Your questions on school, career and life?

Most of you will have a dozen or more jobs in your lifetime. Some job changes will also mean a different career.

Socialnomics Video 2015

Alright class, watch the future of digital media with the Socialnomics video by MSU Alumni, Erik Qualman. After you watch, please share your comments below. Thanks for being a great class, this is your final participation grade of the semester. #GoGreen

Your future in digital marketing and other questions answered

Howdy, all. Wanted to answer a few of your questions from last week below. Keep 'em coming!

- Graham 

How does a company decide how much money it is going to allocate for online marketing and digital content?

Ross Johnson's picture

Determining KPIs, How to Start a Blog and Why Don't People Spend More on Digital?

Q: In a world that has a continuing emphasis on growth digitally, why would a company choose to only allocate around 20% of their marketing budget towards digital media? Where are the other major areas that the budget is being allocated?

A: It's hard to say for sure, but I suspect a variety of reasons. One, some companies might be slow to change because large organizations are naturally slow. A small company and quickly shift most of their advertising budget to digital, but for that to happen with a large company there has to be a culture shift.

Derek Mehraban's picture

Sunny Day Answers to Digital Marketing Questions

Q. Regarding the Big Idea in the full Digital Strategy, should everything ultimately relate back to that Big Idea and incorporate the Big Idea? Or are some concepts allowed to not relate completely to the Big Idea?