How will Google Plus Impact SEO

Derek Mehraban's picture
Google, SEO

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SEO and SEM are in play when you think of Google+ and how it could impact search results for users. When people +1 an item on Google now, it can show up in your Google+ stream. It can also show up to your friends as a site that you like. What does it all mean?

Will the +1 metric really impact search rankings, or will it simply impact your network? How will Facebook Likes impact search ranking, and will Google even know if you Like a Facebook page since they don't have a close relationship with them?

Now that you have grown in your new media skills this semester. I'm interested in other observations you may have. I'm sure you're reading updates on some digital marketing sites and blogs? What peaks your interest so far?

Comments & Feedback


I think the search impact of the +1 button depends on how heavily you use Google services (which for most people, is pretty heavily). As targeted search, SEM and SEO become more prominent and pervasive, Google continues to reap the rewards. Not only is there product usable and clean, but it's easily dominating the search engine field handily, almost more so than ever before. Even though this insight into search can be helpful when peicing together what we're looking for on the web, the ways by which search, particularly Google, are able to target pose some potential problems and ethical concerns (See Eli Pariser's TED Talk on "Filter Bubbles").

As for the relationship to Facebook "likes", it has been seen that Facebook doesn't cede particularly SEO-heavy results (profiles and "likes" alike). I think the reason for this being that that when you use Facebook, it acts as somewhat of a "social search engine", where you stay on the site for a long period of time and recieve links from that site. Though it's unclear as to what the role of Google+ will be as it develops, this could be the idea behind "+1"s, or to act as a more streamlined and linked social search engine than Facebook.


I think Google did a smart move by creating the +1 metric, by making it even easier for the online community to socialize and tag things/products/news they have searched for or are interested in. This can instantly created a internet buzz and allow for marketers to track current popular trends online, while as a consumer it can not be easier to interact and share with friends through Google+ or searching on the Google search engine. I think this + metric will impact search rankings as Google+ becomes more powerful (as more people start using it). As of right now Facebook Likes are a key result of impacting search rankings because Facebook is the most popular social website (currently), but in due time Google+ will surpase Facebook as the best and most active social website.


I haven't yet have the opportunity to delve much into the numerous features Google+ has to offer, but however I can offer my opinion on the +1 metric and it's impact to search ranking. So as user browse through the internet, they may +1 an item on google, and allows other google users to see the item in their Google+ stream, I dont see it being any different than sites like digg where it congregates user submitted news and updates. I'm a big fan of diggs, though I havent done much to contribute to the site in terms of content submission, but I've always done my best to digg up stories and select news worth stories from thousands of user submitals in que. Once a site is promoted to front page, it wlll get instanenous increased site traffic and up the site's ranking when relevant search terms are used.

I'm just not sure Google plus will create the same result as for example Digg to create instant recognition of a website, it's still too early to tell at this moment.


So the question here is weather or not the +1 feature on Google+ will likely affect SEO and SEM and my answer is a definite yes. I have read in numerous blogs and articles that the +1 app has surpassed twitters shares and it has only been on the scene for a very short time. It's amazing that Google+ is so new and and not everyone has been given the opportunity to experience/access it, yet it has shown an incredible amount of traffic and web popularity; likely because it is associated with the internet mogul Google, but more or less because of Google's credibility with the public. It only makes sense that the new social network is in it's infancy and already showing acceptance by the larger society. In return it would make sense that this +1 metric will change and significantly affect the search rankings of search results. I believe it is going to be great once it is in full swing to see what it will bring in the future for search and individual network sharing and search. I don't believe on the other hand that the +1 will function much like Facebook's "likes", it will be much more integrated with the web and the like rather with just small networks of people (like Facebook's friends network). So only time will tell what it has to offer but I have high hopes on what Google+ and the +1 metric have to offer social media, SEO/SEM and sharing capabilities.


