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Why Is Red Bull a Social Media Genius?

Social media marketing is defined as the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service, and Red Bull has become a master at spreading their mindset that “Red Bull gives you wings.” Through videos, pictures, interviews, etc.

What do you think about the Facebook Privacy scandal?

If you haven't heard about the Facebook privacy scandal yet, please read this summary here. Do some additional Google searches if you want more information. 

Once you feel confident you understand what happened I want to know your opinion on the whole thing. Are you upset? Why or why not? What implications do you think this will have for the future of online privacy?

Taking a Social Media Break

OK, how many of you have taken a real break from social media? It could be for Lent, or because you spend too much time on your phone, or whatever.

Here is an article on the benefits of taking a break on social.

Maybe take a moment and look at your battery on your iPhone to see where you spend the most time. Give me a 7 day reading of the hours you spend and what you top social network is. Mine is Facebook and it's 9.8 hours over the past 7 days. Wow!

2018 Predictions

As we begin a new year full of promise we'd like to hear your predictions for what is coming. Good things? Tell us what you feel is on the horizon in 2018. Inquiring minds want to know!


Final Exam

How to use Linkedin?

So you are building your LinkedIn profile. Why would you do such a thing? Well maybe because you're looking to build your professional career? LinkedIn is a great place to tell your story and show the best of what you can do. 

Here are some tips to improve your LinkedIn results:

- You are what your say you are. Put something you want to be known for in your Headline.

- Write a full and descriptive summary of you - use keywords to help show up in search results. It can be long - but put the best stuff at the top, because people may not read too far down.

Ever want to "snooze" your friends?

I often ask students what bothers them most about social media. "Annoying status updates" is a common response. Whether it's over sharing, charged political views or public fights... it seems we all have connections that rub us the wrong way from time to time.

Planet of the Apps & More

Has anyone watched Planet of the Apps? It's a new show on iTunes with Gary Vee, Will.I.AM, Gwenyth, and Jessica Alba. It's pretty fun as it's like Shark Tank for apps. 

Who else has a favorite show they are watching? I am deep into the latest season of House of Cards. And of course Silicon Valley. These days the choices for shows are pretty amazing. And they can be very relevant to our lives and business too. 

What's your favorites? Add in the comments.

How Patagonia Advertises their Products with Politics

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