that i use facebook for is keeping in touch with friends. Google on the other hand has so many more usefull things not only the search engine and youtube but ive started using google docs in a few of my classes and of course google maps whenever i need directions. Facebook has taken things from google+ with its segmenting of friends and what not. Its their way of capitalizing on something google+ has already done before google plus can take off. Google has also tried to step into the music game with google music beta and facebook has yet to do anything involved with music although there are rumors of something happening soon.


I believe for the most part facebook will always be the leading website when it comes to social networking. Although they often make changes that users disagree with, they are trying to stay ahead of their competition. But when it comes to the more powerful company I beleieve it is hands down google. They reign king of the almighty search engines competition, and almost anyone online today will at some point during their day if not multiple times check google for something. Google has in essense replaced things like phonebooks, maps, and telephones. Like facebook, it stays cutting edge and ahead of its competition. In the social networking battle facebook is the choice for now, but the overall most powerful company belongs to Google.



I believe that Google will be the leading social network website within the next year. For me personally I have been using facebook less and less. I just started using Google+ because of this class. But previously, I had read that within one year Facebook will lose 50% of its users to Google+. While Facebook is the best social networking site right now, and has many extra features, Google will always have the upper hand in being more universal and relevant. Personally, I feel Facebook will suffer like MySpace. Once a newer and better social network comes along (Google+) the public will jump ship.


I believed that this is just an using habit. I am pretty sure that Google+ is a good product. However, none of my friends are truly use it now. By the word "truly" I mean they do post status or photos everyday like what they did on facebook. It is true that some of my friends have google+ account but they never upload their news through google+, it makes me confuse I lot because everyone is talking about how good google+ is and they think google+ is much better then facebook, but why thy didn't upload things on google+? Why they are on facebook like everyday but on google+ like once a week or even once a month? Good product need to have users to prove it is good. I think the most important thing for google+ now is to get people upload their news. 


I believe that the subject of power and importance exist as two separate things. To me importance refers to something that a person holds dear to them. It connects with them at a more sensory, emotional level. By this definition, to me facebook is a more "important" site. I go on facebook constantly and I really love the site. It has become a comfort thing, to know that if I'm bored or in the mood to procrastinate a little bit, facebook is always there for me. Facebook is also obviously very important in a fulfilling ones needs sense as well. There are many group projects and gatherings that I have been involved with in school that I would have no idea how we would’ve organized as easily without having Facebook. Also facebook serves as a digital yellow pages these days. You can search just about any company and find out a location and a phone number and you do not even have to go on Google to do this. There are quite a bit of search opportunities that facebook presents today, and it may even rival Google someday. From a power perspective, though, the nod has to go to Google. The company owns so many other huge companies and is buying out more and more every day. Sites such as YouTube and companies such as Motorola are all under the loving control of Google. It is almost scary at times how much power the company has. Facebook is just one thing. It's a social networking site. Nothing more or less. Google will probably have part ownership of me in a few years. The nod goes to Google.

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Facebook, Google