With Google's new Google+ I feel that the +1 metric will indeed impact search rankings and not just the network. Currently when you use Google search engine you see the +1 Metric box at the end of every search item that is produced. I feel that the +1 metric will work sort of like a Facebook Like button. It may not have a dramatic affect on the search rankings but I feel it will at least have a slight one. I feel that the more +1's that a company or even person's link acquires the more relevant it will become and will ultimately slightly improve their search rankings. As far as Facebook Likes impacting search rankings, I don't really see that happening. Mainly because a lot of people who like things on Facebook it's a person's picture or even status and with these privacy issues that a lot of people are concerned and having second thoughts about that would eventually clash with the privacy issues, unless you opted out for the privacy settings on Facebook. 


Google+ will end up affecting search results sometime in the near future. It will be interesting to see what Google will be able to do with the data they acquire from Google+. What is everyone's thoughts on Google+ thus far? Those who have accounts, that is. I thought it was a business savvy move to make it invite only initially as a way of building interest. Spotify is currently doing the same thing, and frustrating me in the process.


I am definitely interested in the differences between Facebook and Google +. I am also interested in the heated battle between the two Internet giants. I think it is fascinating how Facebook and Google are demonstrating the insanity of capitalism and how competition fuels better and more advanced products. Facebook has the “like” system that has been incredibly effective and Google+ has the new +1 system that I believe will affect rankings on Google. This may shift marketers’ importance on getting “likes” on Facebook, to getting “+1s on Google” because not only will it cause word-of-mouth marketing by having consumers share with their friends on Google+ what they like, but it will also be beneficial to the company by increasing their ranking on Google’s search list.  I am interested in seeing what will happen next between these two. Will Google+ take over? I know a lot of my friends have already happily made the switch.


I have never been the type to share links to interesting articles or webpages I like through facebook or twitter. It clogs up my page and I feel like a nuisance by sharing things most people would find useless. Even when friends directly send me links to pages/videos/etc. I don't always check them out. I'm still not on Google+ but it seems to me like the +1 feature would help bring people to things they actually want to see. If I list something as an interest or my best friend just "+1'ed" something the chances that I'll actually want to check it out are a lot higher. Instead of advertisements based on the information in my profile that seem really forced (like on Facebook) that I never even consider click on, the +1 feature would provide information (and advertising) in a more organic way. People are always more likely to trust the opinions of their friends, and Google+ seems like it can allow that to factor into SEO.


I believe that the +1 on Google+ will have an impact the search ratings. I know on facebook when a person likes page, their friends are inclined to see what it is if it is not a big brand. With +1 Google is able to know what people like and what they are viewing when they're on the internet. This allows them to use that information to form to their consumers. Also Google is much more than just a social media network like Facebook, Google has much more use for business and for any level a student doing reseach.


I think when people like a page on Facebook, it's just to get them to be more known, so when you invite people to like a page it's more so people, like a small company would get their names out there. I heard that Google Plus is almost another version of Facebook, and the only way you can get in is if you get an invite from someone. I think the Google +1 option would be much more effective than Facebook. Yes, Facebook is for business too, but people arent always on Facebook looking for answer, but if anyone need any information, they would turn to Google, and when searching for something, if someone saw a website with couple of +1, their interest in checking out that website would be more than websites without and +1. I'm looking forward on seeing where Google+ is going to end up.


I believe that this whole +1 on Google+ will impact search rankings more than anything else. Web pages that have more +1's will be at the top of rankings since they're the most popular. I feel like if Facebook and Google were to successfully link together in their "like's" and "+1's" the top websites and products will be at the top and be easy to find. Not to mention, showing your friends liking a page can be very key. If I saw a friend like a certain company, I would definitely consider that company more than others. Once Google+ is fully launched I believe it will affect SEO and SEM in that it will re-order what is listed on google by what your friends like the most.  I am very interested to see what will happen after Google+ takes off. 


I hope to see one day rankings solely based on these +1 metrics. From this, you will truly see what people like or dislike and what is popular or not. We want to see what our friends, family, and whoever else are interested in and take their word for it. This is why word-of-mouth marketing is still the most effective way to market. For now, SEO will keep the products and services that people can afford to put up at the top. With Google+ and Facebook, they should develop a relationship and turn the fact they both rule a majority of the internet industry as a strength. Google should be incremented into Facebook and vice versa. They should build on each other to make our internet experience more convenient for all of us. Without the consumer, there is no business. 


