Kony 2012: The New Viral Video

For this week’s youtube assignment I chose to pick a person who has just recently gone viral, the Invisible Children non-profit organization and the video “Kony 2012”. I watched the video last Wednesday when it had 8,000,000 views and by Friday it had 55,000,000 million views. The video broke the record for going viral on the internet. This is the first time in human history where a video for a non-profit organization gained this much attention and it’s amazing. Not only did the organization use youtube , they utilized all social media.

YouTube - yesterday, today and tomorrow...

Welcome back from your SpringBreak.  Chances are - some of your (or your friends') experiences were captured on video.  Some of these videos will end up on YouTube - some will go viral, others will not.

Check out this insightful article from The New Yorker (fair warning - it's pretty lenghty, but definitely worth the read).

YouTube of Change...

Have you seen the latest news?


YouTube is partering with scores of Celebrities and Production companies (including Ashton Kutcher, Madonna, Shaq, The Onion, WWE, InStyle and more) and is re-designing it's interface around Channels to bring in more high-quality, TV-like content.

Add that to recently announced update to Google TV project and....


Spartan Sagas at New Media Drivers License

Spartans, have you created your Spartan Saga yet? Now is your chance to show why you are a Spartan and what makes you and MSU so unique. MSU is driven by creative and hardworking individuals who know how to succeed, help others, and accomplish great things.

YouTube To Release Schedule Channels

Over the past several months YouTube has been purchasing content and hiring production studios to make more content. Supposedly, this new content is YouTube’s way to speed up cord cutting where people increasingly turn online for video content instead of the television. About a dozen channels are said to be in the coming release. Some of these channels already exist such as comedy, drama, food, travel and news. Some new channels will be created.

Online Video Strategy: Val's Art Diary

Artist Andy Warhol was correct in 1968 when he said, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Forty-three years later, the widespread use of social media in nearly every aspect of life has democratized the attainment of fame. These days anyone can easily become famous just by creating a video about anything and freely posting it on YouTube. If the video is compelling, funny or shocking enough, it could go viral and be seen by millions of people around the world.

Key Points: Going Viral & The Content-Rich Web Site

The 5 key points from Going Viral: The Web Helps Audiences Catch the Fever

“Going viral” is when an idea or information (e.g., video or commercial) is quickly spread globally by email, tweets, and constant chatter online and off for (usually) a short period of time. Positive viral activity about an organization or its product is a marketer’s dream come true.

Videos and Websites: Top Points from Chapters 8 and 9

David Meerman Scott's book The New Rules of Marketing and PR show us how to update our thinking from the traditional public relations ways. Here are the five points I thought were most important from chapters 8 and 9:

Going Viral: The Web Helps Audiences Catch the Fever

Val's Art Diary is genius!

What a fun idea! Val is an artist that is using social media to promote her art. Realizing that this is the new age of online content, she wanted to make something that would be fun and interesting. On youtube she explains her art is funny ways that keeps the viewer interested and on facebook she keeps in touch with her fans by using some of the comments they make in her videos.

YouTube is An Advertising Magnet

YouTube claims to now have more than 20,000 advertisers. These advertisers run the gamut from the large Super Bowl advertisers to the small firms. This growth is partly because YouTube is trying to reach out to digital agencies to attract the smaller firms. One example of this outreach is TrueView, where the advertiser only pays if a viewer chooses to watch a video. The digital agency can expect other outreaches as well.

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