The Big Game

This coming week is the big game between Michigan State and Michigan. Anyone going to the game? We've had some great games with Michigan, winning many over the last years. This year it's gonna be a battle.

We've been working to get more fans on Fantelope to follow MSU and get credit and prizes for using Fantelope to post their social media. You can earn points for sharing on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And for checking in to watch the game.

Ever want to "snooze" your friends?

I often ask students what bothers them most about social media. "Annoying status updates" is a common response. Whether it's over sharing, charged political views or public fights... it seems we all have connections that rub us the wrong way from time to time.

Derek Mehraban's picture

Summer Vacation

I see some of your are spending the summer in far away places like China. That is super cool. I've been spending my summer teaching and driving my girls to swim practice. We will head to Park City for a week so that should be a nice break.

Remember our agency tour is Tuesday, August 15 from 10 AM - 12 Noon at Doner in Southfield. Please be sure to email me and RSVP so I can give a full count to Doner.

So I have to ask - what's the coolest place you went this summer? Could be a concert, camping trip, or exotic vacation. Where'd you go? Peace out. Go Green.

Derek Mehraban's picture

Summer of Amazon

This summer Amazon has been on the move. Buying Whole Foods. Today was Amazong Prime day. Amazon is a category killer and seems to be killing more than one category.

How do you use Amazon? Who do you think wins the battle for home systems like Alexa, Siri or Google? Are you Prime?

Derek Mehraban's picture

Your social network

Curious what your #1 social network is? Mine used to be Facebook, but now i'm more on Instagram. Still using Snapchat and Twitter too, but mostly Instagram.

It's amazing how fast things change. What's your best network and second best? How often do you use that social network? On your phone or on desktop?

Happy July 4th.