My friends definitely impact my thoughts and views on different things, especially when it comes to a product or service that they are telling me about over a social network.  I have not been able to get on to Google+ yet, but with Facebook I definitely pay attention to things like that.  If one of my friends likes something, I'm interested in what it is and I check it out.  It is amazing how little things like that have a large affect on the world of digital marketing and the new ways of PR and advertising.


sI believe that change will come in very interesting, perhaps too biased rankings. I belive that if you only are able to see the (+) sites added to your streams, then quickly, you only got to that website, yes, the experience must be fulfilling, but if a like minded friend chose it then you probably will appreciate it as well. What I feel is that this, may create like minded citizens (google plus citizens) where folks do not reference various typed of materials. Who knows. But, I do believe it will increase the rankings (support them) as they are funneling folks to the site. Facebook likes impact ranking in the same manners I feel, as the more buzz and opportunity you have with a site, the more chances you follow it, and later look for it again, or click on the site, impacting its rankings like so. Thus far, my interest is peeked in seeeing what all this who ha is about. Not only the google plus stir but also if this +1 affects which sites I go on withough knowing what I'm choosing.

Honestly, I have asked friends what the benefits of google plus where, though none answered, nearly all asked me if I wanted an invitation. HmmO.o weird. Actually, the only person that did respond directly to my question, very late in the thread confirmed its privacy benefits, though she, expectedly was a google intern lol. - Dee ((



I completely agree with your post. I truly think that if a well-respected friend of mine "liked" or +1 a site, I would then look to that site vs. another one. I do think that it will increase rankings and will funnel people into their site. I also agree that it is something that may have been triggered by facebook but will likely have the same positive outcome as the "like" button does. Overall, just a small difference or addition to google couldn't hurt. I'm sure they won't lose too much if the concept fails (which I'm sure it won't) More than likely I can see it end up as a success as everything else google does!  ; )


Honestly I don't think that it will change too much for SEO and SEM.  First of all, most of the time the searches made are for the more popular places and things, such as restaurants and consumer goods. These things get a lot of attention already from the SEO standpoint. Adding the +1 feature may move rankings on a particular page, but most people will be recommending things that already get a lot of searches with the current SEO system. Unless they overhaul the whole system of SEO, I think it may affect current standings on current pages, but not on where you sit as a whole.


I feel that this is a good response. You are correct on things taht get searched most often but there are trends and adding the +1 feature allows rankings to be placed. Restaurants and consumer goods do get many reviews and searches but its not the only thing people are looking for. Maybe the feature will allow SEO to change based on what people are liking. It's that simple but I don't really know how it will effect the game of SEO on Google until we actually see it happen. Popular things are going to stay popular but there are always trends and certain areas that spike at certain times of year and throughout different times of day.


I find it quite interesting that Google+ is integrating the metric +1 system with the Google search engine stream. It might convince many people to convert from Facebook to Google+ including businesses because people will realize that they can increase their SEO and SEM. I think that the +1 metric will mainly inpact the individual network rankings rather than that of search engines and other businesses. I also think that Google should pay Facebook to figure out what Facebook pages people like because it could help improve Google's bottom line by trying to advertise towards companies and activities that people like on Facebook to get people to buy the advertisements that people purchase and get businesses/organizations to buy advertisements. I have been reading up a lot on SEO and I think that it could be the most important form of digital marketing in the future. Companies might be created just to promote and fix companies SEO's and probably can be very successful businesses and generate a lot of revenue for themselves and their clients.


I think once Google+ launches fully, it will have an impact on SEO and SEM. For example, if you're searching for a new Thai restaurant to try out and many of your friends have +1ed a particular restaurant that is relevant to your search, I think that will garner a person's attention more, even if it doesn't show up in the very top search results. Another restaurant's website may have better use of keywords and descriptions and show up higher, but I think people will choose the restaurant, business, etc. that their friends have recommended because it seems more familiar if you have friends or family who are familiar with it. 


I know others have made this comment as well but the fact that right now it is in a 'test stage' means you have to be invited to join. This makes people more curious as to what they have to offer. I have seen people on Facebook who have made statuses asking to be invited to Google+. I am on Google+ and honestly it doesn't seem too different from Facebook. The chat is harder to work if you don't already have contacts on Gmail but the video feature is pretty cool. Honestly, I think this won't stop people from using Facebook at all, not even for a second. It just adds another site onto the long list we all already have. I think this still will help Google in the game though.


Google + is doing something that is inavative. This will impact the market alot. Combining the +1 and google + will only incorporate things that you are interested in into your feed which eliminates those terrible nasty banner ads on the side of the screen. I think that google will soon be able to figure out which facebook pages that you like just because they are Google. I recently just set up my Google+ account and i definitelty am enjoying how oragnized it is.  The +1 will definitely affect search rankings because with every person who clicks it google can take that as traffic which in turn leads to higher search rankings.


I honestly don't think that Google+ is going to have an impact on the users of Facebook. Though I do think that the way Google is making Google+ exclusive by having invites is what will be intriguing to the masses. Starting it an exclusive "club" almost will make people want to join because they are curious about what it offers. I think that this is a pretty smart way to go about starting another social media site, since it will make news and have people blogging about it. The internet presence of the name already pretty high as it is frequently on my news rolls for my email.  I think that the part of Google+ that is most interesting to me is the group video chat. It seems to be the "one-up" to Facebook that I have heard about so far.


After touring Google last week, Mike Lorenc spoke to us about Google+ and told us that Google+ right now is not even close to what it is going to be or what it is meant to be. I believe that the +1 button on Google will impact SEM but have a stronger influence on your Network. Sharing information and recommending it to your friends and connections is a major way of staying connected and recieving information.  

I see some similiarities between Facebook Likes and Google +1 buttons, however I am more likely to +1 than Like something on Facebook. Facebook Likes seem less important and more of a social club, Google +1 button reminds me more of a network of important information that is being passed between professionals with similar intrests.

I think Google+ is going to be the one stop shop for every social media, there still will be Facebook and Twitter but Google+ will be the dominant media outlet.


I feel that Google+ has a long way to go in order to surpass the other social media networks that currently dominate the online world such as Facebook and Myspace (even though I'm pretty sure Myspace is fairly obsolete by now). One thing that I feel that Google+ has over Facebook is the whole concepts of "Circles." This gives you the flexibility of being able to share certain information with your personal life and your professional life.  I feel also that the +1 metric will both impact search rankings and impact your network. However, Google+ to me needs to have the snow ball effect to really become a dominate the online spectrum. In order to do this successfully I think that people need to promote Google+ through other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Blogging). Once they tackle this obstacle Google+ will continue to push forward and never look back. 


I really can't see why Google would not want it to work for them and against Facebook. It makes complete sense to keep everything Google+ users may want or need at their fingertips. Ultimatly what Google+ can do that Facebook can't (and as for the forseeable future won't be able to) do is keep everything in one place. Google could rule the world if it wanted to , and who knows maybe that is next on their list, but as for me I find it excedingly interesting that Google can do no wrong and as far as it's users are concerned it just keeps streamlining. As far as Google is concerned it can be a major player in EVERY game and thats what counts. Not only do they rule the net as far as searches and email but now they will be able to connect people with ideas that suit them and make it even more functional for it's users. Facebook can't keep up there is no way at this point to climb to the peak of Google, it is growing exponitally every year and even the largest social networking site wont be able to keep up when the time comes.




Google is extremely wise in tackling markets in effortsEve to make money. Will it impact your search rankings? The answer is absolutely yes. Though it may take some time because the site is in a bit of a trial period it will eventually impact your search rankings among other tools used while surfing. I actually just got google+ and like it a lot, so as more users begin to flood the network they will have more wiggle room to do things like this. If you take a look at Google's recent activity its astounding how much they have tapped into. Who knows what they have in store for this new social networking site, but my guess is it  might alter our whole perspective of social media as we know it...


I think the +1 application is brilliant -- not only does it show up in the stream, but it combines as a "liked" page that your friends will view. I highly doubt that the +1 button will significantly impact search rankings, because most people don't care about a Joe Shmo's rating -- people want to see what their friends like, which would limit the search rankings.

As for Google retrieving information from Facebook; that seems nearly impossible. After reading an article from the WSJ, all Google+ ads have been removed from Facebook. Why on earth would Facebook agree to help their biggest competitior? They wouldn't. Everything about these sites seems to be separate with no information linking.

Both sites provide extremely personal information from their uses, which provides the site's advertisers with perfect information to target their ideal consumer. Until privacy laws become stricter, advertisers will receive exactly what they want/need.


I think that Google+ will end up impacting search results for users in the near future. Obviously this change isn't going to take place overnight but I think in the very near future it will begin to change. Google Plus currently has a limited user capacity which is at 10 million users in the first two weeks -- which shows the power that the users will have to affect SEO and SEM. I think the search results for users using Google Plus will be interesting as well seeing as how Google has all the data from Google Plus.


One day I think that +1's on Google items and liking things on Facebook will have an impact on SEO, but it won't be for a while. There are still so many things that marketers need to figure out about facebook "liking" and Google "plussing" before search engines can be designed to have these features impact SEO. For example, how can one prevent programs designed to like or plus everything in an ungenuine or dishonest way? How can people be so sure that liking or plussing things is helpful to a product, especially if involving negative news? How can there be any guarantee that these social media features are tied to strong content or certified links? All of these questions need to be addressed and solved with certainty first. Besides, Google plus is so new that it needs time to be developed. Facebook likes are also typically reserved for statuses.


The facebook 'liking' and the '+1' on Google + has always been fascinating to me. I mocked the notion of 'liking' something just by clicking on it at first, but I'm not realizing that one click of your mouse has never been as signifcant. With just the one click to 'like' or '+1' something; you're giving that product or entitiy your own personal endorsement. You're sending the message to the entire internet that you back and support whichever it is you're 'liking.' This obviously can be extremely significant for the purposes of SEO, so it's interesting to see which direction click on either of those two things takes us in.


I think Google+ and the +1 metric could certainly have an impact someday on SEO, but it largely depends on individual website/organization participation. If sites that currently have social media icons with links to their accounts also start to include a Google +1 button, it would allow users to quickly provide that feedback while their actively engaged in the product, thus increasing the probability that people would provide that +1 feedback. 

A professor I follow from UT Austin has been writing quite a bit on Google+ about how he thinks this will all come together: "I'm very interested in G(oogle)'s strategy here. G(oogle) has been making noises about an inside-out social network for a while - one with which people interact everywhere on the web - and now they have the pieces in place to make that happen, including a browser, a mobile OS, a desktop OS, and several cloud properties. That's remarkable leverage, and figuring out how they'll put together the pieces becomes a fun parlor game. Remember when +1 came out and people claimed that it would flop because it held no value for users? Google understands that value will come from surfacing and relating data sets for users and their friends - and that will of course increase the value of the data for Google's advertising arm in the future." - Clay Spinuzzi (Interesting stuff - thought I'd share!)


I think that for right now +1 will only affect personal networks but it has the potential to affect SEO. I think it will take a while for people to really start using the +1 on a regular basis and then even longer for enough people to use it in order for it to have an affect on search results. Once this happens it will be interesting how the search engines change. Will there be Ads, +1 links, and then natural results? The search results will definitely be different than what we are used to now. With Google+ competing with Facebook now I don't foresee Facebook sharing information on Likes with the search engine. I don't think Likes will have any impact besides via Facebook.


Right now I don't believe that the Google +1 function will make an impact on SEO.  I think that it will largely impact the network for the time being and eventually it may start to impact SEO/SEM if Google+ does take off. I still feel that Google+ is very new to a lot of people, many don't even know what it is yet.   As far as Google knowing about Facebook likes, I'm not sure how that would work out since Google and Facebook don't have that close of a relationship.  It seems that a lot of people in marketing/advertising would like PPC campaigns to be implemented into Google+ and seem to think it would be easier to target interest categories than on Facebook. If a PPC campaign does happen, I believe that the new social network would definitely start to impact search rankings.



Like you and many others, I agree. I do not think that Google+ will take off and drastically make an inpact on SEO. Google+ is new and many people aren't ready to fall into that and use it like Facebook. Like you also mentioned, if a PPC campaign does happen, new social networks will expand and start to take of...even for Google+


I agree with many of the comments below me. I feel as though the +1 feature will only impact my network right off that bat. With time, like mostly everything, it will progress past my network of friends, etc. In the future I could see facebook likes impacting google searches. I mean if you look at it now, I can upload a twitter post to not only twitter but facebook as well. I feel as though facebook and google are too large not to eventually starting feeding off of each other. Time will tell, and I am excited to see what happens next!


SEO and SEM are seriously the wave of the future. Before many companies were marketing blindly to hopeful consumers. Yet with the use of SEM and SEO marketers can narrow down there target markets to the slightest detail. The use of Social Media Sites and search engine observations this will let the marketers see exactly what interests specific individuals and therefore allow them to market interesting products to these prospective customers, that are more likely to purchase these products. I think this strategy is brilliant.This is where +1 Google comes into place. This is similar to the like buttons on Facebook, it's a way of showing approval to online friends or curious consumers you may be interested in purchasing this product but would like more feedback. This will make Google more social and create more of a consumerist network has opposed to social networks such as Facebook.


I think in the immediate future, the +1 metric will only impact your direct network. But as time progresses, as the Google+ world picks up steam, I think we could see the +1 metric having a larger impact on overall search rankings for everyone. On the other hand, I don't see Facebook Likes impacting general search rankings, for the obvious reason you stated of Google and Facebook not having a close relationship. How would they be able to know you liked a Facebook page and translate into the search results?


I started using Google+ last week, after getting familiar with the site and playing with it's different features I really like it and feel it could eventually become a strong rival to facebook. Because it is a part of a major search engine I feel that +1 will greatly impact search rankings while also influencing your network. Because Facebook likes only show up on your newsfeed it does not seem as likely that they will influence a sites search ranking. However, most sites have a # of facebook likes section that a user  can view to see how popular it is. I feel Google+ will rival facebook in that it has the potential to have much more influence over the web then facebook ever did.


Google is the world's most popular search engine; and the way they integrated many useful functions together make this Google+ project very interesting. Click +1 button is the way to show other people that this site is approved by you. It is the same as you recommend something nice to your friends. The more people check out the website the more it help increase the search rankings. In contrast, I don't think that Facebook Likes will have much impact on search rankings because they do not cover as wide applications as Google. Facebook has definitely met its match.


Facebook offers a very similar option as Google's +1 on their web site that allows users to "like" any posts, pages, etc. that they find interesting.  When a user "likes" something, it is automatically posted onto their wall which allows all of their friends to view the post they liked.  I often visit the pages, sites, etc. that my friends like on Facebook because of similar interests and knowing that what they found may be of interest to me.  I have stumbled upon many great events, bands, videos and more from searching through my friends' "likes" on the web site.  I think that the +1 metric will impact search rankings once Google Plus begins to grow and take off and more people begin to +1 pages on their stream.


I think the magnitude of the the Google +1 metric is still yet to be determined greatly. On one hand the concept could catch on fairly easily and impact the areas of internet marketing, sharing information via the web, and SEO. On the other hand, the project could end up becoming an over-hyped flop. Either way it it is an interesting endeavor and is certainly yet another demonstration of how Google as a company continues its attempts to diversify its products and make utilizing the web a little easier for us all. As far as Facebook likes, I am still unclear as to how the company plans to expand the "like" feature outside of what it is currently being used for. However if I were a gambler, I honestly wouldn't place my bets on the success of either project.


What others like on Facebook always becomes the interest of others since it gets posted on others news feeds, and posted on their profile. Facebook and Google + are all about communication and knowing what is going on in the lives of others. I believe that +1 will impact search rankings, but I don't like Facebook Likes will impact search rankings. I feel that the +1 is on a broader scale then Facebook Likes, since the +1 will show up on Google + streams when people +1 an item on Google. Most people currently are unfamiliar with Google+ now but it has the potential to be as popular as Facebook. 


 Matt Cutts has said in the past that they want to integrate social interaction into search rankings . Now the +1 button can make this dream come true. e.g. If you search for “Coke marketing strategy” and figure that the third  page in the search results is better than the first, you can +1 that ranking, in this way, you are telling Google that this search result is the most suitable result for this keyword. Hope to see more special functions of Google+ in the future.


I suspect that Google+ is already working +1 ratings into its algorithm for determining search rankings. It's too valuable of an opportunity to pass up. I think it will be a while before Google+ will have a real impact on my network of friends because it is so new. Most of my circle of friends and family are not even aware that Google+ exists or know what +1 means. They are all so entrenched in Facebook that it could be quite a long time (if ever) before they start using Google+ or switch over completely. Google+ is off to a pretty good start with 10 million users in just a few weeks. It's gotten a lot of buzz with its invitation-only rollout and high-profile early adopters like Chris Brogan. If Google+ were to overtake Facebook, I think it would take a lot longer than it did for Facebook to surpass MySpace.

Chris Brogan avatarI just read a blog post that I think makes some good points. Why does there have to be a "winner"? Mac and PC co-exist and so do Google and Facebook without killing each other. Just like Mac vs PC, I think it's just going to be a matter of preference for each person as to which social platform best meets their needs/solves their problems.

I think Facebook and Google – despite their lack of a close relationship – must acknowledge each other's presence. If millions of people are expressing their brand "likes" on Facebook, Facebook should make the info available to Google and Google shouldn't ignore it.


Interesting development… Even though Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has the most followers on rival site Google+, Facebook has decided to ban Google+ ads on its site. Well, I guess Mr. Zuckerberg has decided he doesn't want to play nice. Does this mean war?


I anticipate that Google+ will attract many users and soon become a large competitor of Facebook.  In response to the ability of users to +1 an item on Google and have it pertain to search rankings, I am not convinced it will make an overall impact in the near future as the users of the internet and Google search are so vast that it would take a while.  In addition, we have to remember and more and more Google search is 'going out of style'.  People are increasingly becoming more influenced by Facebook statuses, blogs and Twitter by getting links to new sites and navigating straight to them. SEO is still very prevelant but with these new resources to such as 'like' and +1, users are getting information from viewing friends pages and 'searching' that way.  I think likes and +1's are thus going to change what we know about SEO. 


I would first like to say that I like that you can "like" pages on Facebook and it actually shows in your info what pages you like which attracts more of your friends to those pages. I know I look at the interest of my friends at times. Therefore, I am a fan of Google+. Although it is taking what Facebook is doing and trying to reconstruct it into something different it is also effective because more and more people are building Google profiles and emails which will then attract those users and become a wonderful marketing strategy for companies who are "liked".


I think that the mission of Google+ is to take what Facebook has with their "like" fan pages, and make it more prfitable for businesses. They want to have the easiest way to take SEO and turn it into something that businesses can spread easier, by promoting their +1 button. I can see it being the new thing that businesses advertise with, and we're gonna start seeing billboards with +1 on them, just like businesses tell customers to like them on Facebook. With the popularity of Google+, making it profitable for businesses will be the easier part, they just need to keep growing as fast as they have been.


I think by this time next year, the +1 metric will impact search rankings. Google+ is in its infancy right now, but it's on a great track with 10 million users in a few weeks, and I believe it will be a huge social network in the next year. The +1 may only affect your network right now, but I think Google will push it out as a wider ranking metric over time.

I'm not sure how Facebook Likes will impact search ranking since they're still holding tightly on to user information. I think Facebook Likes do impact networks right now, and with enough popularity and sharing in Facebook, a link can move up in search rankings.


I think that Google+ is only going to impact the search results of those who have a network of people who also use Google+. If you alone use Google+ than your friends likes wouldn't show up on your search results. I am unsure of how Google+ will impact the social media world. I think it depends how many people use it and to what extent they use it.

Derek Mehraban's picture
Google, SEO